AWS CodeDeploy

2016/09/20 - AWS CodeDeploy - 8 updated api methods

Changes  AWS CodeDeploy now integrates with Amazon CloudWatch alarms, making it possible to stop a deployment if there is a change in the state of a specified alarm for a number of consecutive periods, as specified in the alarm threshold. AWS CodeDeploy also now supports automatically rolling back a deployment if certain conditions are met, such as a deployment failure or an activated alarm.

BatchGetDeploymentGroups (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'deploymentGroupsInfo': {'alarmConfiguration': {'alarms': [{'name': 'string'}],
                                                 'enabled': 'boolean',
                                                 'ignorePollAlarmFailure': 'boolean'},
                          'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                                                        'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE '
                                                                   '| '
                                                                   'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM '
                                                                   '| '
                          'triggerConfigurations': {'triggerEvents': ['DeploymentRollback']}}}

Get information about one or more deployment groups.

Request Syntax

type applicationName


param applicationName


The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

type deploymentGroupNames


param deploymentGroupNames


The deployment groups' names.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'deploymentGroupsInfo': [
            'applicationName': 'string',
            'deploymentGroupId': 'string',
            'deploymentGroupName': 'string',
            'deploymentConfigName': 'string',
            'ec2TagFilters': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string',
                    'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
            'onPremisesInstanceTagFilters': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string',
                    'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
            'autoScalingGroups': [
                    'name': 'string',
                    'hook': 'string'
            'serviceRoleArn': 'string',
            'targetRevision': {
                'revisionType': 'S3'|'GitHub',
                's3Location': {
                    'bucket': 'string',
                    'key': 'string',
                    'bundleType': 'tar'|'tgz'|'zip',
                    'version': 'string',
                    'eTag': 'string'
                'gitHubLocation': {
                    'repository': 'string',
                    'commitId': 'string'
            'triggerConfigurations': [
                    'triggerName': 'string',
                    'triggerTargetArn': 'string',
                    'triggerEvents': [
            'alarmConfiguration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'ignorePollAlarmFailure': True|False,
                'alarms': [
                        'name': 'string'
            'autoRollbackConfiguration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'events': [
    'errorMessage': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a batch get deployment groups operation.

    • deploymentGroupsInfo (list) --

      Information about the deployment groups.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a deployment group.

        • applicationName (string) --

          The application name.

        • deploymentGroupId (string) --

          The deployment group ID.

        • deploymentGroupName (string) --

          The deployment group name.

        • deploymentConfigName (string) --

          The deployment configuration name.

        • ec2TagFilters (list) --

          The Amazon EC2 tags on which to filter.

          • (dict) --

            Information about a tag filter.

            • Key (string) --

              The tag filter key.

            • Value (string) --

              The tag filter value.

            • Type (string) --

              The tag filter type:

              • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

              • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

              • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

        • onPremisesInstanceTagFilters (list) --

          The on-premises instance tags on which to filter.

          • (dict) --

            Information about an on-premises instance tag filter.

            • Key (string) --

              The on-premises instance tag filter key.

            • Value (string) --

              The on-premises instance tag filter value.

            • Type (string) --

              The on-premises instance tag filter type:

              • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

              • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

              • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

        • autoScalingGroups (list) --

          A list of associated Auto Scaling groups.

          • (dict) --

            Information about an Auto Scaling group.

            • name (string) --

              The Auto Scaling group name.

            • hook (string) --

              An Auto Scaling lifecycle event hook name.

        • serviceRoleArn (string) --

          A service role ARN.

        • targetRevision (dict) --

          Information about the deployment group's target revision, including type and location.

          • revisionType (string) --

            The type of application revision:

            • S3: An application revision stored in Amazon S3.

            • GitHub: An application revision stored in GitHub.

          • s3Location (dict) --

            Information about the location of application artifacts stored in Amazon S3.

            • bucket (string) --

              The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the application revision is stored.

            • key (string) --

              The name of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            • bundleType (string) --

              The file type of the application revision. Must be one of the following:

              • tar: A tar archive file.

              • tgz: A compressed tar archive file.

              • zip: A zip archive file.

            • version (string) --

              A specific version of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

              If the version is not specified, the system will use the most recent version by default.

            • eTag (string) --

              The ETag of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

              If the ETag is not specified as an input parameter, ETag validation of the object will be skipped.

          • gitHubLocation (dict) --

            Information about the location of application artifacts stored in GitHub.

            • repository (string) --

              The GitHub account and repository pair that stores a reference to the commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

              Specified as account/repository.

            • commitId (string) --

              The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

        • triggerConfigurations (list) --

          Information about triggers associated with the deployment group.

          • (dict) --

            Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.

            • triggerName (string) --

              The name of the notification trigger.

            • triggerTargetArn (string) --

              The ARN of the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic through which notifications about deployment or instance events are sent.

