2018/05/25 - Amazon AppStream - 3 updated api methods
Changes This API update enables customers to control whether users can transfer data between their local devices and their streaming applications through file uploads and downloads, clipboard operations, or printing to local devices
Creates a stack.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_stack( Name='string', Description='string', DisplayName='string', StorageConnectors=[ { 'ConnectorType': 'HOMEFOLDERS', 'ResourceIdentifier': 'string' }, ], RedirectURL='string', FeedbackURL='string', UserSettings=[ { 'Action': 'CLIPBOARD_COPY_FROM_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'CLIPBOARD_COPY_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'FILE_UPLOAD'|'FILE_DOWNLOAD'|'PRINTING_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE', 'Permission': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, ] )
The name of the stack.
The description for display.
The stack name for display.
The storage connectors to enable.
(dict) --
Describes a storage connector.
ConnectorType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of storage connector.
ResourceIdentifier (string) --
The ARN of the storage connector.
The URL that users are redirected to after their streaming session ends.
The URL that users are redirected to after they click the Send Feedback link. If no URL is specified, no Send Feedback link is displayed.
The actions that are enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions. By default, these actions are enabled.
(dict) --
Describes an action and whether the action is enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions.
Action (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The action that is enabled or disabled.
Permission (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Indicates whether the action is enabled or disabled.
Response Syntax
{ 'Stack': { 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'StorageConnectors': [ { 'ConnectorType': 'HOMEFOLDERS', 'ResourceIdentifier': 'string' }, ], 'RedirectURL': 'string', 'FeedbackURL': 'string', 'StackErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'STORAGE_CONNECTOR_ERROR'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'UserSettings': [ { 'Action': 'CLIPBOARD_COPY_FROM_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'CLIPBOARD_COPY_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'FILE_UPLOAD'|'FILE_DOWNLOAD'|'PRINTING_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE', 'Permission': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Stack (dict) --
Information about the stack.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the stack.
Name (string) --
The name of the stack.
Description (string) --
The description for display.
DisplayName (string) --
The stack name for display.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the stack was created.
StorageConnectors (list) --
The storage connectors to enable.
(dict) --
Describes a storage connector.
ConnectorType (string) --
The type of storage connector.
ResourceIdentifier (string) --
The ARN of the storage connector.
RedirectURL (string) --
The URL that users are redirected to after their streaming session ends.
FeedbackURL (string) --
The URL that users are redirected to after they click the Send Feedback link. If no URL is specified, no Send Feedback link is displayed.
StackErrors (list) --
The errors for the stack.
(dict) --
Describes a stack error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
UserSettings (list) --
The actions that are enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions. By default these actions are enabled.
(dict) --
Describes an action and whether the action is enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions.
Action (string) --
The action that is enabled or disabled.
Permission (string) --
Indicates whether the action is enabled or disabled.
Describes the specified stacks or all stacks in the account.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.describe_stacks( Names=[ 'string', ], NextToken='string' )
The names of the stacks to describe.
(string) --
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If this value is null, it retrieves the first page.
Response Syntax
{ 'Stacks': [ { 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'StorageConnectors': [ { 'ConnectorType': 'HOMEFOLDERS', 'ResourceIdentifier': 'string' }, ], 'RedirectURL': 'string', 'FeedbackURL': 'string', 'StackErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'STORAGE_CONNECTOR_ERROR'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'UserSettings': [ { 'Action': 'CLIPBOARD_COPY_FROM_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'CLIPBOARD_COPY_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'FILE_UPLOAD'|'FILE_DOWNLOAD'|'PRINTING_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE', 'Permission': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, ] }, ], 'NextToken': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Stacks (list) --
Information about the stacks.
(dict) --
Describes a stack.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the stack.
Name (string) --
The name of the stack.
Description (string) --
The description for display.
DisplayName (string) --
The stack name for display.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the stack was created.
StorageConnectors (list) --
The storage connectors to enable.
(dict) --
Describes a storage connector.
ConnectorType (string) --
The type of storage connector.
ResourceIdentifier (string) --
The ARN of the storage connector.
RedirectURL (string) --
The URL that users are redirected to after their streaming session ends.
