2022/07/22 - AWS IoT Core Device Advisor - 5 updated api methods
Changes Added new service feature (Early access only) - Long Duration Test, where customers can test the IoT device to observe how it behaves when the device is in operation for longer period.
{'suiteDefinitionConfiguration': {'isLongDurationTest': 'boolean', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1 | MqttV5'}}
Creates a Device Advisor test suite.
Requires permission to access the CreateSuiteDefinition action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_suite_definition( suiteDefinitionConfiguration={ 'suiteDefinitionName': 'string', 'devices': [ { 'thingArn': 'string', 'certificateArn': 'string' }, ], 'intendedForQualification': True|False, 'isLongDurationTest': True|False, 'rootGroup': 'string', 'devicePermissionRoleArn': 'string', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1'|'MqttV5' }, tags={ 'string': 'string' } )
Creates a Device Advisor test suite with suite definition configuration.
suiteDefinitionName (string) --
Gets Suite Definition Configuration name.
devices (list) --
Gets the devices configured.
(dict) --
Information of a test device. A thing ARN or a certificate ARN is required.
thingArn (string) --
Lists devices thing ARN.
certificateArn (string) --
Lists devices certificate ARN.
intendedForQualification (boolean) --
Gets the tests intended for qualification in a suite.
isLongDurationTest (boolean) --
Verifies if the test suite is a long duration test.
rootGroup (string) --
Gets test suite root group.
devicePermissionRoleArn (string) --
Gets the device permission ARN.
protocol (string) --
Gets the MQTT protocol that is configured in the suite definition.
The tags to be attached to the suite definition.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'suiteDefinitionId': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionArn': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionName': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
suiteDefinitionId (string) --
Creates a Device Advisor test suite with suite UUID.
suiteDefinitionArn (string) --
Creates a Device Advisor test suite with Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
suiteDefinitionName (string) --
Creates a Device Advisor test suite with suite definition name.
createdAt (datetime) --
Creates a Device Advisor test suite with TimeStamp of when it was created.
{'suiteDefinitionConfiguration': {'isLongDurationTest': 'boolean', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1 | MqttV5'}}
Gets information about a Device Advisor test suite.
Requires permission to access the GetSuiteDefinition action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_suite_definition( suiteDefinitionId='string', suiteDefinitionVersion='string' )
Suite definition ID of the test suite to get.
Suite definition version of the test suite to get.
Response Syntax
{ 'suiteDefinitionId': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionArn': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionVersion': 'string', 'latestVersion': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionConfiguration': { 'suiteDefinitionName': 'string', 'devices': [ { 'thingArn': 'string', 'certificateArn': 'string' }, ], 'intendedForQualification': True|False, 'isLongDurationTest': True|False, 'rootGroup': 'string', 'devicePermissionRoleArn': 'string', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1'|'MqttV5' }, 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastModifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
suiteDefinitionId (string) --
Suite definition ID of the suite definition.
suiteDefinitionArn (string) --
The ARN of the suite definition.
suiteDefinitionVersion (string) --
Suite definition version of the suite definition.
latestVersion (string) --
Latest suite definition version of the suite definition.
suiteDefinitionConfiguration (dict) --
Suite configuration of the suite definition.
suiteDefinitionName (string) --
Gets Suite Definition Configuration name.
devices (list) --
Gets the devices configured.
(dict) --
Information of a test device. A thing ARN or a certificate ARN is required.
thingArn (string) --
Lists devices thing ARN.
certificateArn (string) --
Lists devices certificate ARN.
intendedForQualification (boolean) --
Gets the tests intended for qualification in a suite.
isLongDurationTest (boolean) --
Verifies if the test suite is a long duration test.
rootGroup (string) --
Gets test suite root group.
devicePermissionRoleArn (string) --
Gets the device permission ARN.
protocol (string) --
Gets the MQTT protocol that is configured in the suite definition.
createdAt (datetime) --
Date (in Unix epoch time) when the suite definition was created.
lastModifiedAt (datetime) --
Date (in Unix epoch time) when the suite definition was last modified.
tags (dict) --
Tags attached to the suite definition.