            • triggerEvents (list) --

              The event type or types for which notifications are triggered.

              • (string) --

        • alarmConfiguration (dict) --

          A list of alarms associated with the deployment group.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the alarm configuration is enabled.

          • ignorePollAlarmFailure (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a deployment should continue if information about the current state of alarms cannot be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch. The default value is false.

            • true: The deployment will proceed even if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

            • false: The deployment will stop if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

          • alarms (list) --

            A list of alarms configured for the deployment group. A maximum of 10 alarms can be added to a deployment group.

            • (dict) --

              Information about an alarm.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the alarm. Maximum length is 255 characters. Each alarm name can be used only once in a list of alarms.

        • autoRollbackConfiguration (dict) --

          Information about the automatic rollback configuration associated with the deployment group.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

          • events (list) --

            The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

            • (string) --

    • errorMessage (string) --

      Information about errors that may have occurred during the API call.

BatchGetDeployments (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'deploymentsInfo': {'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                                                   'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE '
                                                              '| '
                                                              'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM '
                                                              '| '
                     'creator': ['codeDeployRollback'],
                     'errorInformation': {'code': ['ALARM_ACTIVE',
                     'rollbackInfo': {'rollbackDeploymentId': 'string',
                                      'rollbackMessage': 'string',
                                      'rollbackTriggeringDeploymentId': 'string'},
                     'updateOutdatedInstancesOnly': 'boolean'}}

Gets information about one or more deployments.

Request Syntax

type deploymentIds


param deploymentIds

A list of deployment IDs, separated by spaces.

  • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'deploymentsInfo': [
            'applicationName': 'string',
            'deploymentGroupName': 'string',
            'deploymentConfigName': 'string',
            'deploymentId': 'string',
            'revision': {
                'revisionType': 'S3'|'GitHub',
                's3Location': {
                    'bucket': 'string',
                    'key': 'string',
                    'bundleType': 'tar'|'tgz'|'zip',
                    'version': 'string',
                    'eTag': 'string'
                'gitHubLocation': {
                    'repository': 'string',
                    'commitId': 'string'
            'status': 'Created'|'Queued'|'InProgress'|'Succeeded'|'Failed'|'Stopped',
            'errorInformation': {
                'message': 'string'
            'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'completeTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'deploymentOverview': {
                'Pending': 123,
                'InProgress': 123,
                'Succeeded': 123,
                'Failed': 123,
                'Skipped': 123
            'description': 'string',
            'creator': 'user'|'autoscaling'|'codeDeployRollback',
            'ignoreApplicationStopFailures': True|False,
            'autoRollbackConfiguration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'events': [
            'updateOutdatedInstancesOnly': True|False,
            'rollbackInfo': {
                'rollbackDeploymentId': 'string',
                'rollbackTriggeringDeploymentId': 'string',
                'rollbackMessage': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a batch get deployments operation.

    • deploymentsInfo (list) --

      Information about the deployments.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a deployment.

        • applicationName (string) --

          The application name.

        • deploymentGroupName (string) --

          The deployment group name.

        • deploymentConfigName (string) --

          The deployment configuration name.

        • deploymentId (string) --

          The deployment ID.

        • revision (dict) --

          Information about the location of stored application artifacts and the service from which to retrieve them.

          • revisionType (string) --

            The type of application revision:

            • S3: An application revision stored in Amazon S3.

            • GitHub: An application revision stored in GitHub.

          • s3Location (dict) --

            Information about the location of application artifacts stored in Amazon S3.

            • bucket (string) --

              The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the application revision is stored.

            • key (string) --

              The name of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            • bundleType (string) --

              The file type of the application revision. Must be one of the following:

              • tar: A tar archive file.

              • tgz: A compressed tar archive file.

              • zip: A zip archive file.

            • version (string) --

              A specific version of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

              If the version is not specified, the system will use the most recent version by default.

            • eTag (string) --

              The ETag of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

              If the ETag is not specified as an input parameter, ETag validation of the object will be skipped.

          • gitHubLocation (dict) --

            Information about the location of application artifacts stored in GitHub.

            • repository (string) --

              The GitHub account and repository pair that stores a reference to the commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

              Specified as account/repository.

            • commitId (string) --

              The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

        • status (string) --

          The current state of the deployment as a whole.

        • errorInformation (dict) --

          Information about any error associated with this deployment.

          • code (string) --

            The error code:

            • APPLICATION_MISSING: The application was missing. This error code will most likely be raised if the application is deleted after the deployment is created but before it is started.

            • DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_MISSING: The deployment group was missing. This error code will most likely be raised if the deployment group is deleted after the deployment is created but before it is started.

            • HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS: The deployment failed on too many instances to be successfully deployed within the instance health constraints specified.

            • HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS_INVALID: The revision cannot be successfully deployed within the instance health constraints specified.

