2018/06/05 - AWS Cost Explorer Service - 1 updated api methods
Changes Cost Explorer API is providing programmatic access to RI saving metrics to enable customers to optimize their reservations.
{'Total': {'AmortizedRecurringFee': 'string', 'AmortizedUpfrontFee': 'string', 'NetRISavings': 'string', 'OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed': 'string', 'TotalAmortizedFee': 'string', 'TotalPotentialRISavings': 'string'}, 'UtilizationsByTime': {'Groups': {'Utilization': {'AmortizedRecurringFee': 'string', 'AmortizedUpfrontFee': 'string', 'NetRISavings': 'string', 'OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed': 'string', 'TotalAmortizedFee': 'string', 'TotalPotentialRISavings': 'string'}}, 'Total': {'AmortizedRecurringFee': 'string', 'AmortizedUpfrontFee': 'string', 'NetRISavings': 'string', 'OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed': 'string', 'TotalAmortizedFee': 'string', 'TotalPotentialRISavings': 'string'}}}
Retrieves the reservation utilization for your account. Master accounts in an organization have access to member accounts. You can filter data by dimensions in a time period. You can use GetDimensionValues to determine the possible dimension values. Currently, you can group only by SUBSCRIPTION_ID .
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_reservation_utilization( TimePeriod={ 'Start': 'string', 'End': 'string' }, GroupBy=[ { 'Type': 'DIMENSION'|'TAG', 'Key': 'string' }, ], Granularity='DAILY'|'MONTHLY', Filter={ 'Or': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ], 'And': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ], 'Not': {'... recursive ...'}, 'Dimensions': { 'Key': 'AZ'|'INSTANCE_TYPE'|'LINKED_ACCOUNT'|'OPERATION'|'PURCHASE_TYPE'|'REGION'|'SERVICE'|'USAGE_TYPE'|'USAGE_TYPE_GROUP'|'RECORD_TYPE'|'OPERATING_SYSTEM'|'TENANCY'|'SCOPE'|'PLATFORM'|'SUBSCRIPTION_ID'|'LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME'|'DEPLOYMENT_OPTION'|'DATABASE_ENGINE'|'CACHE_ENGINE'|'INSTANCE_TYPE_FAMILY', 'Values': [ 'string', ] }, 'Tags': { 'Key': 'string', 'Values': [ 'string', ] } }, NextPageToken='string' )
Sets the start and end dates for retrieving Reserved Instance (RI) utilization. The start date is inclusive, but the end date is exclusive. For example, if start is 2017-01-01 and end is 2017-05-01 , then the cost and usage data is retrieved from 2017-01-01 up to and including 2017-04-30 but not including 2017-05-01 .
Start (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The beginning of the time period that you want the usage and costs for. The start date is inclusive. For example, if start is 2017-01-01 , AWS retrieves cost and usage data starting at 2017-01-01 up to the end date.
End (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The end of the time period that you want the usage and costs for. The end date is exclusive. For example, if end is 2017-05-01 , AWS retrieves cost and usage data from the start date up to, but not including, 2017-05-01 .
Groups only by SUBSCRIPTION_ID . Metadata is included.
(dict) --
Represents a group when you specify a group by criteria, or in the response to a query with a specific grouping.
Type (string) --
The string that represents the type of group.
Key (string) --
The string that represents a key for a specified group.
If GroupBy is set, Granularity can't be set. If Granularity isn't set, the response object doesn't include Granularity , either MONTHLY or DAILY . If both GroupBy and Granularity aren't set, GetReservationUtilization defaults to DAILY .
Filters utilization data by dimensions. You can filter by the following dimensions:
GetReservationUtilization uses the same `` Expression `` object as the other operations, but only AND is supported among each dimension, and nesting is supported up to only one level deep. If there are multiple values for a dimension, they are OR'd together.
Or (list) --
Return results that match either Dimension object.
(dict) --
Use Expression to filter by cost or by usage. There are two patterns:
Simple dimension values - You can set the dimension name and values for the filters that you plan to use. For example, you can filter for INSTANCE_TYPE==m4.xlarge OR INSTANCE_TYPE==c4.large . The Expression for that looks like this: { "Dimensions": { "Key": "INSTANCE_TYPE", "Values": [ "m4.xlarge", “c4.large” ] } } The list of dimension values are OR'd together to retrieve cost or usage data. You can create Expression and DimensionValues objects using either with* methods or set* methods in multiple lines.
