Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

2023/09/28 - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - 16 updated api methods

Changes  Adds support for Customer Managed Key encryption for Amazon Verified Access resources

AttachVerifiedAccessTrustProvider (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Attaches the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider to the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VerifiedAccessInstanceId


param VerifiedAccessInstanceId


The ID of the Verified Access instance.

type VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


param VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
        'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
        'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike',
        'OidcOptions': {
            'Issuer': 'string',
            'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
            'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
            'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
            'ClientId': 'string',
            'ClientSecret': 'string',
            'Scope': 'string'
        'DeviceOptions': {
            'TenantId': 'string'
        'PolicyReferenceName': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
    'VerifiedAccessInstance': {
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviders': [
                'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
                'Description': 'string',
                'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
                'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
                'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike'
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'FipsEnabled': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessTrustProvider (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • TrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of Verified Access trust provider.

      • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of user-based trust provider.

      • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of device-based trust provider.

      • OidcOptions (dict) --

        The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

        • Issuer (string) --

          The OIDC issuer.

        • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC authorization endpoint.

        • TokenEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC token endpoint.

        • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC user info endpoint.

        • ClientId (string) --

          The client identifier.

        • ClientSecret (string) --

          The client secret.

        • Scope (string) --

          The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified.

      • DeviceOptions (dict) --

        The options for device-identity trust provider.

        • TenantId (string) --

          The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

      • PolicyReferenceName (string) --

        The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

    • VerifiedAccessInstance (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviders (list) --

        The IDs of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust providers.

        • (dict) --

          Condensed information about a trust provider.

          • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

            The ID of the trust provider.

          • Description (string) --

            The description of trust provider.

          • TrustProviderType (string) --

            The type of trust provider (user- or device-based).

          • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

            The type of user-based trust provider.

          • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

            The type of device-based trust provider.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • FipsEnabled (boolean) --

        Describes whether support for Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) is enabled on the instance.

CreateVerifiedAccessEndpoint (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}
{'VerifiedAccessEndpoint': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                 'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

An Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint is where you define your application along with an optional endpoint-level access policy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
        'Port': 123,
        'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
        'SubnetIds': [
        'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
        'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
        'Port': 123
            'ResourceType': 'capacity-reservation'|'client-vpn-endpoint'|'customer-gateway'|'carrier-gateway'|'coip-pool'|'dedicated-host'|'dhcp-options'|'egress-only-internet-gateway'|'elastic-ip'|'elastic-gpu'|'export-image-task'|'export-instance-task'|'fleet'|'fpga-image'|'host-reservation'|'image'|'import-image-task'|'import-snapshot-task'|'instance'|'instance-event-window'|'internet-gateway'|'ipam'|'ipam-pool'|'ipam-scope'|'ipv4pool-ec2'|'ipv6pool-ec2'|'key-pair'|'launch-template'|'local-gateway'|'local-gateway-route-table'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface-group'|'local-gateway-route-table-vpc-association'|'local-gateway-route-table-virtual-interface-group-association'|'natgateway'|'network-acl'|'network-interface'|'network-insights-analysis'|'network-insights-path'|'network-insights-access-scope'|'network-insights-access-scope-analysis'|'placement-group'|'prefix-list'|'replace-root-volume-task'|'reserved-instances'|'route-table'|'security-group'|'security-group-rule'|'snapshot'|'spot-fleet-request'|'spot-instances-request'|'subnet'|'subnet-cidr-reservation'|'traffic-mirror-filter'|'traffic-mirror-session'|'traffic-mirror-target'|'transit-gateway'|'transit-gateway-attachment'|'transit-gateway-connect-peer'|'transit-gateway-multicast-domain'|'transit-gateway-policy-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table-announcement'|'volume'|'vpc'|'vpc-endpoint'|'vpc-endpoint-connection'|'vpc-endpoint-service'|'vpc-endpoint-service-permission'|'vpc-peering-connection'|'vpn-connection'|'vpn-gateway'|'vpc-flow-log'|'capacity-reservation-fleet'|'traffic-mirror-filter-rule'|'vpc-endpoint-connection-device-type'|'verified-access-instance'|'verified-access-group'|'verified-access-endpoint'|'verified-access-policy'|'verified-access-trust-provider'|'vpn-connection-device-type'|'vpc-block-public-access-exclusion'|'ipam-resource-discovery'|'ipam-resource-discovery-association'|'instance-connect-endpoint',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
type VerifiedAccessGroupId


param VerifiedAccessGroupId


The ID of the Verified Access group to associate the endpoint with.

type EndpointType


param EndpointType


The type of Verified Access endpoint to create.

type AttachmentType


param AttachmentType


The type of attachment.

type DomainCertificateArn


param DomainCertificateArn


The ARN of the public TLS/SSL certificate in Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager to associate with the endpoint. The CN in the certificate must match the DNS name your end users will use to reach your application.

type ApplicationDomain


param ApplicationDomain


The DNS name for users to reach your application.

type EndpointDomainPrefix


param EndpointDomainPrefix


A custom identifier that is prepended to the DNS name that is generated for the endpoint.

type SecurityGroupIds


param SecurityGroupIds

The IDs of the security groups to associate with the Verified Access endpoint.

