AWS AppSync

2021/02/12 - AWS AppSync - 4 updated api methods

Changes  Approve release for appsync local on pipeline resolver

CreateFunction (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'syncConfig': {'conflictDetection': 'VERSION | NONE',
                'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY | LAMBDA | '
                                   'AUTOMERGE | NONE',
                'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'}}}
{'functionConfiguration': {'syncConfig': {'conflictDetection': 'VERSION | NONE',
                                          'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY '
                                                             '| LAMBDA | '
                                                             'AUTOMERGE | NONE',
                                          'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'}}}}

Creates a Function object.

A function is a reusable entity. Multiple functions can be used to compose the resolver logic.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'conflictDetection': 'VERSION'|'NONE',
        'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {
            'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'
type apiId


param apiId


The GraphQL API ID.

type name


param name


The Function name. The function name does not have to be unique.

type description


param description

The Function description.

type dataSourceName


param dataSourceName


The Function DataSource name.

type requestMappingTemplate


param requestMappingTemplate

The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

type responseMappingTemplate


param responseMappingTemplate

The Function response mapping template.

type functionVersion


param functionVersion


The version of the request mapping template. Currently the supported value is 2018-05-29.

type syncConfig


param syncConfig

Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

  • conflictHandler (string) --

    The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.

    • OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY : Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.

    • AUTOMERGE : Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.

    • LAMBDA : Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

  • conflictDetection (string) --

    The Conflict Detection strategy to use.

    • VERSION : Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.

    • NONE : Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

  • lambdaConflictHandlerConfig (dict) --

    The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

    • lambdaConflictHandlerArn (string) --

      The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.




Response Syntax

    'functionConfiguration': {
        'functionId': 'string',
        'functionArn': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'dataSourceName': 'string',
        'requestMappingTemplate': 'string',
        'responseMappingTemplate': 'string',
        'functionVersion': 'string',
        'syncConfig': {
            'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY'|'LAMBDA'|'AUTOMERGE'|'NONE',
            'conflictDetection': 'VERSION'|'NONE',
            'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {
                'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • functionConfiguration (dict) --

      The Function object.

      • functionId (string) --

        A unique ID representing the Function object.

      • functionArn (string) --

        The ARN of the Function object.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the Function object.

      • description (string) --

        The Function description.

      • dataSourceName (string) --

        The name of the DataSource .

      • requestMappingTemplate (string) --

        The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

      • responseMappingTemplate (string) --

        The Function response mapping template.

      • functionVersion (string) --

        The version of the request mapping template. Currently only the 2018-05-29 version of the template is supported.

      • syncConfig (dict) --

        Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

        Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

        • conflictHandler (string) --

          The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.

          • OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY : Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.

          • AUTOMERGE : Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.

          • LAMBDA : Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

        • conflictDetection (string) --

          The Conflict Detection strategy to use.

          • VERSION : Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.

          • NONE : Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

        • lambdaConflictHandlerConfig (dict) --

          The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

          • lambdaConflictHandlerArn (string) --

            The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.

GetFunction (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'functionConfiguration': {'syncConfig': {'conflictDetection': 'VERSION | NONE',
                                          'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY '
                                                             '| LAMBDA | '
                                                             'AUTOMERGE | NONE',
                                          'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'}}}}

Get a Function .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type apiId


param apiId


The GraphQL API ID.

type functionId


param functionId


The Function ID.




Response Syntax

    'functionConfiguration': {
        'functionId': 'string',
        'functionArn': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'dataSourceName': 'string',
        'requestMappingTemplate': 'string',
        'responseMappingTemplate': 'string',
        'functionVersion': 'string',
        'syncConfig': {
            'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY'|'LAMBDA'|'AUTOMERGE'|'NONE',
            'conflictDetection': 'VERSION'|'NONE',
            'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {
                'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • functionConfiguration (dict) --

      The Function object.

      • functionId (string) --

        A unique ID representing the Function object.

      • functionArn (string) --

        The ARN of the Function object.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the Function object.

      • description (string) --

        The Function description.

      • dataSourceName (string) --

        The name of the DataSource .

      • requestMappingTemplate (string) --

        The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

      • responseMappingTemplate (string) --

        The Function response mapping template.

      • functionVersion (string) --

        The version of the request mapping template. Currently only the 2018-05-29 version of the template is supported.

      • syncConfig (dict) --

        Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

        Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

        • conflictHandler (string) --

          The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.

          • OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY : Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.

          • AUTOMERGE : Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.

          • LAMBDA : Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

        • conflictDetection (string) --

          The Conflict Detection strategy to use.

          • VERSION : Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.

          • NONE : Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

        • lambdaConflictHandlerConfig (dict) --

          The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

          • lambdaConflictHandlerArn (string) --

            The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.

ListFunctions (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'functions': {'syncConfig': {'conflictDetection': 'VERSION | NONE',
                              'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY | '
                                                 'LAMBDA | AUTOMERGE | NONE',
                              'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'}}}}

List multiple functions.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type apiId


param apiId


The GraphQL API ID.

type nextToken


param nextToken

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

type maxResults


param maxResults

The maximum number of results you want the request to return.