Compound dimension values with logical operations - You can use multiple Expression types and the logical operators AND/OR/NOT to create a list of one or more Expression objects. This allows you to filter on more advanced options. For example, you can filter on ((INSTANCE_TYPE == m4.large OR INSTANCE_TYPE == m3.large) OR (TAG.Type == Type1)) AND (USAGE_TYPE != DataTransfer) . The Expression for that looks like this: { "And": [ {"Or": [ {"Dimensions": { "Key": "INSTANCE_TYPE", "Values": [ "m4.x.large", "c4.large" ] }}, {"Tags": { "Key": "TagName", "Values": ["Value1"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions": { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"] }}} ] }
Because each Expression can have only one operator, the service returns an error if more than one is specified. The following example shows an Expression object that creates an error.
{ "And": [ ... ], "DimensionValues": { "Dimension": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": [ "DataTransfer" ] } }
And (list) --
Return results that match both Dimension objects.
(dict) --
Use Expression to filter by cost or by usage. There are two patterns:
Simple dimension values - You can set the dimension name and values for the filters that you plan to use. For example, you can filter for INSTANCE_TYPE==m4.xlarge OR INSTANCE_TYPE==c4.large . The Expression for that looks like this: { "Dimensions": { "Key": "INSTANCE_TYPE", "Values": [ "m4.xlarge", “c4.large” ] } } The list of dimension values are OR'd together to retrieve cost or usage data. You can create Expression and DimensionValues objects using either with* methods or set* methods in multiple lines.
Compound dimension values with logical operations - You can use multiple Expression types and the logical operators AND/OR/NOT to create a list of one or more Expression objects. This allows you to filter on more advanced options. For example, you can filter on ((INSTANCE_TYPE == m4.large OR INSTANCE_TYPE == m3.large) OR (TAG.Type == Type1)) AND (USAGE_TYPE != DataTransfer) . The Expression for that looks like this: { "And": [ {"Or": [ {"Dimensions": { "Key": "INSTANCE_TYPE", "Values": [ "m4.x.large", "c4.large" ] }}, {"Tags": { "Key": "TagName", "Values": ["Value1"] } } ]}, {"Not": {"Dimensions": { "Key": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": ["DataTransfer"] }}} ] }
Because each Expression can have only one operator, the service returns an error if more than one is specified. The following example shows an Expression object that creates an error.
{ "And": [ ... ], "DimensionValues": { "Dimension": "USAGE_TYPE", "Values": [ "DataTransfer" ] } }
Not (dict) --
Return results that don't match a Dimension object.
Dimensions (dict) --
The specific Dimension to use for Expression .
Key (string) --
The names of the metadata types that you can use to filter and group your results. For example, AZ returns a list of Availability Zones.
Values (list) --
The metadata values that you can use to filter and group your results. You can use GetDimensionValues to find specific values.
(string) --
Tags (dict) --
The specific Tag to use for Expression .
Key (string) --
The key for a tag.
Values (list) --
The specific value of a tag.
(string) --
The token to retrieve the next set of results. AWS provides the token when the response from a previous call has more results than the maximum page size.
Response Syntax
{ 'UtilizationsByTime': [ { 'TimePeriod': { 'Start': 'string', 'End': 'string' }, 'Groups': [ { 'Key': 'string', 'Value': 'string', 'Attributes': { 'string': 'string' }, 'Utilization': { 'UtilizationPercentage': 'string', 'PurchasedHours': 'string', 'TotalActualHours': 'string', 'UnusedHours': 'string', 'OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed': 'string', 'NetRISavings': 'string', 'TotalPotentialRISavings': 'string', 'AmortizedUpfrontFee': 'string', 'AmortizedRecurringFee': 'string', 'TotalAmortizedFee': 'string' } }, ], 'Total': { 'UtilizationPercentage': 'string', 'PurchasedHours': 'string', 'TotalActualHours': 'string', 'UnusedHours': 'string', 'OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed': 'string', 'NetRISavings': 'string', 'TotalPotentialRISavings': 'string', 'AmortizedUpfrontFee': 'string', 'AmortizedRecurringFee': 'string', 'TotalAmortizedFee': 'string' } }, ], 'Total': { 'UtilizationPercentage': 'string', 'PurchasedHours': 'string', 'TotalActualHours': 'string', 'UnusedHours': 'string', 'OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed': 'string', 'NetRISavings': 'string', 'TotalPotentialRISavings': 'string', 'AmortizedUpfrontFee': 'string', 'AmortizedRecurringFee': 'string', 'TotalAmortizedFee': 'string' }, 'NextPageToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
UtilizationsByTime (list) --
The amount of time that you utilized your RIs.