  • (string) --

type LoadBalancerOptions


param LoadBalancerOptions

The load balancer details. This parameter is required if the endpoint type is load-balancer .

  • Protocol (string) --

    The IP protocol.

  • Port (integer) --

    The IP port number.

  • LoadBalancerArn (string) --

    The ARN of the load balancer.

  • SubnetIds (list) --

    The IDs of the subnets.

    • (string) --

type NetworkInterfaceOptions


param NetworkInterfaceOptions

The network interface details. This parameter is required if the endpoint type is network-interface .

  • NetworkInterfaceId (string) --

    The ID of the network interface.

  • Protocol (string) --

    The IP protocol.

  • Port (integer) --

    The IP port number.

type Description


param Description

A description for the Verified Access endpoint.

type PolicyDocument


param PolicyDocument

The Verified Access policy document.

type TagSpecifications


param TagSpecifications

The tags to assign to the Verified Access endpoint.

  • (dict) --

    The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created. When you specify a tag, you must specify the resource type to tag, otherwise the request will fail.


    The Valid Values lists all the resource types that can be tagged. However, the action you're using might not support tagging all of these resource types. If you try to tag a resource type that is unsupported for the action you're using, you'll get an error.

    • ResourceType (string) --

      The type of resource to tag on creation.

    • Tags (list) --

      The tags to apply to the resource.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a tag.

        • Key (string) --

          The key of the tag.

          Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

        • Value (string) --

          The value of the tag.

          Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type SseSpecification


param SseSpecification

Options for server side encryption.

  • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

    Enable or disable the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

    Valid values: True | False

  • KmsKeyArn (string) --

    The ARN of the KMS key.




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessEndpoint': {
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessEndpointId': 'string',
        'ApplicationDomain': 'string',
        'EndpointType': 'load-balancer'|'network-interface',
        'AttachmentType': 'vpc',
        'DomainCertificateArn': 'string',
        'EndpointDomain': 'string',
        'DeviceValidationDomain': 'string',
        'SecurityGroupIds': [
        'LoadBalancerOptions': {
            'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
            'Port': 123,
            'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
            'SubnetIds': [
        'NetworkInterfaceOptions': {
            'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
            'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
            'Port': 123
        'Status': {
            'Code': 'pending'|'active'|'updating'|'deleting'|'deleted',
            'Message': 'string'
        'Description': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'DeletionTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessEndpoint (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessEndpointId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

      • ApplicationDomain (string) --

        The DNS name for users to reach your application.

      • EndpointType (string) --

        The type of Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint. Incoming application requests will be sent to an IP address, load balancer or a network interface depending on the endpoint type specified.

      • AttachmentType (string) --

        The type of attachment used to provide connectivity between the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint and the application.

      • DomainCertificateArn (string) --

        The ARN of a public TLS/SSL certificate imported into or created with ACM.

      • EndpointDomain (string) --

        A DNS name that is generated for the endpoint.

      • DeviceValidationDomain (string) --

        Returned if endpoint has a device trust provider attached.

      • SecurityGroupIds (list) --

        The IDs of the security groups for the endpoint.

        • (string) --

      • LoadBalancerOptions (dict) --

        The load balancer details if creating the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint as load-balancer type.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The IP protocol.

        • Port (integer) --

          The IP port number.

        • LoadBalancerArn (string) --

          The ARN of the load balancer.

        • SubnetIds (list) --

          The IDs of the subnets.

          • (string) --

      • NetworkInterfaceOptions (dict) --

        The options for network-interface type endpoint.

        • NetworkInterfaceId (string) --

          The ID of the network interface.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The IP protocol.

        • Port (integer) --

          The IP port number.

      • Status (dict) --

        The endpoint status.

        • Code (string) --

          The status code of the Verified Access endpoint.

        • Message (string) --

          The status message of the Verified Access endpoint.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • DeletionTime (string) --

        The deletion time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

CreateVerifiedAccessGroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}
{'VerifiedAccessGroup': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                              'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