(string) --
(string) --
{'testResult': {'groups': {'tests': {'testScenarios': [{'failure': 'string', 'status': 'PASS | FAIL ' '| CANCELED ' '| PENDING | ' 'RUNNING | ' 'STOPPING | ' 'STOPPED | ' 'PASS_WITH_WARNINGS ' '| ERROR', 'systemMessage': 'string', 'testCaseScenarioId': 'string', 'testCaseScenarioType': 'Advanced ' '| ' 'Basic'}]}}}}
Gets information about a Device Advisor test suite run.
Requires permission to access the GetSuiteRun action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_suite_run( suiteDefinitionId='string', suiteRunId='string' )
Suite definition ID for the test suite run.
Suite run ID for the test suite run.
Response Syntax
{ 'suiteDefinitionId': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionVersion': 'string', 'suiteRunId': 'string', 'suiteRunArn': 'string', 'suiteRunConfiguration': { 'primaryDevice': { 'thingArn': 'string', 'certificateArn': 'string' }, 'selectedTestList': [ 'string', ], 'parallelRun': True|False }, 'testResult': { 'groups': [ { 'groupId': 'string', 'groupName': 'string', 'tests': [ { 'testCaseRunId': 'string', 'testCaseDefinitionId': 'string', 'testCaseDefinitionName': 'string', 'status': 'PASS'|'FAIL'|'CANCELED'|'PENDING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'PASS_WITH_WARNINGS'|'ERROR', 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'logUrl': 'string', 'warnings': 'string', 'failure': 'string', 'testScenarios': [ { 'testCaseScenarioId': 'string', 'testCaseScenarioType': 'Advanced'|'Basic', 'status': 'PASS'|'FAIL'|'CANCELED'|'PENDING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'PASS_WITH_WARNINGS'|'ERROR', 'failure': 'string', 'systemMessage': 'string' }, ] }, ] }, ] }, 'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'endTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'status': 'PASS'|'FAIL'|'CANCELED'|'PENDING'|'RUNNING'|'STOPPING'|'STOPPED'|'PASS_WITH_WARNINGS'|'ERROR', 'errorReason': 'string', 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
suiteDefinitionId (string) --
Suite definition ID for the test suite run.
suiteDefinitionVersion (string) --
Suite definition version for the test suite run.
suiteRunId (string) --
Suite run ID for the test suite run.
suiteRunArn (string) --
The ARN of the suite run.
suiteRunConfiguration (dict) --
Suite run configuration for the test suite run.
primaryDevice (dict) --
Gets the primary device for suite run.
thingArn (string) --
Lists devices thing ARN.
certificateArn (string) --
Lists devices certificate ARN.
selectedTestList (list) --
Gets test case list.
(string) --
parallelRun (boolean) --
TRUE if multiple test suites run in parallel.
testResult (dict) --
Test results for the test suite run.
groups (list) --
Show each group of test results.
(dict) --
Show Group Result.
groupId (string) --
Group result ID.
groupName (string) --
Group Result Name.
tests (list) --
Tests under Group Result.
(dict) --
Provides the test case run.
testCaseRunId (string) --
Provides the test case run ID.
testCaseDefinitionId (string) --
Provides the test case run definition ID.
testCaseDefinitionName (string) --
Provides the test case run definition name.
status (string) --
Provides the test case run status. Status is one of the following:
PASS : Test passed.
FAIL : Test failed.
PENDING : Test has not started running but is scheduled.
RUNNING : Test is running.
STOPPING : Test is performing cleanup steps. You will see this status only if you stop a suite run.
STOPPED Test is stopped. You will see this status only if you stop a suite run.
PASS_WITH_WARNINGS : Test passed with warnings.
ERORR : Test faced an error when running due to an internal issue.
startTime (datetime) --
Provides test case run start time.
endTime (datetime) --
Provides test case run end time.
logUrl (string) --
Provides test case run log URL.
warnings (string) --
Provides test case run warnings.
failure (string) --
Provides test case run failure result.
testScenarios (list) --
Provides the test scenarios for the test case run.
(dict) --
Provides test case scenario.
testCaseScenarioId (string) --
Provides test case scenario ID.
testCaseScenarioType (string) --
Provides test case scenario type. Type is one of the following:
status (string) --
Provides the test case scenario status. Status is one of the following:
PASS : Test passed.
FAIL : Test failed.
PENDING : Test has not started running but is scheduled.
RUNNING : Test is running.