(dict) --
The amount of utilization, in hours.
TimePeriod (dict) --
The period of time over which this utilization was used.
Start (string) --
The beginning of the time period that you want the usage and costs for. The start date is inclusive. For example, if start is 2017-01-01 , AWS retrieves cost and usage data starting at 2017-01-01 up to the end date.
End (string) --
The end of the time period that you want the usage and costs for. The end date is exclusive. For example, if end is 2017-05-01 , AWS retrieves cost and usage data from the start date up to, but not including, 2017-05-01 .
Groups (list) --
The groups that are included in this utilization result.
(dict) --
A group of RIs that share a set of attributes.
Key (string) --
The key for a specific RI attribute.
Value (string) --
The value of a specific RI attribute.
Attributes (dict) --
The attributes for this group of RIs.
(string) --
(string) --
Utilization (dict) --
How much you used this group of RIs.
UtilizationPercentage (string) --
The percentage of RI time that you used.
PurchasedHours (string) --
How many RI hours that you purchased.
TotalActualHours (string) --
The total number of RI hours that you used.
UnusedHours (string) --
The number of RI hours that you didn't use.
OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed (string) --
How much your RIs would cost if charged On-Demand rates.
NetRISavings (string) --
How much you saved due to purchasing and utilizing RIs. This is calculated by subtracting the TotalAmortizedFee from the OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed .
TotalPotentialRISavings (string) --
How much you could save if you use your entire reservation.
AmortizedUpfrontFee (string) --
The upfront cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
AmortizedRecurringFee (string) --
The monthly cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
TotalAmortizedFee (string) --
The total cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
Total (dict) --
The total number of RI hours that were used.
UtilizationPercentage (string) --
The percentage of RI time that you used.
PurchasedHours (string) --
How many RI hours that you purchased.
TotalActualHours (string) --
The total number of RI hours that you used.
UnusedHours (string) --
The number of RI hours that you didn't use.
OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed (string) --
How much your RIs would cost if charged On-Demand rates.
NetRISavings (string) --
How much you saved due to purchasing and utilizing RIs. This is calculated by subtracting the TotalAmortizedFee from the OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed .
TotalPotentialRISavings (string) --
How much you could save if you use your entire reservation.
AmortizedUpfrontFee (string) --
The upfront cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
AmortizedRecurringFee (string) --
The monthly cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
TotalAmortizedFee (string) --
The total cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
Total (dict) --
The total amount of time that you utilized your RIs.
UtilizationPercentage (string) --
The percentage of RI time that you used.
PurchasedHours (string) --
How many RI hours that you purchased.
TotalActualHours (string) --
The total number of RI hours that you used.
UnusedHours (string) --
The number of RI hours that you didn't use.
OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed (string) --
How much your RIs would cost if charged On-Demand rates.
NetRISavings (string) --
How much you saved due to purchasing and utilizing RIs. This is calculated by subtracting the TotalAmortizedFee from the OnDemandCostOfRIHoursUsed .
TotalPotentialRISavings (string) --
How much you could save if you use your entire reservation.
AmortizedUpfrontFee (string) --
The upfront cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
AmortizedRecurringFee (string) --
The monthly cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
TotalAmortizedFee (string) --
The total cost of your RI, amortized over the RI period.
NextPageToken (string) --
The token for the next set of retrievable results. AWS provides the token when the response from a previous call has more results than the maximum page size.