2017/11/30 - AWSServerlessApplicationRepository - 9 new api methods
Changes First release of the AWS Serverless Application Repository SDK
Puts the policy for the specified application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.put_application_policy( ApplicationId='string', Statements=[ { 'Actions': [ 'string', ], 'Principals': [ 'string', ], 'StatementId': 'string' }, ] )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to put policy for
Array of policy statements applied to the application.
(dict) -- Policy statement applied to the application.
Actions (list) -- A list of supported actions:nn GetApplication n nn CreateCloudFormationChangeSet n nn ListApplicationVersions n nn SearchApplications n nn Deploy (Note: This action enables all other actions above.)
(string) --
Principals (list) -- An AWS account ID, or * to make the application public.
(string) --
StatementId (string) -- A unique ID for the statement.
Response Syntax
{ 'Statements': [ { 'Actions': [ 'string', ], 'Principals': [ 'string', ], 'StatementId': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success
Statements (list) -- Array of policy statements applied to the application.
(dict) -- Policy statement applied to the application.
Actions (list) -- A list of supported actions:nn GetApplication n nn CreateCloudFormationChangeSet n nn ListApplicationVersions n nn SearchApplications n nn Deploy (Note: This action enables all other actions above.)
(string) --
Principals (list) -- An AWS account ID, or * to make the application public.
(string) --
StatementId (string) -- A unique ID for the statement.
Creates an application, optionally including an AWS SAM file to create the first application version in the same call.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_application( Author='string', Description='string', Labels=[ 'string', ], LicenseBody='string', LicenseUrl='string', Name='string', ReadmeBody='string', ReadmeUrl='string', SemanticVersion='string', SourceCodeUrl='string', SpdxLicenseId='string', TemplateBody='string', TemplateUrl='string' )
The name of the author publishing the app.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127.nPattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
The description of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=256
Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10nPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
(string) --
A raw text file that contains the license of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID of your application.nMax size 5 MB
A link to a license file of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID of your application.nMax size 5 MB
The name of the application you want to publish.nMin Length=1. Max Length=140nPattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+";
A raw text Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
A link to the Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
A valid identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/ .
The raw packaged SAM template of your application.
A link to the packaged SAM template of your application.
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'Author': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Labels': [ 'string', ], 'LicenseUrl': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ReadmeUrl': 'string', 'SpdxLicenseId': 'string', 'Version': { 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'ParameterDefinitions': [ { 'AllowedPattern': 'string', 'AllowedValues': [ 'string', ], 'ConstraintDescription': 'string', 'DefaultValue': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'MaxLength': 123, 'MaxValue': 123, 'MinLength': 123, 'MinValue': 123, 'Name': 'string', 'NoEcho': True|False, 'ReferencedByResources': [ 'string', ], 'Type': 'string' }, ], 'SemanticVersion': 'string', 'SourceCodeUrl': 'string', 'TemplateUrl': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) -- 201 response
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Author (string) -- The name of the author publishing the app.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127.nPattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
Description (string) -- The description of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=256
Labels (list) -- Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10nPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
(string) --
LicenseUrl (string) -- A link to a license file of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID of your application.nMax size 5 MB
Name (string) -- The name of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=140nPattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+";
ReadmeUrl (string) -- A link to the Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
SpdxLicenseId (string) -- A valid identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/.
Version (dict) -- Version information about the application.
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
ParameterDefinitions (list) -- Array of parameter types supported by the application.
(dict) -- Parameters supported by the application.
AllowedPattern (string) -- A regular expression that represents the patterns to allow for String types.
AllowedValues (list) -- Array containing the list of values allowed for the parameter.
(string) --
ConstraintDescription (string) -- A string that explains a constraint when the constraint is violated. For example, without a constraint description,n a parameter that has an allowed pattern of [A-Za-z0-9]+ displays the following error message when the usern specifies an invalid value:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must match pattern [A-Za-z0-9]+ n nBy adding a constraint description, such as "must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers," you can displayn the following customized error message:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
DefaultValue (string) -- A value of the appropriate type for the template to use if no value is specified when a stack is created.n If you define constraints for the parameter, you must specify a value that adheres to those constraints.
