AWS Service Catalog

2018/02/06 - AWS Service Catalog - 6 new 2 updated api methods

Changes  This release of Service Catalog adds SearchProvisionedProducts API and ProvisionedProductPlan APIs.

CreateProvisionedProductPlan (new) Link ¶

Creates a plan. A plan includes the list of resources that will be created (when provisioning a new product) or modified (when updating a provisioned product) when the plan is executed.

You can create one plan per provisioned product. To create a plan for an existing provisioned product, it's status must be AVAILBLE or TAINTED.

To view the resource changes in the change set, use DescribeProvisionedProductPlan . To create or modify the provisioned product, use ExecuteProvisionedProductPlan .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string',
            'UsePreviousValue': True|False
            'Key': 'string',
            'Value': 'string'
type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type PlanName


param PlanName


The name of the plan.

type PlanType


param PlanType


The plan type.

type NotificationArns


param NotificationArns

Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish stack-related events.

  • (string) --

type PathId


param PathId

The path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has a default path, and required if the product has more than one path. To list the paths for a product, use ListLaunchPaths .

type ProductId


param ProductId


The product identifier.

type ProvisionedProductName


param ProvisionedProductName


A user-friendly name for the provisioned product. This value must be unique for the AWS account and cannot be updated after the product is provisioned.

type ProvisioningArtifactId


param ProvisioningArtifactId


The identifier of the provisioning artifact.

type ProvisioningParameters


param ProvisioningParameters

Parameters specified by the administrator that are required for provisioning the product.

  • (dict) --

    The parameter key-value pair used to update a provisioned product.

    • Key (string) --

      The parameter key.

    • Value (string) --

      The parameter value.

    • UsePreviousValue (boolean) --

      If set to true, Value is ignored and the previous parameter value is kept.

type IdempotencyToken


param IdempotencyToken


A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple requests differ only by the idempotency token, the same response is returned for each repeated request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type Tags


param Tags

One or more tags.

  • (dict) --

    Information about a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. Tags are propagated to the resources created when provisioning a product.

    • Key (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The tag key.

    • Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The value for this key.




Response Syntax

    'PlanName': 'string',
    'PlanId': 'string',
    'ProvisionProductId': 'string',
    'ProvisionedProductName': 'string',
    'ProvisioningArtifactId': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • PlanName (string) --

      The name of the plan.

    • PlanId (string) --

      The plan identifier.

    • ProvisionProductId (string) --

      The product identifier.

    • ProvisionedProductName (string) --

      The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

    • ProvisioningArtifactId (string) --

      The identifier of the provisioning artifact.

DeleteProvisionedProductPlan (new) Link ¶

Deletes the specified plan.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type PlanId


param PlanId


The plan identifier.

type IgnoreErrors


param IgnoreErrors

If set to true, AWS Service Catalog stops managing the specified provisioned product even if it cannot delete the underlying resources.




Response Syntax


Response Structure

  • (dict) --

ExecuteProvisionedProductPlan (new) Link ¶

Provisions or modifies a product based on the resource changes for the specified plan.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type PlanId


param PlanId


The plan identifier.

type IdempotencyToken


param IdempotencyToken


A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple requests differ only by the idempotency token, the same response is returned for each repeated request.

This field is autopopulated if not provided.




Response Syntax

    'RecordDetail': {
        'RecordId': 'string',
        'ProvisionedProductName': 'string',
        'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'UpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'ProvisionedProductType': 'string',
        'RecordType': 'string',
        'ProvisionedProductId': 'string',
        'ProductId': 'string',
        'ProvisioningArtifactId': 'string',
        'PathId': 'string',
        'RecordErrors': [
                'Code': 'string',
                'Description': 'string'
        'RecordTags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • RecordDetail (dict) --

      Information about the result of provisioning the product.

      • RecordId (string) --

        The identifier of the record.

      • ProvisionedProductName (string) --

        The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

      • Status (string) --

        The status of the provisioned product.

        • CREATED - The request was created but the operation has not started.

        • IN_PROGRESS - The requested operation is in progress.

        • IN_PROGRESS_IN_ERROR - The provisioned product is under change but the requested operation failed and some remediation is occurring. For example, a rollback.

        • SUCCEEDED - The requested operation has successfully completed.

        • FAILED - The requested operation has unsuccessfully completed. Investigate using the error messages returned.

      • CreatedTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time stamp of the creation time.

      • UpdatedTime (datetime) --

        The time when the record was last updated.

      • ProvisionedProductType (string) --

        The type of provisioned product. The supported value is CFN_STACK .

      • RecordType (string) --

        The record type.




      • ProvisionedProductId (string) --

        The identifier of the provisioned product.

      • ProductId (string) --

        The product identifier.

      • ProvisioningArtifactId (string) --

        The identifier of the provisioning artifact.

      • PathId (string) --

        The path identifier.