            • IAM_ROLE_MISSING: The service role cannot be accessed.

            • IAM_ROLE_PERMISSIONS: The service role does not have the correct permissions.

            • INTERNAL_ERROR: There was an internal error.

            • NO_EC2_SUBSCRIPTION: The calling account is not subscribed to the Amazon EC2 service.

            • NO_INSTANCES: No instance were specified, or no instance can be found.

            • OVER_MAX_INSTANCES: The maximum number of instance was exceeded.

            • THROTTLED: The operation was throttled because the calling account exceeded the throttling limits of one or more AWS services.

            • TIMEOUT: The deployment has timed out.

            • REVISION_MISSING: The revision ID was missing. This error code will most likely be raised if the revision is deleted after the deployment is created but before it is started.

          • message (string) --

            An accompanying error message.

        • createTime (datetime) --

          A timestamp indicating when the deployment was created.

        • startTime (datetime) --

          A timestamp indicating when the deployment was deployed to the deployment group.

          In some cases, the reported value of the start time may be later than the complete time. This is due to differences in the clock settings of back-end servers that participate in the deployment process.

        • completeTime (datetime) --

          A timestamp indicating when the deployment was complete.

        • deploymentOverview (dict) --

          A summary of the deployment status of the instances in the deployment.

          • Pending (integer) --

            The number of instances in the deployment in a pending state.

          • InProgress (integer) --

            The number of instances in which the deployment is in progress.

          • Succeeded (integer) --

            The number of instances in the deployment to which revisions have been successfully deployed.

          • Failed (integer) --

            The number of instances in the deployment in a failed state.

          • Skipped (integer) --

            The number of instances in the deployment in a skipped state.

        • description (string) --

          A comment about the deployment.

        • creator (string) --

          The means by which the deployment was created:

          • user: A user created the deployment.

          • autoscaling: Auto Scaling created the deployment.

          • codeDeployRollback: A rollback process created the deployment.

        • ignoreApplicationStopFailures (boolean) --

          If true, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to an instance to fail, the deployment to that instance will not be considered to have failed at that point and will continue on to the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event.

          If false or not specified, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to an instance to fail, the deployment to that instance will stop, and the deployment to that instance will be considered to have failed.

        • autoRollbackConfiguration (dict) --

          Information about the automatic rollback configuration associated with the deployment.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

          • events (list) --

            The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

            • (string) --

        • updateOutdatedInstancesOnly (boolean) --

          Indicates whether only instances that are not running the latest application revision are to be deployed to.

        • rollbackInfo (dict) --

          Information about a deployment rollback.

          • rollbackDeploymentId (string) --

            The ID of the deployment rollback.

          • rollbackTriggeringDeploymentId (string) --

            The deployment ID of the deployment that was underway and triggered a rollback deployment because it failed or was stopped.

          • rollbackMessage (string) --

            Information describing the status of a deployment rollback; for example, whether the deployment can't be rolled back, is in progress, failed, or succeeded.

CreateDeployment (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                               'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE | '
                                          'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM | '
 'updateOutdatedInstancesOnly': 'boolean'}

Deploys an application revision through the specified deployment group.

Request Syntax

        'revisionType': 'S3'|'GitHub',
        's3Location': {
            'bucket': 'string',
            'key': 'string',
            'bundleType': 'tar'|'tgz'|'zip',
            'version': 'string',
            'eTag': 'string'
        'gitHubLocation': {
            'repository': 'string',
            'commitId': 'string'
        'enabled': True|False,
        'events': [
type applicationName


param applicationName


The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

type deploymentGroupName


param deploymentGroupName

The name of the deployment group.

type revision


param revision

The type and location of the revision to deploy.

  • revisionType (string) --

    The type of application revision:

    • S3: An application revision stored in Amazon S3.

    • GitHub: An application revision stored in GitHub.

  • s3Location (dict) --

    Information about the location of application artifacts stored in Amazon S3.

    • bucket (string) --

      The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the application revision is stored.

    • key (string) --

      The name of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

    • bundleType (string) --

      The file type of the application revision. Must be one of the following:

      • tar: A tar archive file.

      • tgz: A compressed tar archive file.

      • zip: A zip archive file.

    • version (string) --

      A specific version of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

      If the version is not specified, the system will use the most recent version by default.

    • eTag (string) --

      The ETag of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

      If the ETag is not specified as an input parameter, ETag validation of the object will be skipped.

  • gitHubLocation (dict) --

    Information about the location of application artifacts stored in GitHub.

    • repository (string) --

      The GitHub account and repository pair that stores a reference to the commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

      Specified as account/repository.