An Amazon Web Services Verified Access group is a collection of Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoints who's associated applications have similar security requirements. Each instance within a Verified Access group shares an Verified Access policy. For example, you can group all Verified Access instances associated with "sales" applications together and use one common Verified Access policy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'ResourceType': 'capacity-reservation'|'client-vpn-endpoint'|'customer-gateway'|'carrier-gateway'|'coip-pool'|'dedicated-host'|'dhcp-options'|'egress-only-internet-gateway'|'elastic-ip'|'elastic-gpu'|'export-image-task'|'export-instance-task'|'fleet'|'fpga-image'|'host-reservation'|'image'|'import-image-task'|'import-snapshot-task'|'instance'|'instance-event-window'|'internet-gateway'|'ipam'|'ipam-pool'|'ipam-scope'|'ipv4pool-ec2'|'ipv6pool-ec2'|'key-pair'|'launch-template'|'local-gateway'|'local-gateway-route-table'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface-group'|'local-gateway-route-table-vpc-association'|'local-gateway-route-table-virtual-interface-group-association'|'natgateway'|'network-acl'|'network-interface'|'network-insights-analysis'|'network-insights-path'|'network-insights-access-scope'|'network-insights-access-scope-analysis'|'placement-group'|'prefix-list'|'replace-root-volume-task'|'reserved-instances'|'route-table'|'security-group'|'security-group-rule'|'snapshot'|'spot-fleet-request'|'spot-instances-request'|'subnet'|'subnet-cidr-reservation'|'traffic-mirror-filter'|'traffic-mirror-session'|'traffic-mirror-target'|'transit-gateway'|'transit-gateway-attachment'|'transit-gateway-connect-peer'|'transit-gateway-multicast-domain'|'transit-gateway-policy-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table-announcement'|'volume'|'vpc'|'vpc-endpoint'|'vpc-endpoint-connection'|'vpc-endpoint-service'|'vpc-endpoint-service-permission'|'vpc-peering-connection'|'vpn-connection'|'vpn-gateway'|'vpc-flow-log'|'capacity-reservation-fleet'|'traffic-mirror-filter-rule'|'vpc-endpoint-connection-device-type'|'verified-access-instance'|'verified-access-group'|'verified-access-endpoint'|'verified-access-policy'|'verified-access-trust-provider'|'vpn-connection-device-type'|'vpc-block-public-access-exclusion'|'ipam-resource-discovery'|'ipam-resource-discovery-association'|'instance-connect-endpoint',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
type VerifiedAccessInstanceId


param VerifiedAccessInstanceId


The ID of the Verified Access instance.

type Description


param Description

A description for the Verified Access group.

type PolicyDocument


param PolicyDocument

The Verified Access policy document.

type TagSpecifications


param TagSpecifications

The tags to assign to the Verified Access group.

  • (dict) --

    The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created. When you specify a tag, you must specify the resource type to tag, otherwise the request will fail.


    The Valid Values lists all the resource types that can be tagged. However, the action you're using might not support tagging all of these resource types. If you try to tag a resource type that is unsupported for the action you're using, you'll get an error.

    • ResourceType (string) --

      The type of resource to tag on creation.

    • Tags (list) --

      The tags to apply to the resource.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a tag.

        • Key (string) --

          The key of the tag.

          Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

        • Value (string) --

          The value of the tag.

          Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type SseSpecification


param SseSpecification

Options for server side encryption.

  • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

    Enable or disable the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

    Valid values: True | False

  • KmsKeyArn (string) --

    The ARN of the KMS key.




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessGroup': {
        'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Owner': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessGroupArn': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'DeletionTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessGroup (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

        The ID of the Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

      • Owner (string) --

        The Amazon Web Services account number that owns the group.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupArn (string) --

        The ARN of the Verified Access group.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • DeletionTime (string) --

        The deletion time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

CreateVerifiedAccessTrustProvider (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}
{'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

A trust provider is a third-party entity that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for users and devices. When an application request is made, the identity information sent by the trust provider is evaluated by Verified Access before allowing or denying the application request.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Issuer': 'string',
        'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
        'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
        'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
        'ClientId': 'string',
        'ClientSecret': 'string',
        'Scope': 'string'
        'TenantId': 'string'
            'ResourceType': 'capacity-reservation'|'client-vpn-endpoint'|'customer-gateway'|'carrier-gateway'|'coip-pool'|'dedicated-host'|'dhcp-options'|'egress-only-internet-gateway'|'elastic-ip'|'elastic-gpu'|'export-image-task'|'export-instance-task'|'fleet'|'fpga-image'|'host-reservation'|'image'|'import-image-task'|'import-snapshot-task'|'instance'|'instance-event-window'|'internet-gateway'|'ipam'|'ipam-pool'|'ipam-scope'|'ipv4pool-ec2'|'ipv6pool-ec2'|'key-pair'|'launch-template'|'local-gateway'|'local-gateway-route-table'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface'|'local-gateway-virtual-interface-group'|'local-gateway-route-table-vpc-association'|'local-gateway-route-table-virtual-interface-group-association'|'natgateway'|'network-acl'|'network-interface'|'network-insights-analysis'|'network-insights-path'|'network-insights-access-scope'|'network-insights-access-scope-analysis'|'placement-group'|'prefix-list'|'replace-root-volume-task'|'reserved-instances'|'route-table'|'security-group'|'security-group-rule'|'snapshot'|'spot-fleet-request'|'spot-instances-request'|'subnet'|'subnet-cidr-reservation'|'traffic-mirror-filter'|'traffic-mirror-session'|'traffic-mirror-target'|'transit-gateway'|'transit-gateway-attachment'|'transit-gateway-connect-peer'|'transit-gateway-multicast-domain'|'transit-gateway-policy-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table'|'transit-gateway-route-table-announcement'|'volume'|'vpc'|'vpc-endpoint'|'vpc-endpoint-connection'|'vpc-endpoint-service'|'vpc-endpoint-service-permission'|'vpc-peering-connection'|'vpn-connection'|'vpn-gateway'|'vpc-flow-log'|'capacity-reservation-fleet'|'traffic-mirror-filter-rule'|'vpc-endpoint-connection-device-type'|'verified-access-instance'|'verified-access-group'|'verified-access-endpoint'|'verified-access-policy'|'verified-access-trust-provider'|'vpn-connection-device-type'|'vpc-block-public-access-exclusion'|'ipam-resource-discovery'|'ipam-resource-discovery-association'|'instance-connect-endpoint',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
type TrustProviderType


param TrustProviderType


The type of trust provider.