      • RecordErrors (list) --

        The errors that occurred.

        • (dict) --

          The error code and description resulting from an operation.

          • Code (string) --

            The numeric value of the error.

          • Description (string) --

            The description of the error.

      • RecordTags (list) --

        One or more tags.

        • (dict) --

          Information about a tag, which is a key-value pair.

          • Key (string) --

            The key for this tag.

          • Value (string) --

            The value for this tag.

DescribeProvisionedProductPlan (new) Link ¶

Gets information about the resource changes for the specified plan.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type PlanId


param PlanId


The plan identifier.

type PageSize


param PageSize

The maximum number of items to return with this call.

type PageToken


param PageToken

The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of results, use null.




Response Syntax

    'ProvisionedProductPlanDetails': {
        'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'PathId': 'string',
        'ProductId': 'string',
        'PlanName': 'string',
        'PlanId': 'string',
        'ProvisionProductId': 'string',
        'ProvisionProductName': 'string',
        'PlanType': 'CLOUDFORMATION',
        'ProvisioningArtifactId': 'string',
        'UpdatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'NotificationArns': [
        'ProvisioningParameters': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string',
                'UsePreviousValue': True|False
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'StatusMessage': 'string'
    'ResourceChanges': [
            'Action': 'ADD'|'MODIFY'|'REMOVE',
            'LogicalResourceId': 'string',
            'PhysicalResourceId': 'string',
            'ResourceType': 'string',
            'Replacement': 'TRUE'|'FALSE'|'CONDITIONAL',
            'Scope': [
            'Details': [
                    'Target': {
                        'Name': 'string',
                        'RequiresRecreation': 'NEVER'|'CONDITIONALLY'|'ALWAYS'
                    'Evaluation': 'STATIC'|'DYNAMIC',
                    'CausingEntity': 'string'
    'NextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ProvisionedProductPlanDetails (dict) --

      Information about the plan.

      • CreatedTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time stamp of the creation time.

      • PathId (string) --

        The path identifier of the product. This value is optional if the product has a default path, and required if the product has more than one path. To list the paths for a product, use ListLaunchPaths .

      • ProductId (string) --

        The product identifier.

      • PlanName (string) --

        The name of the plan.

      • PlanId (string) --

        The plan identifier.

      • ProvisionProductId (string) --

        The product identifier.

      • ProvisionProductName (string) --

        The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

      • PlanType (string) --

        The plan type.

      • ProvisioningArtifactId (string) --

        The identifier of the provisioning artifact.

      • Status (string) --

        The status.

      • UpdatedTime (datetime) --

        The time when the plan was last updated.

      • NotificationArns (list) --

        Passed to CloudFormation. The SNS topic ARNs to which to publish stack-related events.

        • (string) --

      • ProvisioningParameters (list) --

        Parameters specified by the administrator that are required for provisioning the product.

        • (dict) --

          The parameter key-value pair used to update a provisioned product.

          • Key (string) --

            The parameter key.

          • Value (string) --

            The parameter value.

          • UsePreviousValue (boolean) --

            If set to true, Value is ignored and the previous parameter value is kept.

      • Tags (list) --

        One or more tags.

        • (dict) --

          Information about a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. Tags are propagated to the resources created when provisioning a product.

          • Key (string) --

            The tag key.

          • Value (string) --

            The value for this key.

      • StatusMessage (string) --

        The status message.

    • ResourceChanges (list) --

      Information about the resources changes that will occur when the plan is executed.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a resource change that will occur when a plan is executed.

        • Action (string) --

          The change action.

        • LogicalResourceId (string) --

          The ID of the resource, as defined in the CloudFormation template.

        • PhysicalResourceId (string) --

          The ID of the resource, if it was already created.

        • ResourceType (string) --

          The type of resource.

        • Replacement (string) --

          If the change type is Modify , indicates whether the existing resource is deleted and replaced with a new one.

        • Scope (list) --

          The change scope.

          • (string) --

        • Details (list) --

          Information about the resource changes.

          • (dict) --

            Information about a change to a resource attribute.

            • Target (dict) --

              Information about the resource attribute that will be modified.

              • Attribute (string) --

                The attribute that will change.

              • Name (string) --

                If the attribute is Properties , the value is the name of the property. Otherwise, the value is null.

              • RequiresRecreation (string) --

                If the attribute is Properties , indicates whether a change to this property causes the resource to be recreated.

            • Evaluation (string) --

              For static evaluations, the value the resource attribute will change and the new value is known. For dynamic evaluations, the value might change, and any new value will be determined when the plan is updated.

            • CausingEntity (string) --

              The ID of the entity that caused the change.

    • NextPageToken (string) --

      The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no additional results, this value is null.

