2018/11/20 - AWS RDS DataService - 1 new api methods
Changes The RDS Data API Beta is available for the MySQL-compatible edition of Amazon Aurora Serverless in the US East (N. Virginia) Region. This API enables you to easily access Aurora Serverless with web services-based applications including AWS Lambda and AWS AppSync.
Executes any SQL statement on the target database synchronously
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.execute_sql( awsSecretStoreArn='string', database='string', dbClusterOrInstanceArn='string', schema='string', sqlStatements='string' )
[REQUIRED] ARN of the db credentials in AWS Secret Store or the friendly secret name
Target DB name
[REQUIRED] ARN of the target db cluster or instance
Target Schema name
[REQUIRED] SQL statement(s) to be executed. Statements can be chained by using semicolons
Response Syntax
{ 'sqlStatementResults': [ { 'numberOfRecordsUpdated': 123, 'resultFrame': { 'records': [ { 'values': [ { 'arrayValues': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ], 'bigIntValue': 123, 'bitValue': True|False, 'blobValue': b'bytes', 'doubleValue': 123.0, 'intValue': 123, 'isNull': True|False, 'realValue': ..., 'stringValue': 'string', 'structValue': { 'attributes': [ {'... recursive ...'}, ] } }, ] }, ], 'resultSetMetadata': { 'columnCount': 123, 'columnMetadata': [ { 'arrayBaseColumnType': 123, 'isAutoIncrement': True|False, 'isCaseSensitive': True|False, 'isCurrency': True|False, 'isSigned': True|False, 'label': 'string', 'name': 'string', 'nullable': 123, 'precision': 123, 'scale': 123, 'schemaName': 'string', 'tableName': 'string', 'type': 123, 'typeName': 'string' }, ] } } }, ] }
Response Structure
(dict) -- Execute SQL response
sqlStatementResults (list) -- Results returned by executing the sql statement(s)
(dict) -- SQL statement execution result
numberOfRecordsUpdated (integer) -- Number of rows updated.
resultFrame (dict) -- ResultFrame returned by executing the sql statement
records (list) -- ResultSet Metadata.
(dict) -- Row or Record
values (list) -- Record
(dict) -- Column value
arrayValues (list) -- Arbitrarily nested arrays
(dict) -- Column value
bigIntValue (integer) -- Long value
bitValue (boolean) -- Bit value
blobValue (bytes) -- Blob value
doubleValue (float) -- Double value
intValue (integer) -- Integer value
isNull (boolean) -- Is column null
realValue (float) -- Float value
stringValue (string) -- String value
structValue (dict) -- Struct or UDT
attributes (list) -- Struct or UDT
(dict) -- Column value
resultSetMetadata (dict) -- ResultSet Metadata.
columnCount (integer) -- Number of columns
columnMetadata (list) -- List of columns and their types
(dict) -- Column Metadata
arrayBaseColumnType (integer) -- Homogenous array base SQL type from java.sql.Types.
isAutoIncrement (boolean) -- Whether the designated column is automatically numbered
isCaseSensitive (boolean) -- Whether values in the designated column's case matters
isCurrency (boolean) -- Whether values in the designated column is a cash value
isSigned (boolean) -- Whether values in the designated column are signed numbers
label (string) -- Usually specified by the SQL AS. If not specified, return column name.
name (string) -- Name of the column.
nullable (integer) -- Indicates the nullability of values in the designated column. One of columnNoNulls (0), columnNullable (1), columnNullableUnknown (2)
precision (integer) -- Get the designated column's specified column size.For numeric data, this is the maximum precision. For character data, this is the length in characters. For datetime datatypes, this is the length in characters of the String representation (assuming the maximum allowed precision of the fractional seconds component). For binary data, this is the length in bytes. For the ROWID datatype, this is the length in bytes. 0 is returned for data types where the column size is not applicable.
scale (integer) -- Designated column's number of digits to right of the decimal point. 0 is returned for data types where the scale is not applicable.
schemaName (string) -- Designated column's table's schema
tableName (string) -- Designated column's table name
type (integer) -- SQL type from java.sql.Types.
typeName (string) -- Database-specific type name.