Description (string) -- A string of up to 4,000 characters that describes the parameter.
MaxLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the largest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MaxValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the largest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
MinLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the smallest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MinValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the smallest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
Name (string) -- The name of the parameter.
NoEcho (boolean) -- Whether to mask the parameter value whenever anyone makes a call that describes the stack. If you set then value to true, the parameter value is masked with asterisks (*).
ReferencedByResources (list) -- A list of SAM resources that use this parameter.
(string) --
Type (string) -- The type of the parameter.nValid values: String | Number | List| CommaDelimitedList n nn String : A literal string.nFor example, users could specify "MyUserName" .nn Number : An integer or float. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as a number; however, when you use then parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a string.nFor example, users could specify "8888" .nn List: An array of integers or floats that are separated by commas. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as numbers; however, whenn you use the parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a list of strings.nFor example, users could specify "80,20", and a Ref results in ["80","20"] .nn CommaDelimitedList : An array of literal strings that are separated by commas. The total number of strings should be one more than the total number of commas.n Also, each member string is space-trimmed.nFor example, users could specify "test,dev,prod", and a Ref results in ["test","dev","prod"] .
SemanticVersion (string) -- The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
SourceCodeUrl (string) -- A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
TemplateUrl (string) -- A link to the packaged SAM template of your application.
Creates an AWS CloudFormation ChangeSet for the given application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_cloud_formation_change_set( ApplicationId='string', ParameterOverrides=[ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], SemanticVersion='string', StackName='string' )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to create the ChangeSet for
A list of parameter values for the parameters of the application.
(dict) -- Parameter value of the application.
Name (string) -- The key associated with the parameter. If you don't specify a key and value for a particular parameter, AWS CloudFormationn uses the default value that is specified in your template.
Value (string) -- The input value associated with the parameter.
The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
The name or the unique ID of the stack for which you are creating a change set. AWS CloudFormation generatesn the change set by comparing this stack's information with the information that you submit, such as a modifiedn template or different parameter input values. nConstraints: Minimum length of 1.nPattern: ([a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*)|(arn:b(aws|aws-us-gov|aws-cn)b:[-a-zA-Z0-9:/._+]*)
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'ChangeSetId': 'string', 'SemanticVersion': 'string', 'StackId': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- 201 response
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
ChangeSetId (string) -- The ARN of the change set.nLength Constraints: Minimum length of 1.nPattern: arn:[-a-zA-Z0-9:/]*
SemanticVersion (string) -- The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
StackId (string) -- The unique ID of the stack.
Lists versions for the specified application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_application_versions( ApplicationId='string', MaxItems=123, NextToken='string' )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to list
The total number of items to return
A token to specify where to start paginating
Response Syntax
{ 'NextToken': 'string', 'Versions': [ { 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'SemanticVersion': 'string', 'SourceCodeUrl': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success
NextToken (string) -- The token to request the next page of results.
Versions (list) -- Array of version summaries for the application.
(dict) -- Application version summary.
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
SemanticVersion (string) -- The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
SourceCodeUrl (string) -- A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
Creates an application version.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_application_version( ApplicationId='string', SemanticVersion='string', SourceCodeUrl='string', TemplateBody='string', TemplateUrl='string' )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to create a new version for
[REQUIRED] The semantic version of the new version
A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
The raw packaged SAM template of your application.
A link to the packaged SAM template of your application.