STOPPING : Test is performing cleanup steps. You will see this status only if you stop a suite run.
STOPPED Test is stopped. You will see this status only if you stop a suite run.
PASS_WITH_WARNINGS : Test passed with warnings.
ERORR : Test faced an error when running due to an internal issue.
failure (string) --
Provides test case scenario failure result.
systemMessage (string) --
startTime (datetime) --
Date (in Unix epoch time) when the test suite run started.
endTime (datetime) --
Date (in Unix epoch time) when the test suite run ended.
status (string) --
Status for the test suite run.
errorReason (string) --
Error reason for any test suite run failure.
tags (dict) --
The tags attached to the suite run.
(string) --
(string) --
{'suiteDefinitionInformationList': {'isLongDurationTest': 'boolean', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1 | MqttV5'}}
Lists the Device Advisor test suites you have created.
Requires permission to access the ListSuiteDefinitions action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_suite_definitions( maxResults=123, nextToken='string' )
The maximum number of results to return at once.
A token used to get the next set of results.
Response Syntax
{ 'suiteDefinitionInformationList': [ { 'suiteDefinitionId': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionName': 'string', 'defaultDevices': [ { 'thingArn': 'string', 'certificateArn': 'string' }, ], 'intendedForQualification': True|False, 'isLongDurationTest': True|False, 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1'|'MqttV5', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }, ], 'nextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
suiteDefinitionInformationList (list) --
An array of objects that provide summaries of information about the suite definitions in the list.
(dict) --
Information about the suite definition.
suiteDefinitionId (string) --
Suite definition ID of the test suite.
suiteDefinitionName (string) --
Suite name of the test suite.
defaultDevices (list) --
Specifies the devices that are under test for the test suite.
(dict) --
Information of a test device. A thing ARN or a certificate ARN is required.
thingArn (string) --
Lists devices thing ARN.
certificateArn (string) --
Lists devices certificate ARN.
intendedForQualification (boolean) --
Specifies if the test suite is intended for qualification.
isLongDurationTest (boolean) --
Verifies if the test suite is a long duration test.
protocol (string) --
Gets the MQTT protocol that is configured in the suite definition.
createdAt (datetime) --
Date (in Unix epoch time) when the test suite was created.
nextToken (string) --
A token used to get the next set of results.
{'suiteDefinitionConfiguration': {'isLongDurationTest': 'boolean', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1 | MqttV5'}}
Updates a Device Advisor test suite.
Requires permission to access the UpdateSuiteDefinition action.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_suite_definition( suiteDefinitionId='string', suiteDefinitionConfiguration={ 'suiteDefinitionName': 'string', 'devices': [ { 'thingArn': 'string', 'certificateArn': 'string' }, ], 'intendedForQualification': True|False, 'isLongDurationTest': True|False, 'rootGroup': 'string', 'devicePermissionRoleArn': 'string', 'protocol': 'MqttV3_1_1'|'MqttV5' } )
Suite definition ID of the test suite to be updated.
Updates a Device Advisor test suite with suite definition configuration.
suiteDefinitionName (string) --
Gets Suite Definition Configuration name.
devices (list) --
Gets the devices configured.
(dict) --
Information of a test device. A thing ARN or a certificate ARN is required.
thingArn (string) --
Lists devices thing ARN.
certificateArn (string) --
Lists devices certificate ARN.
intendedForQualification (boolean) --
Gets the tests intended for qualification in a suite.
isLongDurationTest (boolean) --
Verifies if the test suite is a long duration test.
rootGroup (string) --
Gets test suite root group.
devicePermissionRoleArn (string) --
Gets the device permission ARN.
protocol (string) --
Gets the MQTT protocol that is configured in the suite definition.
Response Syntax
{ 'suiteDefinitionId': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionArn': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionName': 'string', 'suiteDefinitionVersion': 'string', 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'lastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1) }
Response Structure
(dict) --
suiteDefinitionId (string) --
Suite definition ID of the updated test suite.
suiteDefinitionArn (string) --
Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the updated test suite.
suiteDefinitionName (string) --
Suite definition name of the updated test suite.
suiteDefinitionVersion (string) --
Suite definition version of the updated test suite.
createdAt (datetime) --
Timestamp of when the test suite was created.
lastUpdatedAt (datetime) --
Timestamp of when the test suite was updated.