type UserTrustProviderType


param UserTrustProviderType

The type of user-based trust provider. This parameter is required when the provider type is user .

type DeviceTrustProviderType


param DeviceTrustProviderType

The type of device-based trust provider. This parameter is required when the provider type is device .

type OidcOptions


param OidcOptions

The options for a OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider. This parameter is required when the provider type is user .

  • Issuer (string) --

    The OIDC issuer.

  • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

    The OIDC authorization endpoint.

  • TokenEndpoint (string) --

    The OIDC token endpoint.

  • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

    The OIDC user info endpoint.

  • ClientId (string) --

    The client identifier.

  • ClientSecret (string) --

    The client secret.

  • Scope (string) --

    OpenID Connect (OIDC) scopes are used by an application during authentication to authorize access to a user's details. Each scope returns a specific set of user attributes.

type DeviceOptions


param DeviceOptions

The options for a device-based trust provider. This parameter is required when the provider type is device .

  • TenantId (string) --

    The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

type PolicyReferenceName


param PolicyReferenceName


The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

type Description


param Description

A description for the Verified Access trust provider.

type TagSpecifications


param TagSpecifications

The tags to assign to the Verified Access trust provider.

  • (dict) --

    The tags to apply to a resource when the resource is being created. When you specify a tag, you must specify the resource type to tag, otherwise the request will fail.


    The Valid Values lists all the resource types that can be tagged. However, the action you're using might not support tagging all of these resource types. If you try to tag a resource type that is unsupported for the action you're using, you'll get an error.

    • ResourceType (string) --

      The type of resource to tag on creation.

    • Tags (list) --

      The tags to apply to the resource.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a tag.

        • Key (string) --

          The key of the tag.

          Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

        • Value (string) --

          The value of the tag.

          Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type SseSpecification


param SseSpecification

Options for server side encryption.

  • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

    Enable or disable the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

    Valid values: True | False

  • KmsKeyArn (string) --

    The ARN of the KMS key.




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
        'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
        'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike',
        'OidcOptions': {
            'Issuer': 'string',
            'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
            'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
            'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
            'ClientId': 'string',
            'ClientSecret': 'string',
            'Scope': 'string'
        'DeviceOptions': {
            'TenantId': 'string'
        'PolicyReferenceName': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessTrustProvider (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • TrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of Verified Access trust provider.

      • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of user-based trust provider.

      • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of device-based trust provider.

      • OidcOptions (dict) --

        The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

        • Issuer (string) --

          The OIDC issuer.

        • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC authorization endpoint.

        • TokenEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC token endpoint.

        • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC user info endpoint.

        • ClientId (string) --

          The client identifier.

        • ClientSecret (string) --

          The client secret.

        • Scope (string) --

          The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified.

      • DeviceOptions (dict) --

        The options for device-identity trust provider.

        • TenantId (string) --

          The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

      • PolicyReferenceName (string) --

        The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

DeleteVerifiedAccessEndpoint (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessEndpoint': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                 'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Delete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VerifiedAccessEndpointId


param VerifiedAccessEndpointId


The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessEndpoint': {
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessEndpointId': 'string',
        'ApplicationDomain': 'string',
        'EndpointType': 'load-balancer'|'network-interface',
        'AttachmentType': 'vpc',
        'DomainCertificateArn': 'string',
        'EndpointDomain': 'string',
        'DeviceValidationDomain': 'string',
        'SecurityGroupIds': [
        'LoadBalancerOptions': {
            'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
            'Port': 123,
            'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
            'SubnetIds': [
        'NetworkInterfaceOptions': {
            'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
            'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
            'Port': 123
        'Status': {
            'Code': 'pending'|'active'|'updating'|'deleting'|'deleted',
            'Message': 'string'
        'Description': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'DeletionTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessEndpoint (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessEndpointId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

      • ApplicationDomain (string) --

        The DNS name for users to reach your application.

      • EndpointType (string) --

        The type of Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint. Incoming application requests will be sent to an IP address, load balancer or a network interface depending on the endpoint type specified.

      • AttachmentType (string) --

        The type of attachment used to provide connectivity between the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint and the application.

      • DomainCertificateArn (string) --

        The ARN of a public TLS/SSL certificate imported into or created with ACM.

      • EndpointDomain (string) --

        A DNS name that is generated for the endpoint.

      • DeviceValidationDomain (string) --

        Returned if endpoint has a device trust provider attached.