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'ParameterDefinitions': [ { 'AllowedPattern': 'string', 'AllowedValues': [ 'string', ], 'ConstraintDescription': 'string', 'DefaultValue': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'MaxLength': 123, 'MaxValue': 123, 'MinLength': 123, 'MinValue': 123, 'Name': 'string', 'NoEcho': True|False, 'ReferencedByResources': [ 'string', ], 'Type': 'string' }, ], 'SemanticVersion': 'string', 'SourceCodeUrl': 'string', 'TemplateUrl': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- 201 response
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
ParameterDefinitions (list) -- Array of parameter types supported by the application.
(dict) -- Parameters supported by the application.
AllowedPattern (string) -- A regular expression that represents the patterns to allow for String types.
AllowedValues (list) -- Array containing the list of values allowed for the parameter.
(string) --
ConstraintDescription (string) -- A string that explains a constraint when the constraint is violated. For example, without a constraint description,n a parameter that has an allowed pattern of [A-Za-z0-9]+ displays the following error message when the usern specifies an invalid value:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must match pattern [A-Za-z0-9]+ n nBy adding a constraint description, such as "must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers," you can displayn the following customized error message:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
DefaultValue (string) -- A value of the appropriate type for the template to use if no value is specified when a stack is created.n If you define constraints for the parameter, you must specify a value that adheres to those constraints.
Description (string) -- A string of up to 4,000 characters that describes the parameter.
MaxLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the largest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MaxValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the largest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
MinLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the smallest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MinValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the smallest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
Name (string) -- The name of the parameter.
NoEcho (boolean) -- Whether to mask the parameter value whenever anyone makes a call that describes the stack. If you set then value to true, the parameter value is masked with asterisks (*).
ReferencedByResources (list) -- A list of SAM resources that use this parameter.
(string) --
Type (string) -- The type of the parameter.nValid values: String | Number | List| CommaDelimitedList n nn String : A literal string.nFor example, users could specify "MyUserName" .nn Number : An integer or float. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as a number; however, when you use then parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a string.nFor example, users could specify "8888" .nn List: An array of integers or floats that are separated by commas. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as numbers; however, whenn you use the parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a list of strings.nFor example, users could specify "80,20", and a Ref results in ["80","20"] .nn CommaDelimitedList : An array of literal strings that are separated by commas. The total number of strings should be one more than the total number of commas.n Also, each member string is space-trimmed.nFor example, users could specify "test,dev,prod", and a Ref results in ["test","dev","prod"] .
SemanticVersion (string) -- The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
SourceCodeUrl (string) -- A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
TemplateUrl (string) -- A link to the packaged SAM template of your application.
Gets the policy for the specified application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_application_policy( ApplicationId='string' )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to get policy for
Response Syntax
{ 'Statements': [ { 'Actions': [ 'string', ], 'Principals': [ 'string', ], 'StatementId': 'string' }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success
Statements (list) -- Array of policy statements applied to the application.
(dict) -- Policy statement applied to the application.
Actions (list) -- A list of supported actions:nn GetApplication n nn CreateCloudFormationChangeSet n nn ListApplicationVersions n nn SearchApplications n nn Deploy (Note: This action enables all other actions above.)
(string) --
Principals (list) -- An AWS account ID, or * to make the application public.
(string) --
StatementId (string) -- A unique ID for the statement.
Lists applications owned by the requester.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.list_applications( MaxItems=123, NextToken='string' )
The total number of items to return
A token to specify where to start paginating
Response Syntax
{ 'Applications': [ { 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'Author': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Labels': [ 'string', ], 'Name': 'string', 'SpdxLicenseId': 'string' }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success
Applications (list) -- Array of application summaries.
(dict) -- Summary of details about the application.
ApplicationId (string) -- The application ARN.
Author (string) -- The name of the author publishing the appnMin Length=1. Max Length=127.nPattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
Description (string) -- The description of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=256
Labels (list) -- Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10nPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
(string) --
Name (string) -- The name of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=140nPattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+";
SpdxLicenseId (string) -- A valid identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/ .
NextToken (string) -- The token to request the next page of results.
