2020/04/20 - AmazonApiGatewayV2 - 1 new api methods
Changes You can now export an OpenAPI 3.0 compliant API definition file for Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs using the Export API.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.export_api( ApiId='string', ExportVersion='string', IncludeExtensions=True|False, OutputType='YAML'|'JSON', Specification='OAS30', StageName='string' )
The API identifier.
The version of the API Gateway export algorithm. API Gateway uses the latest version by default. Currently, the only supported version is 1.0.
Specifies whether to include API Gateway extensions in the exported API definition. API Gateway extensions are included by default.
The output type of the exported definition file. Valid values are JSON and YAML.
The version of the API specification to use. OAS30, for OpenAPI 3.0, is the only supported value.
The name of the API stage to export. If you don't specify this property, a representation of the latest API configuration is exported.
Response Syntax
{ 'body': StreamingBody() }
Response Structure
(dict) --
body (:class:`.StreamingBody`) --
Represents an exported definition of an API in a particular output format, for example, YAML. The API is serialized to the requested specification, for example, OpenAPI 3.0.