ListProvisionedProductPlans (new) Link ¶

Lists the plans for the specified provisioned product or all plans the user has access to.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Key': 'Account'|'Role'|'User',
        'Value': 'string'
type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type ProvisionProductId


param ProvisionProductId

The product identifier.

type PageSize


param PageSize

The maximum number of items to return with this call.

type PageToken


param PageToken

The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of results, use null.

type AccessLevelFilter


param AccessLevelFilter

The access level to use to obtain results. The default is User .

  • Key (string) --

    The access level.

    • Account - Filter results based on the account.

    • Role - Filter results based on the federated role of the specified user.

    • User - Filter results based on the specified user.

  • Value (string) --

    The user to which the access level applies. The only supported value is Self .




Response Syntax

    'ProvisionedProductPlans': [
            'PlanName': 'string',
            'PlanId': 'string',
            'ProvisionProductId': 'string',
            'ProvisionProductName': 'string',
            'PlanType': 'CLOUDFORMATION',
            'ProvisioningArtifactId': 'string'
    'NextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ProvisionedProductPlans (list) --

      Information about the plans.

      • (dict) --

        Summary information about a plan.

        • PlanName (string) --

          The name of the plan.

        • PlanId (string) --

          The plan identifier.

        • ProvisionProductId (string) --

          The product identifier.

        • ProvisionProductName (string) --

          The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

        • PlanType (string) --

          The plan type.

        • ProvisioningArtifactId (string) --

          The identifier of the provisioning artifact.

    • NextPageToken (string) --

      The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no additional results, this value is null.

SearchProvisionedProducts (new) Link ¶

Gets information about the provisioned products that meet the specified criteria.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Key': 'Account'|'Role'|'User',
        'Value': 'string'
        'string': [
type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type AccessLevelFilter


param AccessLevelFilter

The access level to use to obtain results. The default is User .

  • Key (string) --

    The access level.

    • Account - Filter results based on the account.

    • Role - Filter results based on the federated role of the specified user.

    • User - Filter results based on the specified user.

  • Value (string) --

    The user to which the access level applies. The only supported value is Self .

type Filters


param Filters

The search filters.

When the key is SearchQuery , the searchable fields are arn , createdTime , id , lastRecordId , idempotencyToken , name , physicalId , productId , provisioningArtifact , type , status , tags , userArn , and userArnSession .

Example: "SearchQuery":["status:AVAILABLE"]

  • (string) --

    • (list) --

      • (string) --

type SortBy


param SortBy

The sort field. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted. The valid values are arn , id , name , and lastRecordId .

type SortOrder


param SortOrder

The sort order. If no value is specified, the results are not sorted.

type PageSize


param PageSize

The maximum number of items to return with this call.

type PageToken


param PageToken

The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of results, use null.




Response Syntax

    'ProvisionedProducts': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Type': 'string',
            'Id': 'string',
            'StatusMessage': 'string',
            'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'IdempotencyToken': 'string',
            'LastRecordId': 'string',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'PhysicalId': 'string',
            'ProductId': 'string',
            'ProvisioningArtifactId': 'string',
            'UserArn': 'string',
            'UserArnSession': 'string'
    'TotalResultsCount': 123,
    'NextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ProvisionedProducts (list) --

      Information about the provisioned products.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a provisioned product.

        • Name (string) --

          The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN of the provisioned product.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of provisioned product. The supported value is CFN_STACK .

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier of the provisioned product.

        • Status (string) --

          The current status of the provisioned product.

          • AVAILABLE - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The most recent operation succeeded and completed.

          • UNDER_CHANGE - Transitive state, operations performed might not have valid results. Wait for an AVAILABLE status before performing operations.

          • TAINTED - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The stack has completed the requested operation but is not exactly what was requested. For example, a request to update to a new version failed and the stack rolled back to the current version.

          • ERROR - An unexpected error occurred, the provisioned product exists but the stack is not running. For example, CloudFormation received a parameter value that was not valid and could not launch the stack.

        • StatusMessage (string) --

          The current status message of the provisioned product.

        • CreatedTime (datetime) --

          The UTC time stamp of the creation time.

        • IdempotencyToken (string) --

          A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple requests differ only by the idempotency token, the same response is returned for each repeated request.

        • LastRecordId (string) --

          The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned product.

        • Tags (list) --

          One or more tags.

          • (dict) --

            Information about a tag. A tag is a key-value pair. Tags are propagated to the resources created when provisioning a product.

            • Key (string) --

              The tag key.

            • Value (string) --

              The value for this key.

        • PhysicalId (string) --

          The assigned identifier for the resource, such as an EC2 instance ID or an S3 bucket name.

        • ProductId (string) --

          The product identifier.

        • ProvisioningArtifactId (string) --

          The identifier of the provisioning artifact.

        • UserArn (string) --

          The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM user.

        • UserArnSession (string) --

          The ARN of the IAM user in the session. This ARN might contain a session ID.