FeedbackURL (string) --
The URL that users are redirected to after they click the Send Feedback link. If no URL is specified, no Send Feedback link is displayed.
StackErrors (list) --
The errors for the stack.
(dict) --
Describes a stack error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
UserSettings (list) --
The actions that are enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions. By default these actions are enabled.
(dict) --
Describes an action and whether the action is enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions.
Action (string) --
The action that is enabled or disabled.
Permission (string) --
Indicates whether the action is enabled or disabled.
NextToken (string) --
The pagination token to use to retrieve the next page of results for this operation. If there are no more pages, this value is null.
Updates the specified stack.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.update_stack( DisplayName='string', Description='string', Name='string', StorageConnectors=[ { 'ConnectorType': 'HOMEFOLDERS', 'ResourceIdentifier': 'string' }, ], DeleteStorageConnectors=True|False, RedirectURL='string', FeedbackURL='string', AttributesToDelete=[ 'STORAGE_CONNECTORS'|'REDIRECT_URL'|'FEEDBACK_URL'|'THEME_NAME'|'USER_SETTINGS', ], UserSettings=[ { 'Action': 'CLIPBOARD_COPY_FROM_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'CLIPBOARD_COPY_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'FILE_UPLOAD'|'FILE_DOWNLOAD'|'PRINTING_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE', 'Permission': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, ] )
The stack name for display.
The description for display.
The name of the stack.
The storage connectors to enable.
(dict) --
Describes a storage connector.
ConnectorType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of storage connector.
ResourceIdentifier (string) --
The ARN of the storage connector.
Deletes the storage connectors currently enabled for the stack.
The URL that users are redirected to after their streaming session ends.
The URL that users are redirected to after they click the Send Feedback link. If no URL is specified, no Send Feedback link is displayed.
The stack attributes to delete.
(string) --
The actions that are enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions. By default, these actions are enabled.
(dict) --
Describes an action and whether the action is enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions.
Action (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The action that is enabled or disabled.
Permission (string) -- [REQUIRED]
Indicates whether the action is enabled or disabled.
Response Syntax
{ 'Stack': { 'Arn': 'string', 'Name': 'string', 'Description': 'string', 'DisplayName': 'string', 'CreatedTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'StorageConnectors': [ { 'ConnectorType': 'HOMEFOLDERS', 'ResourceIdentifier': 'string' }, ], 'RedirectURL': 'string', 'FeedbackURL': 'string', 'StackErrors': [ { 'ErrorCode': 'STORAGE_CONNECTOR_ERROR'|'INTERNAL_SERVICE_ERROR', 'ErrorMessage': 'string' }, ], 'UserSettings': [ { 'Action': 'CLIPBOARD_COPY_FROM_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'CLIPBOARD_COPY_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE'|'FILE_UPLOAD'|'FILE_DOWNLOAD'|'PRINTING_TO_LOCAL_DEVICE', 'Permission': 'ENABLED'|'DISABLED' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
Stack (dict) --
Information about the stack.
Arn (string) --
The ARN of the stack.
Name (string) --
The name of the stack.
Description (string) --
The description for display.
DisplayName (string) --
The stack name for display.
CreatedTime (datetime) --
The time the stack was created.
StorageConnectors (list) --
The storage connectors to enable.
(dict) --
Describes a storage connector.
ConnectorType (string) --
The type of storage connector.
ResourceIdentifier (string) --
The ARN of the storage connector.
RedirectURL (string) --
The URL that users are redirected to after their streaming session ends.
FeedbackURL (string) --
The URL that users are redirected to after they click the Send Feedback link. If no URL is specified, no Send Feedback link is displayed.
StackErrors (list) --
The errors for the stack.
(dict) --
Describes a stack error.
ErrorCode (string) --
The error code.
ErrorMessage (string) --
The error message.
UserSettings (list) --
The actions that are enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions. By default these actions are enabled.
(dict) --
Describes an action and whether the action is enabled or disabled for users during their streaming sessions.
Action (string) --
The action that is enabled or disabled.
Permission (string) --
Indicates whether the action is enabled or disabled.