    • commitId (string) --

      The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

type deploymentConfigName


param deploymentConfigName

The name of a deployment configuration associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

If not specified, the value configured in the deployment group will be used as the default. If the deployment group does not have a deployment configuration associated with it, then CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime will be used by default.

type description


param description

A comment about the deployment.

type ignoreApplicationStopFailures


param ignoreApplicationStopFailures

If set to true, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to an instance to fail, the deployment to that instance will not be considered to have failed at that point and will continue on to the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event.

If set to false or not specified, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to fail to an instance, the deployment to that instance will stop, and the deployment to that instance will be considered to have failed.

type autoRollbackConfiguration


param autoRollbackConfiguration

Configuration information for an automatic rollback that is added when a deployment is created.

  • enabled (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

  • events (list) --

    The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

    • (string) --

type updateOutdatedInstancesOnly


param updateOutdatedInstancesOnly

Indicates whether to deploy to all instances or only to instances that are not running the latest application revision.




Response Syntax

    'deploymentId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a create deployment operation.

    • deploymentId (string) --

      A unique deployment ID.

CreateDeploymentGroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'alarmConfiguration': {'alarms': [{'name': 'string'}],
                        'enabled': 'boolean',
                        'ignorePollAlarmFailure': 'boolean'},
 'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                               'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE | '
                                          'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM | '
 'triggerConfigurations': {'triggerEvents': ['DeploymentRollback']}}

Creates a deployment group to which application revisions will be deployed.

Request Syntax

            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
            'triggerName': 'string',
            'triggerTargetArn': 'string',
            'triggerEvents': [
        'enabled': True|False,
        'ignorePollAlarmFailure': True|False,
        'alarms': [
                'name': 'string'
        'enabled': True|False,
        'events': [
type applicationName


param applicationName


The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

type deploymentGroupName


param deploymentGroupName


The name of a new deployment group for the specified application.

type deploymentConfigName


param deploymentConfigName

If specified, the deployment configuration name can be either one of the predefined configurations provided with AWS CodeDeploy or a custom deployment configuration that you create by calling the create deployment configuration operation.


CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime is the default deployment configuration. It is used if a configuration isn't specified for the deployment or the deployment group.

The predefined deployment configurations include the following:

  • CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce attempts to deploy an application revision to as many instances as possible at once. The status of the overall deployment will be displayed as Succeeded if the application revision is deployed to one or more of the instances. The status of the overall deployment will be displayed as Failed if the application revision is not deployed to any of the instances. Using an example of nine instances, CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce will attempt to deploy to all nine instances at once. The overall deployment will succeed if deployment to even a single instance is successful; it will fail only if deployments to all nine instances fail.

  • CodeDeployDefault.HalfAtATime deploys to up to half of the instances at a time (with fractions rounded down). The overall deployment succeeds if the application revision is deployed to at least half of the instances (with fractions rounded up); otherwise, the deployment fails. In the example of nine instances, it will deploy to up to four instances at a time. The overall deployment succeeds if deployment to five or more instances succeed; otherwise, the deployment fails. The deployment may be successfully deployed to some instances even if the overall deployment fails.

  • CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime deploys the application revision to only one instance at a time. For deployment groups that contain more than one instance:

    • The overall deployment succeeds if the application revision is deployed to all of the instances. The exception to this rule is if deployment to the last instance fails, the overall deployment still succeeds. This is because AWS CodeDeploy allows only one instance at a time to be taken offline with the CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime configuration.

    • The overall deployment fails as soon as the application revision fails to be deployed to any but the last instance. The deployment may be successfully deployed to some instances even if the overall deployment fails.

    • In an example using nine instances, it will deploy to one instance at a time. The overall deployment succeeds if deployment to the first eight instances is successful; the overall deployment fails if deployment to any of the first eight instances fails.

For deployment groups that contain only one instance, the overall deployment is successful only if deployment to the single instance is successful

type ec2TagFilters


param ec2TagFilters

The Amazon EC2 tags on which to filter.

  • (dict) --

    Information about a tag filter.

    • Key (string) --

      The tag filter key.

    • Value (string) --

      The tag filter value.

    • Type (string) --

      The tag filter type:

      • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

      • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

      • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

type onPremisesInstanceTagFilters


param onPremisesInstanceTagFilters

The on-premises instance tags on which to filter.

  • (dict) --

    Information about an on-premises instance tag filter.

    • Key (string) --

      The on-premises instance tag filter key.

    • Value (string) --

      The on-premises instance tag filter value.

    • Type (string) --

      The on-premises instance tag filter type:

      • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

      • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

      • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

type autoScalingGroups


param autoScalingGroups

A list of associated Auto Scaling groups.

  • (string) --

type serviceRoleArn


param serviceRoleArn


A service role ARN that allows AWS CodeDeploy to act on the user's behalf when interacting with AWS services.

type triggerConfigurations


param triggerConfigurations

Information about triggers to create when the deployment group is created. For examples, see Create a Trigger for an AWS CodeDeploy Event in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

  • (dict) --

    Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.