Response Syntax

    'functions': [
            'functionId': 'string',
            'functionArn': 'string',
            'name': 'string',
            'description': 'string',
            'dataSourceName': 'string',
            'requestMappingTemplate': 'string',
            'responseMappingTemplate': 'string',
            'functionVersion': 'string',
            'syncConfig': {
                'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY'|'LAMBDA'|'AUTOMERGE'|'NONE',
                'conflictDetection': 'VERSION'|'NONE',
                'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {
                    'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • functions (list) --

      A list of Function objects.

      • (dict) --

        A function is a reusable entity. Multiple functions can be used to compose the resolver logic.

        • functionId (string) --

          A unique ID representing the Function object.

        • functionArn (string) --

          The ARN of the Function object.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the Function object.

        • description (string) --

          The Function description.

        • dataSourceName (string) --

          The name of the DataSource .

        • requestMappingTemplate (string) --

          The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

        • responseMappingTemplate (string) --

          The Function response mapping template.

        • functionVersion (string) --

          The version of the request mapping template. Currently only the 2018-05-29 version of the template is supported.

        • syncConfig (dict) --

          Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

          Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

          • conflictHandler (string) --

            The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.

            • OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY : Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.

            • AUTOMERGE : Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.

            • LAMBDA : Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

          • conflictDetection (string) --

            The Conflict Detection strategy to use.

            • VERSION : Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.

            • NONE : Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

          • lambdaConflictHandlerConfig (dict) --

            The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

            • lambdaConflictHandlerArn (string) --

              The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.

    • nextToken (string) --

      An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

UpdateFunction (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'syncConfig': {'conflictDetection': 'VERSION | NONE',
                'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY | LAMBDA | '
                                   'AUTOMERGE | NONE',
                'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'}}}
{'functionConfiguration': {'syncConfig': {'conflictDetection': 'VERSION | NONE',
                                          'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY '
                                                             '| LAMBDA | '
                                                             'AUTOMERGE | NONE',
                                          'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'}}}}

Updates a Function object.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'conflictDetection': 'VERSION'|'NONE',
        'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {
            'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'
type apiId


param apiId


The GraphQL API ID.

type name


param name


The Function name.

type description


param description

The Function description.

type functionId


param functionId


The function ID.

type dataSourceName


param dataSourceName


The Function DataSource name.

type requestMappingTemplate


param requestMappingTemplate

The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

type responseMappingTemplate


param responseMappingTemplate

The Function request mapping template.

type functionVersion


param functionVersion


The version of the request mapping template. Currently the supported value is 2018-05-29.

type syncConfig


param syncConfig

Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

  • conflictHandler (string) --

    The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.

    • OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY : Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.

    • AUTOMERGE : Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.

    • LAMBDA : Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

  • conflictDetection (string) --

    The Conflict Detection strategy to use.

    • VERSION : Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.

    • NONE : Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

  • lambdaConflictHandlerConfig (dict) --

    The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

    • lambdaConflictHandlerArn (string) --

      The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.




Response Syntax

    'functionConfiguration': {
        'functionId': 'string',
        'functionArn': 'string',
        'name': 'string',
        'description': 'string',
        'dataSourceName': 'string',
        'requestMappingTemplate': 'string',
        'responseMappingTemplate': 'string',
        'functionVersion': 'string',
        'syncConfig': {
            'conflictHandler': 'OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY'|'LAMBDA'|'AUTOMERGE'|'NONE',
            'conflictDetection': 'VERSION'|'NONE',
            'lambdaConflictHandlerConfig': {
                'lambdaConflictHandlerArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • functionConfiguration (dict) --

      The Function object.

      • functionId (string) --

        A unique ID representing the Function object.

      • functionArn (string) --

        The ARN of the Function object.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the Function object.

      • description (string) --

        The Function description.

      • dataSourceName (string) --

        The name of the DataSource .

      • requestMappingTemplate (string) --

        The Function request mapping template. Functions support only the 2018-05-29 version of the request mapping template.

      • responseMappingTemplate (string) --

        The Function response mapping template.

      • functionVersion (string) --

        The version of the request mapping template. Currently only the 2018-05-29 version of the template is supported.

      • syncConfig (dict) --

        Describes a Sync configuration for a resolver.

        Contains information on which Conflict Detection as well as Resolution strategy should be performed when the resolver is invoked.

        • conflictHandler (string) --

          The Conflict Resolution strategy to perform in the event of a conflict.

          • OPTIMISTIC_CONCURRENCY : Resolve conflicts by rejecting mutations when versions do not match the latest version at the server.

          • AUTOMERGE : Resolve conflicts with the Automerge conflict resolution strategy.

          • LAMBDA : Resolve conflicts with a Lambda function supplied in the LambdaConflictHandlerConfig.

        • conflictDetection (string) --

          The Conflict Detection strategy to use.

          • VERSION : Detect conflicts based on object versions for this resolver.

          • NONE : Do not detect conflicts when executing this resolver.

        • lambdaConflictHandlerConfig (dict) --

          The LambdaConflictHandlerConfig when configuring LAMBDA as the Conflict Handler.

          • lambdaConflictHandlerArn (string) --

            The Arn for the Lambda function to use as the Conflict Handler.