      • SecurityGroupIds (list) --

        The IDs of the security groups for the endpoint.

        • (string) --

      • LoadBalancerOptions (dict) --

        The load balancer details if creating the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint as load-balancer type.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The IP protocol.

        • Port (integer) --

          The IP port number.

        • LoadBalancerArn (string) --

          The ARN of the load balancer.

        • SubnetIds (list) --

          The IDs of the subnets.

          • (string) --

      • NetworkInterfaceOptions (dict) --

        The options for network-interface type endpoint.

        • NetworkInterfaceId (string) --

          The ID of the network interface.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The IP protocol.

        • Port (integer) --

          The IP port number.

      • Status (dict) --

        The endpoint status.

        • Code (string) --

          The status code of the Verified Access endpoint.

        • Message (string) --

          The status message of the Verified Access endpoint.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • DeletionTime (string) --

        The deletion time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

DeleteVerifiedAccessGroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessGroup': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                              'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Delete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VerifiedAccessGroupId


param VerifiedAccessGroupId


The ID of the Verified Access group.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessGroup': {
        'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Owner': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessGroupArn': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'DeletionTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessGroup (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

        The ID of the Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

      • Owner (string) --

        The Amazon Web Services account number that owns the group.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupArn (string) --

        The ARN of the Verified Access group.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • DeletionTime (string) --

        The deletion time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

DeleteVerifiedAccessTrustProvider (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Delete an Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


param VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
        'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
        'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike',
        'OidcOptions': {
            'Issuer': 'string',
            'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
            'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
            'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
            'ClientId': 'string',
            'ClientSecret': 'string',
            'Scope': 'string'
        'DeviceOptions': {
            'TenantId': 'string'
        'PolicyReferenceName': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessTrustProvider (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • TrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of Verified Access trust provider.

      • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of user-based trust provider.

      • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of device-based trust provider.

      • OidcOptions (dict) --

        The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

        • Issuer (string) --

          The OIDC issuer.

        • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC authorization endpoint.

        • TokenEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC token endpoint.

        • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC user info endpoint.

        • ClientId (string) --

          The client identifier.

        • ClientSecret (string) --

          The client secret.

        • Scope (string) --

          The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified.

      • DeviceOptions (dict) --

        The options for device-identity trust provider.

        • TenantId (string) --

          The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

      • PolicyReferenceName (string) --

        The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

DescribeVerifiedAccessEndpoints (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessEndpoints': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                  'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Describes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoints.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
type VerifiedAccessEndpointIds


param VerifiedAccessEndpointIds

The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

  • (string) --

type VerifiedAccessInstanceId


param VerifiedAccessInstanceId

The ID of the Verified Access instance.

type VerifiedAccessGroupId


param VerifiedAccessGroupId

The ID of the Verified Access group.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value.

type NextToken


param NextToken

The token for the next page of results.

type Filters


param Filters

One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive.

  • (dict) --

    A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results from a describe operation. Filters can be used to match a set of resources by specific criteria, such as tags, attributes, or IDs.

    If you specify multiple filters, the filters are joined with an AND , and the request returns only results that match all of the specified filters.

    • Name (string) --

      The name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive.

    • Values (list) --

      The filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive. If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR , and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.

      • (string) --

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessEndpoints': [
            'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
            'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
            'VerifiedAccessEndpointId': 'string',
            'ApplicationDomain': 'string',
            'EndpointType': 'load-balancer'|'network-interface',
            'AttachmentType': 'vpc',
            'DomainCertificateArn': 'string',
            'EndpointDomain': 'string',
            'DeviceValidationDomain': 'string',
            'SecurityGroupIds': [
            'LoadBalancerOptions': {
                'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
                'Port': 123,
                'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
                'SubnetIds': [
            'NetworkInterfaceOptions': {
                'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
                'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
                'Port': 123
            'Status': {
                'Code': 'pending'|'active'|'updating'|'deleting'|'deleted',
                'Message': 'string'
            'Description': 'string',
            'CreationTime': 'string',
            'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
            'DeletionTime': 'string',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'SseSpecification': {
                'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
                'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessEndpoints (list) --

      The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

      • (dict) --

        An Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint specifies the application that Amazon Web Services Verified Access provides access to. It must be attached to an Amazon Web Services Verified Access group. An Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint must also have an attached access policy before you attached it to a group.

        • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

        • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

        • VerifiedAccessEndpointId (string) --

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

        • ApplicationDomain (string) --

          The DNS name for users to reach your application.

        • EndpointType (string) --

          The type of Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint. Incoming application requests will be sent to an IP address, load balancer or a network interface depending on the endpoint type specified.

        • AttachmentType (string) --

          The type of attachment used to provide connectivity between the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint and the application.

        • DomainCertificateArn (string) --

          The ARN of a public TLS/SSL certificate imported into or created with ACM.

        • EndpointDomain (string) --

          A DNS name that is generated for the endpoint.

        • DeviceValidationDomain (string) --

          Returned if endpoint has a device trust provider attached.

        • SecurityGroupIds (list) --

          The IDs of the security groups for the endpoint.