    • triggerName (string) --

      The name of the notification trigger.

    • triggerTargetArn (string) --

      The ARN of the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic through which notifications about deployment or instance events are sent.

    • triggerEvents (list) --

      The event type or types for which notifications are triggered.

      • (string) --

type alarmConfiguration


param alarmConfiguration

Information to add about Amazon CloudWatch alarms when the deployment group is created.

  • enabled (boolean) --

    Indicates whether the alarm configuration is enabled.

  • ignorePollAlarmFailure (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a deployment should continue if information about the current state of alarms cannot be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch. The default value is false.

    • true: The deployment will proceed even if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

    • false: The deployment will stop if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

  • alarms (list) --

    A list of alarms configured for the deployment group. A maximum of 10 alarms can be added to a deployment group.

    • (dict) --

      Information about an alarm.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the alarm. Maximum length is 255 characters. Each alarm name can be used only once in a list of alarms.

type autoRollbackConfiguration


param autoRollbackConfiguration

Configuration information for an automatic rollback that is added when a deployment group is created.

  • enabled (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

  • events (list) --

    The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'deploymentGroupId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a create deployment group operation.

    • deploymentGroupId (string) --

      A unique deployment group ID.

GetDeployment (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'deploymentInfo': {'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                                                  'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE '
                                                             '| '
                                                             'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM '
                                                             '| '
                    'creator': ['codeDeployRollback'],
                    'errorInformation': {'code': ['ALARM_ACTIVE',
                    'rollbackInfo': {'rollbackDeploymentId': 'string',
                                     'rollbackMessage': 'string',
                                     'rollbackTriggeringDeploymentId': 'string'},
                    'updateOutdatedInstancesOnly': 'boolean'}}

Gets information about a deployment.

Request Syntax

type deploymentId


param deploymentId


A deployment ID associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.




Response Syntax

    'deploymentInfo': {
        'applicationName': 'string',
        'deploymentGroupName': 'string',
        'deploymentConfigName': 'string',
        'deploymentId': 'string',
        'revision': {
            'revisionType': 'S3'|'GitHub',
            's3Location': {
                'bucket': 'string',
                'key': 'string',
                'bundleType': 'tar'|'tgz'|'zip',
                'version': 'string',
                'eTag': 'string'
            'gitHubLocation': {
                'repository': 'string',
                'commitId': 'string'
        'status': 'Created'|'Queued'|'InProgress'|'Succeeded'|'Failed'|'Stopped',
        'errorInformation': {
            'message': 'string'
        'createTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'startTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'completeTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'deploymentOverview': {
            'Pending': 123,
            'InProgress': 123,
            'Succeeded': 123,
            'Failed': 123,
            'Skipped': 123
        'description': 'string',
        'creator': 'user'|'autoscaling'|'codeDeployRollback',
        'ignoreApplicationStopFailures': True|False,
        'autoRollbackConfiguration': {
            'enabled': True|False,
            'events': [
        'updateOutdatedInstancesOnly': True|False,
        'rollbackInfo': {
            'rollbackDeploymentId': 'string',
            'rollbackTriggeringDeploymentId': 'string',
            'rollbackMessage': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a get deployment operation.

    • deploymentInfo (dict) --

      Information about the deployment.

      • applicationName (string) --

        The application name.

      • deploymentGroupName (string) --

        The deployment group name.

      • deploymentConfigName (string) --

        The deployment configuration name.

      • deploymentId (string) --

        The deployment ID.

      • revision (dict) --

        Information about the location of stored application artifacts and the service from which to retrieve them.

        • revisionType (string) --

          The type of application revision:

          • S3: An application revision stored in Amazon S3.

          • GitHub: An application revision stored in GitHub.

        • s3Location (dict) --

          Information about the location of application artifacts stored in Amazon S3.

          • bucket (string) --

            The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the application revision is stored.

          • key (string) --

            The name of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

          • bundleType (string) --

            The file type of the application revision. Must be one of the following:

            • tar: A tar archive file.

            • tgz: A compressed tar archive file.

            • zip: A zip archive file.

          • version (string) --

            A specific version of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            If the version is not specified, the system will use the most recent version by default.

          • eTag (string) --

            The ETag of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            If the ETag is not specified as an input parameter, ETag validation of the object will be skipped.

        • gitHubLocation (dict) --

          Information about the location of application artifacts stored in GitHub.

          • repository (string) --

            The GitHub account and repository pair that stores a reference to the commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            Specified as account/repository.

          • commitId (string) --

            The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

      • status (string) --

        The current state of the deployment as a whole.

      • errorInformation (dict) --

        Information about any error associated with this deployment.

        • code (string) --

          The error code:

          • APPLICATION_MISSING: The application was missing. This error code will most likely be raised if the application is deleted after the deployment is created but before it is started.

          • DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_MISSING: The deployment group was missing. This error code will most likely be raised if the deployment group is deleted after the deployment is created but before it is started.

          • HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS: The deployment failed on too many instances to be successfully deployed within the instance health constraints specified.

          • HEALTH_CONSTRAINTS_INVALID: The revision cannot be successfully deployed within the instance health constraints specified.

          • IAM_ROLE_MISSING: The service role cannot be accessed.

          • IAM_ROLE_PERMISSIONS: The service role does not have the correct permissions.

          • INTERNAL_ERROR: There was an internal error.

          • NO_EC2_SUBSCRIPTION: The calling account is not subscribed to the Amazon EC2 service.

          • NO_INSTANCES: No instance were specified, or no instance can be found.

          • OVER_MAX_INSTANCES: The maximum number of instance was exceeded.

          • THROTTLED: The operation was throttled because the calling account exceeded the throttling limits of one or more AWS services.

          • TIMEOUT: The deployment has timed out.

          • REVISION_MISSING: The revision ID was missing. This error code will most likely be raised if the revision is deleted after the deployment is created but before it is started.

        • message (string) --

          An accompanying error message.

      • createTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp indicating when the deployment was created.

      • startTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp indicating when the deployment was deployed to the deployment group.

        In some cases, the reported value of the start time may be later than the complete time. This is due to differences in the clock settings of back-end servers that participate in the deployment process.

      • completeTime (datetime) --

        A timestamp indicating when the deployment was complete.

      • deploymentOverview (dict) --

        A summary of the deployment status of the instances in the deployment.

        • Pending (integer) --

          The number of instances in the deployment in a pending state.

        • InProgress (integer) --

          The number of instances in which the deployment is in progress.

        • Succeeded (integer) --

          The number of instances in the deployment to which revisions have been successfully deployed.

        • Failed (integer) --

          The number of instances in the deployment in a failed state.

        • Skipped (integer) --

          The number of instances in the deployment in a skipped state.

      • description (string) --

        A comment about the deployment.

      • creator (string) --

        The means by which the deployment was created:

        • user: A user created the deployment.

        • autoscaling: Auto Scaling created the deployment.

        • codeDeployRollback: A rollback process created the deployment.

      • ignoreApplicationStopFailures (boolean) --

        If true, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to an instance to fail, the deployment to that instance will not be considered to have failed at that point and will continue on to the BeforeInstall deployment lifecycle event.

        If false or not specified, then if the deployment causes the ApplicationStop deployment lifecycle event to an instance to fail, the deployment to that instance will stop, and the deployment to that instance will be considered to have failed.

      • autoRollbackConfiguration (dict) --

        Information about the automatic rollback configuration associated with the deployment.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

        • events (list) --

          The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

          • (string) --

      • updateOutdatedInstancesOnly (boolean) --

        Indicates whether only instances that are not running the latest application revision are to be deployed to.

      • rollbackInfo (dict) --

        Information about a deployment rollback.

        • rollbackDeploymentId (string) --

          The ID of the deployment rollback.

        • rollbackTriggeringDeploymentId (string) --

          The deployment ID of the deployment that was underway and triggered a rollback deployment because it failed or was stopped.

        • rollbackMessage (string) --

          Information describing the status of a deployment rollback; for example, whether the deployment can't be rolled back, is in progress, failed, or succeeded.

GetDeploymentGroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'deploymentGroupInfo': {'alarmConfiguration': {'alarms': [{'name': 'string'}],
                                                'enabled': 'boolean',
                                                'ignorePollAlarmFailure': 'boolean'},
                         'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                                                       'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE '
                                                                  '| '
                                                                  'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM '
                                                                  '| '
                         'triggerConfigurations': {'triggerEvents': ['DeploymentRollback']}}}

Gets information about a deployment group.

Request Syntax

type applicationName


param applicationName


The name of an AWS CodeDeploy application associated with the applicable IAM user or AWS account.

type deploymentGroupName


param deploymentGroupName


The name of an existing deployment group for the specified application.




Response Syntax

    'deploymentGroupInfo': {
        'applicationName': 'string',
        'deploymentGroupId': 'string',
        'deploymentGroupName': 'string',
        'deploymentConfigName': 'string',
        'ec2TagFilters': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string',
                'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
        'onPremisesInstanceTagFilters': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string',
                'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
        'autoScalingGroups': [
                'name': 'string',
                'hook': 'string'
        'serviceRoleArn': 'string',
        'targetRevision': {
            'revisionType': 'S3'|'GitHub',
            's3Location': {
                'bucket': 'string',
                'key': 'string',
                'bundleType': 'tar'|'tgz'|'zip',
                'version': 'string',
                'eTag': 'string'
            'gitHubLocation': {
                'repository': 'string',
                'commitId': 'string'
        'triggerConfigurations': [
                'triggerName': 'string',
                'triggerTargetArn': 'string',
                'triggerEvents': [
        'alarmConfiguration': {
            'enabled': True|False,
            'ignorePollAlarmFailure': True|False,
            'alarms': [
                    'name': 'string'
        'autoRollbackConfiguration': {
            'enabled': True|False,
            'events': [

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a get deployment group operation.