Gets the specified application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_application( ApplicationId='string', SemanticVersion='string' )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to get
The semantic version of the application to get
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'Author': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Labels': [ 'string', ], 'LicenseUrl': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ReadmeUrl': 'string', 'SpdxLicenseId': 'string', 'Version': { 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'ParameterDefinitions': [ { 'AllowedPattern': 'string', 'AllowedValues': [ 'string', ], 'ConstraintDescription': 'string', 'DefaultValue': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'MaxLength': 123, 'MaxValue': 123, 'MinLength': 123, 'MinValue': 123, 'Name': 'string', 'NoEcho': True|False, 'ReferencedByResources': [ 'string', ], 'Type': 'string' }, ], 'SemanticVersion': 'string', 'SourceCodeUrl': 'string', 'TemplateUrl': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Author (string) -- The name of the author publishing the app.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127.nPattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
Description (string) -- The description of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=256
Labels (list) -- Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10nPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
(string) --
LicenseUrl (string) -- A link to a license file of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID of your application.nMax size 5 MB
Name (string) -- The name of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=140nPattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+";
ReadmeUrl (string) -- A link to the Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
SpdxLicenseId (string) -- A valid identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/.
Version (dict) -- Version information about the application.
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
ParameterDefinitions (list) -- Array of parameter types supported by the application.
(dict) -- Parameters supported by the application.
AllowedPattern (string) -- A regular expression that represents the patterns to allow for String types.
AllowedValues (list) -- Array containing the list of values allowed for the parameter.
(string) --
ConstraintDescription (string) -- A string that explains a constraint when the constraint is violated. For example, without a constraint description,n a parameter that has an allowed pattern of [A-Za-z0-9]+ displays the following error message when the usern specifies an invalid value:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must match pattern [A-Za-z0-9]+ n nBy adding a constraint description, such as "must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers," you can displayn the following customized error message:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
DefaultValue (string) -- A value of the appropriate type for the template to use if no value is specified when a stack is created.n If you define constraints for the parameter, you must specify a value that adheres to those constraints.
Description (string) -- A string of up to 4,000 characters that describes the parameter.
MaxLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the largest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MaxValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the largest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
MinLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the smallest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MinValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the smallest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
Name (string) -- The name of the parameter.
NoEcho (boolean) -- Whether to mask the parameter value whenever anyone makes a call that describes the stack. If you set then value to true, the parameter value is masked with asterisks (*).
ReferencedByResources (list) -- A list of SAM resources that use this parameter.
(string) --
Type (string) -- The type of the parameter.nValid values: String | Number | List| CommaDelimitedList n nn String : A literal string.nFor example, users could specify "MyUserName" .nn Number : An integer or float. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as a number; however, when you use then parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a string.nFor example, users could specify "8888" .nn List: An array of integers or floats that are separated by commas. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as numbers; however, whenn you use the parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a list of strings.nFor example, users could specify "80,20", and a Ref results in ["80","20"] .nn CommaDelimitedList : An array of literal strings that are separated by commas. The total number of strings should be one more than the total number of commas.n Also, each member string is space-trimmed.nFor example, users could specify "test,dev,prod", and a Ref results in ["test","dev","prod"] .
SemanticVersion (string) -- The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
SourceCodeUrl (string) -- A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
TemplateUrl (string) -- A link to the packaged SAM template of your application.