          • (string) --

        • LoadBalancerOptions (dict) --

          The load balancer details if creating the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint as load-balancer type.

          • Protocol (string) --

            The IP protocol.

          • Port (integer) --

            The IP port number.

          • LoadBalancerArn (string) --

            The ARN of the load balancer.

          • SubnetIds (list) --

            The IDs of the subnets.

            • (string) --

        • NetworkInterfaceOptions (dict) --

          The options for network-interface type endpoint.

          • NetworkInterfaceId (string) --

            The ID of the network interface.

          • Protocol (string) --

            The IP protocol.

          • Port (integer) --

            The IP port number.

        • Status (dict) --

          The endpoint status.

          • Code (string) --

            The status code of the Verified Access endpoint.

          • Message (string) --

            The status message of the Verified Access endpoint.

        • Description (string) --

          A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

        • CreationTime (string) --

          The creation time.

        • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

          The last updated time.

        • DeletionTime (string) --

          The deletion time.

        • Tags (list) --

          The tags.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a tag.

            • Key (string) --

              The key of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

            • Value (string) --

              The value of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

        • SseSpecification (dict) --

          Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

          • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

            Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

            Valid values: True | False

          • KmsKeyArn (string) --

            Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null when there are no more results to return.

DescribeVerifiedAccessGroups (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessGroups': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                               'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Describes the specified Verified Access groups.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
type VerifiedAccessGroupIds


param VerifiedAccessGroupIds

The ID of the Verified Access groups.

  • (string) --

type VerifiedAccessInstanceId


param VerifiedAccessInstanceId

The ID of the Verified Access instance.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value.

type NextToken


param NextToken

The token for the next page of results.

type Filters


param Filters

One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive.

  • (dict) --

    A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results from a describe operation. Filters can be used to match a set of resources by specific criteria, such as tags, attributes, or IDs.

    If you specify multiple filters, the filters are joined with an AND , and the request returns only results that match all of the specified filters.

    • Name (string) --

      The name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive.

    • Values (list) --

      The filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive. If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR , and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.

      • (string) --

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessGroups': [
            'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
            'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
            'Description': 'string',
            'Owner': 'string',
            'VerifiedAccessGroupArn': 'string',
            'CreationTime': 'string',
            'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
            'DeletionTime': 'string',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'SseSpecification': {
                'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
                'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessGroups (list) --

      The ID of the Verified Access group.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a Verified Access group.

        • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

          The ID of the Verified Access group.

        • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

        • Description (string) --

          A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

        • Owner (string) --

          The Amazon Web Services account number that owns the group.

        • VerifiedAccessGroupArn (string) --

          The ARN of the Verified Access group.

        • CreationTime (string) --

          The creation time.

        • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

          The last updated time.

        • DeletionTime (string) --

          The deletion time.

        • Tags (list) --

          The tags.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a tag.

            • Key (string) --

              The key of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

            • Value (string) --

              The value of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

        • SseSpecification (dict) --

          Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

          • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

            Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

            Valid values: True | False

          • KmsKeyArn (string) --

            Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null when there are no more results to return.

DescribeVerifiedAccessTrustProviders (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessTrustProviders': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                       'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Describes the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust providers.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

            'Name': 'string',
            'Values': [
type VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds


param VerifiedAccessTrustProviderIds

The IDs of the Verified Access trust providers.

  • (string) --

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum number of results to return with a single call. To retrieve the remaining results, make another call with the returned nextToken value.

type NextToken


param NextToken

The token for the next page of results.

type Filters


param Filters

One or more filters. Filter names and values are case-sensitive.

  • (dict) --

    A filter name and value pair that is used to return a more specific list of results from a describe operation. Filters can be used to match a set of resources by specific criteria, such as tags, attributes, or IDs.

    If you specify multiple filters, the filters are joined with an AND , and the request returns only results that match all of the specified filters.

    • Name (string) --

      The name of the filter. Filter names are case-sensitive.

    • Values (list) --

      The filter values. Filter values are case-sensitive. If you specify multiple values for a filter, the values are joined with an OR , and the request returns all results that match any of the specified values.

      • (string) --

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessTrustProviders': [
            'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
            'Description': 'string',
            'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
            'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
            'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike',
            'OidcOptions': {
                'Issuer': 'string',
                'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
                'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
                'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
                'ClientId': 'string',
                'ClientSecret': 'string',
                'Scope': 'string'
            'DeviceOptions': {
                'TenantId': 'string'
            'PolicyReferenceName': 'string',
            'CreationTime': 'string',
            'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
            'Tags': [
                    'Key': 'string',
                    'Value': 'string'
            'SseSpecification': {
                'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
                'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessTrustProviders (list) --

      The IDs of the Verified Access trust providers.

      • (dict) --

        Describes a Verified Access trust provider.

        • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

          The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

        • Description (string) --

          A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

        • TrustProviderType (string) --

          The type of Verified Access trust provider.

        • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

          The type of user-based trust provider.

        • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

          The type of device-based trust provider.