    • deploymentGroupInfo (dict) --

      Information about the deployment group.

      • applicationName (string) --

        The application name.

      • deploymentGroupId (string) --

        The deployment group ID.

      • deploymentGroupName (string) --

        The deployment group name.

      • deploymentConfigName (string) --

        The deployment configuration name.

      • ec2TagFilters (list) --

        The Amazon EC2 tags on which to filter.

        • (dict) --

          Information about a tag filter.

          • Key (string) --

            The tag filter key.

          • Value (string) --

            The tag filter value.

          • Type (string) --

            The tag filter type:

            • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

            • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

            • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

      • onPremisesInstanceTagFilters (list) --

        The on-premises instance tags on which to filter.

        • (dict) --

          Information about an on-premises instance tag filter.

          • Key (string) --

            The on-premises instance tag filter key.

          • Value (string) --

            The on-premises instance tag filter value.

          • Type (string) --

            The on-premises instance tag filter type:

            • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

            • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

            • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

      • autoScalingGroups (list) --

        A list of associated Auto Scaling groups.

        • (dict) --

          Information about an Auto Scaling group.

          • name (string) --

            The Auto Scaling group name.

          • hook (string) --

            An Auto Scaling lifecycle event hook name.

      • serviceRoleArn (string) --

        A service role ARN.

      • targetRevision (dict) --

        Information about the deployment group's target revision, including type and location.

        • revisionType (string) --

          The type of application revision:

          • S3: An application revision stored in Amazon S3.

          • GitHub: An application revision stored in GitHub.

        • s3Location (dict) --

          Information about the location of application artifacts stored in Amazon S3.

          • bucket (string) --

            The name of the Amazon S3 bucket where the application revision is stored.

          • key (string) --

            The name of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

          • bundleType (string) --

            The file type of the application revision. Must be one of the following:

            • tar: A tar archive file.

            • tgz: A compressed tar archive file.

            • zip: A zip archive file.

          • version (string) --

            A specific version of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            If the version is not specified, the system will use the most recent version by default.

          • eTag (string) --

            The ETag of the Amazon S3 object that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            If the ETag is not specified as an input parameter, ETag validation of the object will be skipped.

        • gitHubLocation (dict) --

          Information about the location of application artifacts stored in GitHub.

          • repository (string) --

            The GitHub account and repository pair that stores a reference to the commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

            Specified as account/repository.

          • commitId (string) --

            The SHA1 commit ID of the GitHub commit that represents the bundled artifacts for the application revision.

      • triggerConfigurations (list) --

        Information about triggers associated with the deployment group.

        • (dict) --

          Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.

          • triggerName (string) --

            The name of the notification trigger.

          • triggerTargetArn (string) --

            The ARN of the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic through which notifications about deployment or instance events are sent.

          • triggerEvents (list) --

            The event type or types for which notifications are triggered.

            • (string) --

      • alarmConfiguration (dict) --

        A list of alarms associated with the deployment group.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Indicates whether the alarm configuration is enabled.

        • ignorePollAlarmFailure (boolean) --

          Indicates whether a deployment should continue if information about the current state of alarms cannot be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch. The default value is false.

          • true: The deployment will proceed even if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

          • false: The deployment will stop if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

        • alarms (list) --

          A list of alarms configured for the deployment group. A maximum of 10 alarms can be added to a deployment group.

          • (dict) --

            Information about an alarm.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the alarm. Maximum length is 255 characters. Each alarm name can be used only once in a list of alarms.

      • autoRollbackConfiguration (dict) --

        Information about the automatic rollback configuration associated with the deployment group.

        • enabled (boolean) --

          Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

        • events (list) --

          The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

          • (string) --

StopDeployment (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'autoRollbackEnabled': 'boolean'}

Attempts to stop an ongoing deployment.

Request Syntax

type deploymentId


param deploymentId


The unique ID of a deployment.

type autoRollbackEnabled


param autoRollbackEnabled

Indicates, when a deployment is stopped, whether instances that have been updated should be rolled back to the previous version of the application revision.




Response Syntax

    'status': 'Pending'|'Succeeded',
    'statusMessage': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of a stop deployment operation.

    • status (string) --

      The status of the stop deployment operation:

      • Pending: The stop operation is pending.

      • Succeeded: The stop operation was successful.

    • statusMessage (string) --

      An accompanying status message.

UpdateDeploymentGroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request)
{'alarmConfiguration': {'alarms': [{'name': 'string'}],
                        'enabled': 'boolean',
                        'ignorePollAlarmFailure': 'boolean'},
 'autoRollbackConfiguration': {'enabled': 'boolean',
                               'events': ['DEPLOYMENT_FAILURE | '
                                          'DEPLOYMENT_STOP_ON_ALARM | '
 'triggerConfigurations': {'triggerEvents': ['DeploymentRollback']}}

Changes information about a deployment group.

Request Syntax

            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'Type': 'KEY_ONLY'|'VALUE_ONLY'|'KEY_AND_VALUE'
            'triggerName': 'string',
            'triggerTargetArn': 'string',
            'triggerEvents': [
        'enabled': True|False,
        'ignorePollAlarmFailure': True|False,
        'alarms': [
                'name': 'string'
        'enabled': True|False,
        'events': [
type applicationName


param applicationName


The application name corresponding to the deployment group to update.

type currentDeploymentGroupName


param currentDeploymentGroupName


The current name of the deployment group.

type newDeploymentGroupName


param newDeploymentGroupName

The new name of the deployment group, if you want to change it.

type deploymentConfigName


param deploymentConfigName

The replacement deployment configuration name to use, if you want to change it.

type ec2TagFilters


param ec2TagFilters

The replacement set of Amazon EC2 tags on which to filter, if you want to change them. To keep the existing tags, enter their names. To remove tags, do not enter any tag names.

  • (dict) --

    Information about a tag filter.

    • Key (string) --

      The tag filter key.

    • Value (string) --

      The tag filter value.

    • Type (string) --

      The tag filter type:

      • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

      • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

      • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

type onPremisesInstanceTagFilters


param onPremisesInstanceTagFilters

The replacement set of on-premises instance tags on which to filter, if you want to change them. To keep the existing tags, enter their names. To remove tags, do not enter any tag names.

  • (dict) --

    Information about an on-premises instance tag filter.

    • Key (string) --

      The on-premises instance tag filter key.

    • Value (string) --

      The on-premises instance tag filter value.

    • Type (string) --

      The on-premises instance tag filter type:

      • KEY_ONLY: Key only.

      • VALUE_ONLY: Value only.

      • KEY_AND_VALUE: Key and value.

type autoScalingGroups


param autoScalingGroups

The replacement list of Auto Scaling groups to be included in the deployment group, if you want to change them. To keep the Auto Scaling groups, enter their names. To remove Auto Scaling groups, do not enter any Auto Scaling group names.

  • (string) --

type serviceRoleArn


param serviceRoleArn

A replacement ARN for the service role, if you want to change it.

type triggerConfigurations


param triggerConfigurations

Information about triggers to change when the deployment group is updated. For examples, see Modify Triggers in an AWS CodeDeploy Deployment Group in the AWS CodeDeploy User Guide.

  • (dict) --

    Information about notification triggers for the deployment group.

    • triggerName (string) --

      The name of the notification trigger.

    • triggerTargetArn (string) --

      The ARN of the Amazon Simple Notification Service topic through which notifications about deployment or instance events are sent.

    • triggerEvents (list) --

      The event type or types for which notifications are triggered.

      • (string) --

type alarmConfiguration


param alarmConfiguration

Information to add or change about Amazon CloudWatch alarms when the deployment group is updated.

  • enabled (boolean) --

    Indicates whether the alarm configuration is enabled.

  • ignorePollAlarmFailure (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a deployment should continue if information about the current state of alarms cannot be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch. The default value is false.

    • true: The deployment will proceed even if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

    • false: The deployment will stop if alarm status information can't be retrieved from Amazon CloudWatch.

  • alarms (list) --

    A list of alarms configured for the deployment group. A maximum of 10 alarms can be added to a deployment group.

    • (dict) --

      Information about an alarm.

      • name (string) --

        The name of the alarm. Maximum length is 255 characters. Each alarm name can be used only once in a list of alarms.

type autoRollbackConfiguration


param autoRollbackConfiguration

Information for an automatic rollback configuration that is added or changed when a deployment group is updated.

  • enabled (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a defined automatic rollback configuration is currently enabled.

  • events (list) --

    The event type or types that trigger a rollback.

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'hooksNotCleanedUp': [
            'name': 'string',
            'hook': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    Represents the output of an update deployment group operation.

    • hooksNotCleanedUp (list) --

      If the output contains no data, and the corresponding deployment group contained at least one Auto Scaling group, AWS CodeDeploy successfully removed all corresponding Auto Scaling lifecycle event hooks from the AWS account. If the output contains data, AWS CodeDeploy could not remove some Auto Scaling lifecycle event hooks from the AWS account.

      • (dict) --

        Information about an Auto Scaling group.

        • name (string) --

          The Auto Scaling group name.

        • hook (string) --

          An Auto Scaling lifecycle event hook name.