    • TotalResultsCount (integer) --

      The number of provisioned products found.

    • NextPageToken (string) --

      The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no additional results, this value is null.

DescribeProvisionedProduct (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'CloudWatchDashboards': [{'Name': 'string'}],
 'ProvisionedProductDetail': {'Status': ['PLAN_IN_PROGRESS']}}

Gets information about the specified provisioned product.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type Id


param Id


The provisioned product identifier.




Response Syntax

    'ProvisionedProductDetail': {
        'Name': 'string',
        'Arn': 'string',
        'Type': 'string',
        'Id': 'string',
        'StatusMessage': 'string',
        'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
        'IdempotencyToken': 'string',
        'LastRecordId': 'string'
    'CloudWatchDashboards': [
            'Name': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ProvisionedProductDetail (dict) --

      Information about the provisioned product.

      • Name (string) --

        The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

      • Arn (string) --

        The ARN of the provisioned product.

      • Type (string) --

        The type of provisioned product. The supported value is CFN_STACK .

      • Id (string) --

        The identifier of the provisioned product.

      • Status (string) --

        The current status of the provisioned product.

        • AVAILABLE - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The most recent operation succeeded and completed.

        • UNDER_CHANGE - Transitive state, operations performed might not have valid results. Wait for an AVAILABLE status before performing operations.

        • TAINTED - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The stack has completed the requested operation but is not exactly what was requested. For example, a request to update to a new version failed and the stack rolled back to the current version.

        • ERROR - An unexpected error occurred, the provisioned product exists but the stack is not running. For example, CloudFormation received a parameter value that was not valid and could not launch the stack.

      • StatusMessage (string) --

        The current status message of the provisioned product.

      • CreatedTime (datetime) --

        The UTC time stamp of the creation time.

      • IdempotencyToken (string) --

        A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple requests differ only by the idempotency token, the same response is returned for each repeated request.

      • LastRecordId (string) --

        The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned product.

    • CloudWatchDashboards (list) --

      Any CloudWatch dashboards that were created when provisioning the product.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a CloudWatch dashboard.

        • Name (string) --

          The name of the CloudWatch dashboard.

ScanProvisionedProducts (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'ProvisionedProducts': {'Status': ['PLAN_IN_PROGRESS']}}

Lists the provisioned products that are available (not terminated).

To use additional filtering, see SearchProvisionedProducts .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Key': 'Account'|'Role'|'User',
        'Value': 'string'
type AcceptLanguage


param AcceptLanguage

The language code.

  • en - English (default)

  • jp - Japanese

  • zh - Chinese

type AccessLevelFilter


param AccessLevelFilter

The access level to use to obtain results. The default is User .

  • Key (string) --

    The access level.

    • Account - Filter results based on the account.

    • Role - Filter results based on the federated role of the specified user.

    • User - Filter results based on the specified user.

  • Value (string) --

    The user to which the access level applies. The only supported value is Self .

type PageSize


param PageSize

The maximum number of items to return with this call.

type PageToken


param PageToken

The page token for the next set of results. To retrieve the first set of results, use null.




Response Syntax

    'ProvisionedProducts': [
            'Name': 'string',
            'Arn': 'string',
            'Type': 'string',
            'Id': 'string',
            'StatusMessage': 'string',
            'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'IdempotencyToken': 'string',
            'LastRecordId': 'string'
    'NextPageToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ProvisionedProducts (list) --

      Information about the provisioned products.

      • (dict) --

        Information about a provisioned product.

        • Name (string) --

          The user-friendly name of the provisioned product.

        • Arn (string) --

          The ARN of the provisioned product.

        • Type (string) --

          The type of provisioned product. The supported value is CFN_STACK .

        • Id (string) --

          The identifier of the provisioned product.

        • Status (string) --

          The current status of the provisioned product.

          • AVAILABLE - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The most recent operation succeeded and completed.

          • UNDER_CHANGE - Transitive state, operations performed might not have valid results. Wait for an AVAILABLE status before performing operations.

          • TAINTED - Stable state, ready to perform any operation. The stack has completed the requested operation but is not exactly what was requested. For example, a request to update to a new version failed and the stack rolled back to the current version.

          • ERROR - An unexpected error occurred, the provisioned product exists but the stack is not running. For example, CloudFormation received a parameter value that was not valid and could not launch the stack.

        • StatusMessage (string) --

          The current status message of the provisioned product.

        • CreatedTime (datetime) --

          The UTC time stamp of the creation time.

        • IdempotencyToken (string) --

          A unique identifier that you provide to ensure idempotency. If multiple requests differ only by the idempotency token, the same response is returned for each repeated request.

        • LastRecordId (string) --

          The record identifier of the last request performed on this provisioned product.

    • NextPageToken (string) --

      The page token to use to retrieve the next set of results. If there are no additional results, this value is null.