        • OidcOptions (dict) --

          The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

          • Issuer (string) --

            The OIDC issuer.

          • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

            The OIDC authorization endpoint.

          • TokenEndpoint (string) --

            The OIDC token endpoint.

          • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

            The OIDC user info endpoint.

          • ClientId (string) --

            The client identifier.

          • ClientSecret (string) --

            The client secret.

          • Scope (string) --

            The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified.

        • DeviceOptions (dict) --

          The options for device-identity trust provider.

          • TenantId (string) --

            The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

        • PolicyReferenceName (string) --

          The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

        • CreationTime (string) --

          The creation time.

        • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

          The last updated time.

        • Tags (list) --

          The tags.

          • (dict) --

            Describes a tag.

            • Key (string) --

              The key of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

            • Value (string) --

              The value of the tag.

              Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

        • SseSpecification (dict) --

          Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

          • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

            Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

            Valid values: True | False

          • KmsKeyArn (string) --

            Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The token to use to retrieve the next page of results. This value is null when there are no more results to return.

DetachVerifiedAccessTrustProvider (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Detaches the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider from the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VerifiedAccessInstanceId


param VerifiedAccessInstanceId


The ID of the Verified Access instance.

type VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


param VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
        'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
        'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike',
        'OidcOptions': {
            'Issuer': 'string',
            'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
            'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
            'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
            'ClientId': 'string',
            'ClientSecret': 'string',
            'Scope': 'string'
        'DeviceOptions': {
            'TenantId': 'string'
        'PolicyReferenceName': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
    'VerifiedAccessInstance': {
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviders': [
                'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
                'Description': 'string',
                'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
                'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
                'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike'
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'FipsEnabled': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessTrustProvider (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • TrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of Verified Access trust provider.

      • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of user-based trust provider.

      • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of device-based trust provider.

      • OidcOptions (dict) --

        The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

        • Issuer (string) --

          The OIDC issuer.

        • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC authorization endpoint.

        • TokenEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC token endpoint.

        • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC user info endpoint.

        • ClientId (string) --

          The client identifier.

        • ClientSecret (string) --

          The client secret.

        • Scope (string) --

          The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified.

      • DeviceOptions (dict) --

        The options for device-identity trust provider.

        • TenantId (string) --

          The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

      • PolicyReferenceName (string) --

        The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

    • VerifiedAccessInstance (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviders (list) --

        The IDs of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust providers.

        • (dict) --

          Condensed information about a trust provider.

          • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

            The ID of the trust provider.

          • Description (string) --

            The description of trust provider.

          • TrustProviderType (string) --

            The type of trust provider (user- or device-based).

          • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

            The type of user-based trust provider.

          • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

            The type of device-based trust provider.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • FipsEnabled (boolean) --

        Describes whether support for Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) is enabled on the instance.

ModifyVerifiedAccessEndpoint (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessEndpoint': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                 'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Modifies the configuration of the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'SubnetIds': [
        'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
        'Port': 123
        'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
        'Port': 123
type VerifiedAccessEndpointId


param VerifiedAccessEndpointId


The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

type VerifiedAccessGroupId


param VerifiedAccessGroupId

The ID of the Verified Access group.

type LoadBalancerOptions


param LoadBalancerOptions

The load balancer details if creating the Verified Access endpoint as load-balancer type.

  • SubnetIds (list) --

    The IDs of the subnets.

    • (string) --

  • Protocol (string) --

    The IP protocol.

  • Port (integer) --

    The IP port number.

type NetworkInterfaceOptions


param NetworkInterfaceOptions

The network interface options.

  • Protocol (string) --

    The IP protocol.

  • Port (integer) --

    The IP port number.

type Description


param Description

A description for the Verified Access endpoint.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessEndpoint': {
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessEndpointId': 'string',
        'ApplicationDomain': 'string',
        'EndpointType': 'load-balancer'|'network-interface',
        'AttachmentType': 'vpc',
        'DomainCertificateArn': 'string',
        'EndpointDomain': 'string',
        'DeviceValidationDomain': 'string',
        'SecurityGroupIds': [
        'LoadBalancerOptions': {
            'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
            'Port': 123,
            'LoadBalancerArn': 'string',
            'SubnetIds': [
        'NetworkInterfaceOptions': {
            'NetworkInterfaceId': 'string',
            'Protocol': 'http'|'https',
            'Port': 123
        'Status': {
            'Code': 'pending'|'active'|'updating'|'deleting'|'deleted',
            'Message': 'string'
        'Description': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'DeletionTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessEndpoint (dict) --

      The Verified Access endpoint details.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessEndpointId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

      • ApplicationDomain (string) --

        The DNS name for users to reach your application.

      • EndpointType (string) --

        The type of Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint. Incoming application requests will be sent to an IP address, load balancer or a network interface depending on the endpoint type specified.

      • AttachmentType (string) --

        The type of attachment used to provide connectivity between the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint and the application.

      • DomainCertificateArn (string) --

        The ARN of a public TLS/SSL certificate imported into or created with ACM.

