AWS Health Imaging

2024/04/03 - AWS Health Imaging - 1 updated api methods

Changes  SearchImageSets API now supports following enhancements - Additional support for searching on UpdatedAt and SeriesInstanceUID - Support for searching existing filters between dates/times - Support for sorting the search result by Ascending/Descending - Additional parameters returned in the response

SearchImageSets (updated) Link ΒΆ
Changes (request, response)
{'searchCriteria': {'filters': {'values': {'DICOMSeriesInstanceUID': 'string',
                                           'updatedAt': 'timestamp'}},
                    'sort': {'sortField': 'updatedAt | createdAt | '
                             'sortOrder': 'ASC | DESC'}}}
{'imageSetsMetadataSummaries': {'DICOMTags': {'DICOMSeriesBodyPart': 'string',
                                              'DICOMSeriesInstanceUID': 'string',
                                              'DICOMSeriesModality': 'string',
                                              'DICOMSeriesNumber': 'integer'}},
 'sort': {'sortField': 'updatedAt | createdAt | DICOMStudyDateAndTime',
          'sortOrder': 'ASC | DESC'}}

Search image sets based on defined input attributes.


SearchImageSets accepts a single search query parameter and returns a paginated response of all image sets that have the matching criteria. All range queries must be input as (lowerBound, upperBound) .

SearchImageSets uses the updatedAt field for sorting in decreasing order from latest to oldest.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'filters': [
                'values': [
                        'DICOMPatientId': 'string',
                        'DICOMAccessionNumber': 'string',
                        'DICOMStudyId': 'string',
                        'DICOMStudyInstanceUID': 'string',
                        'DICOMSeriesInstanceUID': 'string',
                        'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
                        'DICOMStudyDateAndTime': {
                            'DICOMStudyDate': 'string',
                            'DICOMStudyTime': 'string'
                'operator': 'EQUAL'|'BETWEEN'
        'sort': {
            'sortOrder': 'ASC'|'DESC',
            'sortField': 'updatedAt'|'createdAt'|'DICOMStudyDateAndTime'
type datastoreId


param datastoreId


The identifier of the data store where the image sets reside.

type searchCriteria


param searchCriteria

The search criteria that filters by applying a maximum of 1 item to SearchByAttribute .

  • filters (list) --

    The filters for the search criteria.

    • (dict) --

      The search filter.

      • values (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        The search filter values.

        • (dict) --

          The search input attribute value.

          • DICOMPatientId (string) --

            The patient ID input for search.

          • DICOMAccessionNumber (string) --

            The DICOM accession number for search.

          • DICOMStudyId (string) --

            The DICOM study ID for search.

          • DICOMStudyInstanceUID (string) --

            The DICOM study instance UID for search.

          • DICOMSeriesInstanceUID (string) --

            The Series Instance UID input for search.

          • createdAt (datetime) --

            The created at time of the image set provided for search.

          • updatedAt (datetime) --

            The timestamp input for search.

          • DICOMStudyDateAndTime (dict) --

            The aggregated structure containing DICOM study date and study time for search.

            • DICOMStudyDate (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The DICOM study date provided in yyMMdd format.

            • DICOMStudyTime (string) --

              The DICOM study time provided in HHmmss.FFFFFF format.

      • operator (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The search filter operator for imageSetDateTime .

  • sort (dict) --

    The sort input for search criteria.

    • sortOrder (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The sort order for search criteria.

    • sortField (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The sort field for search criteria.

type maxResults


param maxResults

The maximum number of results that can be returned in a search.

type nextToken


param nextToken

The token used for pagination of results returned in the response. Use the token returned from the previous request to continue results where the previous request ended.




Response Syntax

    'imageSetsMetadataSummaries': [
            'imageSetId': 'string',
            'version': 123,
            'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'updatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'DICOMTags': {
                'DICOMPatientId': 'string',
                'DICOMPatientName': 'string',
                'DICOMPatientBirthDate': 'string',
                'DICOMPatientSex': 'string',
                'DICOMStudyInstanceUID': 'string',
                'DICOMStudyId': 'string',
                'DICOMStudyDescription': 'string',
                'DICOMNumberOfStudyRelatedSeries': 123,
                'DICOMNumberOfStudyRelatedInstances': 123,
                'DICOMAccessionNumber': 'string',
                'DICOMSeriesInstanceUID': 'string',
                'DICOMSeriesModality': 'string',
                'DICOMSeriesBodyPart': 'string',
                'DICOMSeriesNumber': 123,
                'DICOMStudyDate': 'string',
                'DICOMStudyTime': 'string'
    'sort': {
        'sortOrder': 'ASC'|'DESC',
        'sortField': 'updatedAt'|'createdAt'|'DICOMStudyDateAndTime'
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • imageSetsMetadataSummaries (list) --

      The model containing the image set results.

      • (dict) --

        Summary of the image set metadata.

        • imageSetId (string) --

          The image set identifier.

        • version (integer) --

          The image set version.

        • createdAt (datetime) --

          The time an image set is created. Sample creation date is provided in 1985-04-12T23:20:50.52Z format.

        • updatedAt (datetime) --

          The time an image set was last updated.

        • DICOMTags (dict) --

          The DICOM tags associated with the image set.

          • DICOMPatientId (string) --

            The unique identifier for a patient in a DICOM Study.

          • DICOMPatientName (string) --

            The patient name.

          • DICOMPatientBirthDate (string) --

            The patient birth date.

          • DICOMPatientSex (string) --

            The patient sex.

          • DICOMStudyInstanceUID (string) --

            The DICOM provided identifier for the Study Instance UID.

          • DICOMStudyId (string) --

            The DICOM provided identifier for the Study ID.

          • DICOMStudyDescription (string) --

            The DICOM provided Study Description.

          • DICOMNumberOfStudyRelatedSeries (integer) --

            The total number of series in the DICOM study.

          • DICOMNumberOfStudyRelatedInstances (integer) --

            The total number of instances in the DICOM study.

          • DICOMAccessionNumber (string) --

            The accession number for the DICOM study.

          • DICOMSeriesInstanceUID (string) --

            The DICOM provided identifier for the Series Instance UID.

          • DICOMSeriesModality (string) --

            The DICOM provided identifier for the series Modality.

          • DICOMSeriesBodyPart (string) --

            The DICOM provided identifier for the series Body Part Examined.

          • DICOMSeriesNumber (integer) --

            The DICOM provided identifier for the Series Number.

          • DICOMStudyDate (string) --

            The study date.

          • DICOMStudyTime (string) --

            The study time.

    • sort (dict) --

      The sort order for image set search results.

      • sortOrder (string) --

        The sort order for search criteria.

      • sortField (string) --

        The sort field for search criteria.

    • nextToken (string) --

      The token for pagination results.