Updates the specified application.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_application( ApplicationId='string', Author='string', Description='string', Labels=[ 'string', ], ReadmeBody='string', ReadmeUrl='string' )
[REQUIRED] The id of the application to update
The name of the author publishing the app.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127.nPattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
The description of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=256
Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10nPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
(string) --
A raw text Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
A link to the Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
Response Syntax
{ 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'Author': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'Labels': [ 'string', ], 'LicenseUrl': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'ReadmeUrl': 'string', 'SpdxLicenseId': 'string', 'Version': { 'ApplicationId': 'string', 'CreationTime': 'string', 'ParameterDefinitions': [ { 'AllowedPattern': 'string', 'AllowedValues': [ 'string', ], 'ConstraintDescription': 'string', 'DefaultValue': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'MaxLength': 123, 'MaxValue': 123, 'MinLength': 123, 'MinValue': 123, 'Name': 'string', 'NoEcho': True|False, 'ReferencedByResources': [ 'string', ], 'Type': 'string' }, ], 'SemanticVersion': 'string', 'SourceCodeUrl': 'string', 'TemplateUrl': 'string' } }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Success
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
Author (string) -- The name of the author publishing the app.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127.nPattern "^[a-z0-9](([a-z0-9]|-(?!-))*[a-z0-9])?$";
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
Description (string) -- The description of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=256
Labels (list) -- Labels to improve discovery of apps in search results.nMin Length=1. Max Length=127. Maximum number of labels: 10nPattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9+\-_:\/@]+$";
(string) --
LicenseUrl (string) -- A link to a license file of the app that matches the spdxLicenseID of your application.nMax size 5 MB
Name (string) -- The name of the application.nMin Length=1. Max Length=140nPattern: "[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+";
ReadmeUrl (string) -- A link to the Readme file that contains a more detailed description of the application and how it works in markdown language.nMax size 5 MB
SpdxLicenseId (string) -- A valid identifier from https://spdx.org/licenses/.
Version (dict) -- Version information about the application.
ApplicationId (string) -- The application Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
CreationTime (string) -- The date/time this resource was created.
ParameterDefinitions (list) -- Array of parameter types supported by the application.
(dict) -- Parameters supported by the application.
AllowedPattern (string) -- A regular expression that represents the patterns to allow for String types.
AllowedValues (list) -- Array containing the list of values allowed for the parameter.
(string) --
ConstraintDescription (string) -- A string that explains a constraint when the constraint is violated. For example, without a constraint description,n a parameter that has an allowed pattern of [A-Za-z0-9]+ displays the following error message when the usern specifies an invalid value:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must match pattern [A-Za-z0-9]+ n nBy adding a constraint description, such as "must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers," you can displayn the following customized error message:nn Malformed input-Parameter MyParameter must contain only uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers.
DefaultValue (string) -- A value of the appropriate type for the template to use if no value is specified when a stack is created.n If you define constraints for the parameter, you must specify a value that adheres to those constraints.
Description (string) -- A string of up to 4,000 characters that describes the parameter.
MaxLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the largest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MaxValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the largest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
MinLength (integer) -- An integer value that determines the smallest number of characters you want to allow for String types.
MinValue (integer) -- A numeric value that determines the smallest numeric value you want to allow for Number types.
Name (string) -- The name of the parameter.
NoEcho (boolean) -- Whether to mask the parameter value whenever anyone makes a call that describes the stack. If you set then value to true, the parameter value is masked with asterisks (*).
ReferencedByResources (list) -- A list of SAM resources that use this parameter.
(string) --
Type (string) -- The type of the parameter.nValid values: String | Number | List| CommaDelimitedList n nn String : A literal string.nFor example, users could specify "MyUserName" .nn Number : An integer or float. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as a number; however, when you use then parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a string.nFor example, users could specify "8888" .nn List: An array of integers or floats that are separated by commas. AWS CloudFormation validates the parameter value as numbers; however, whenn you use the parameter elsewhere in your template (for example, by using the Ref intrinsic function), the parameter value becomes a list of strings.nFor example, users could specify "80,20", and a Ref results in ["80","20"] .nn CommaDelimitedList : An array of literal strings that are separated by commas. The total number of strings should be one more than the total number of commas.n Also, each member string is space-trimmed.nFor example, users could specify "test,dev,prod", and a Ref results in ["test","dev","prod"] .
SemanticVersion (string) -- The semantic version of the application:nn https://semver.org/
SourceCodeUrl (string) -- A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
TemplateUrl (string) -- A link to the packaged SAM template of your application.