      • EndpointDomain (string) --

        A DNS name that is generated for the endpoint.

      • DeviceValidationDomain (string) --

        Returned if endpoint has a device trust provider attached.

      • SecurityGroupIds (list) --

        The IDs of the security groups for the endpoint.

        • (string) --

      • LoadBalancerOptions (dict) --

        The load balancer details if creating the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint as load-balancer type.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The IP protocol.

        • Port (integer) --

          The IP port number.

        • LoadBalancerArn (string) --

          The ARN of the load balancer.

        • SubnetIds (list) --

          The IDs of the subnets.

          • (string) --

      • NetworkInterfaceOptions (dict) --

        The options for network-interface type endpoint.

        • NetworkInterfaceId (string) --

          The ID of the network interface.

        • Protocol (string) --

          The IP protocol.

        • Port (integer) --

          The IP port number.

      • Status (dict) --

        The endpoint status.

        • Code (string) --

          The status code of the Verified Access endpoint.

        • Message (string) --

          The status message of the Verified Access endpoint.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • DeletionTime (string) --

        The deletion time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

ModifyVerifiedAccessEndpointPolicy (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}

Modifies the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access endpoint policy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
type VerifiedAccessEndpointId


param VerifiedAccessEndpointId


The ID of the Verified Access endpoint.

type PolicyEnabled


param PolicyEnabled

The status of the Verified Access policy.

type PolicyDocument


param PolicyDocument

The Verified Access policy document.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type SseSpecification


param SseSpecification

Options for server side encryption.

  • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

    Enable or disable the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

    Valid values: True | False

  • KmsKeyArn (string) --

    The ARN of the KMS key.




Response Syntax

    'PolicyEnabled': True|False,
    'PolicyDocument': 'string',
    'SseSpecification': {
        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • PolicyEnabled (boolean) --

      The status of the Verified Access policy.

    • PolicyDocument (string) --

      The Verified Access policy document.

    • SseSpecification (dict) --

      Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

      • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

        Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

        Valid values: True | False

      • KmsKeyArn (string) --

        Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

ModifyVerifiedAccessGroup (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'VerifiedAccessGroup': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                              'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Modifies the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access group configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type VerifiedAccessGroupId


param VerifiedAccessGroupId


The ID of the Verified Access group.

type VerifiedAccessInstanceId


param VerifiedAccessInstanceId

The ID of the Verified Access instance.

type Description


param Description

A description for the Verified Access group.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessGroup': {
        'VerifiedAccessGroupId': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessInstanceId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'Owner': 'string',
        'VerifiedAccessGroupArn': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'DeletionTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessGroup (dict) --

      Details of Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupId (string) --

        The ID of the Verified Access group.

      • VerifiedAccessInstanceId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access instance.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access group.

      • Owner (string) --

        The Amazon Web Services account number that owns the group.

      • VerifiedAccessGroupArn (string) --

        The ARN of the Verified Access group.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • DeletionTime (string) --

        The deletion time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

ModifyVerifiedAccessGroupPolicy (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}

Modifies the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access group policy.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
type VerifiedAccessGroupId


param VerifiedAccessGroupId


The ID of the Verified Access group.

type PolicyEnabled


param PolicyEnabled

The status of the Verified Access policy.

type PolicyDocument


param PolicyDocument

The Verified Access policy document.

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type SseSpecification


param SseSpecification

Options for server side encryption.

  • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

    Enable or disable the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

    Valid values: True | False

  • KmsKeyArn (string) --

    The ARN of the KMS key.




Response Syntax

    'PolicyEnabled': True|False,
    'PolicyDocument': 'string',
    'SseSpecification': {
        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • PolicyEnabled (boolean) --

      The status of the Verified Access policy.

    • PolicyDocument (string) --

      The Verified Access policy document.

    • SseSpecification (dict) --

      Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

      • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

        Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

        Valid values: True | False

      • KmsKeyArn (string) --

        Describes the ARN of the KMS key.

ModifyVerifiedAccessTrustProvider (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}
{'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {'SseSpecification': {'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': 'boolean',
                                                      'KmsKeyArn': 'string'}}}

Modifies the configuration of the specified Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Issuer': 'string',
        'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
        'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
        'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
        'ClientId': 'string',
        'ClientSecret': 'string',
        'Scope': 'string'
        'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
        'KmsKeyArn': 'string'
type VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


param VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId


The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

type OidcOptions


param OidcOptions

The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

  • Issuer (string) --

    The OIDC issuer.

  • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

    The OIDC authorization endpoint.

  • TokenEndpoint (string) --

    The OIDC token endpoint.

  • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

    The OIDC user info endpoint.

  • ClientId (string) --

    The client identifier.

  • ClientSecret (string) --

    The client secret.

  • Scope (string) --

    OpenID Connect (OIDC) scopes are used by an application during authentication to authorize access to a user's details. Each scope returns a specific set of user attributes.

type Description


param Description

A description for the Verified Access trust provider.

type DryRun


param DryRun

Checks whether you have the required permissions for the action, without actually making the request, and provides an error response. If you have the required permissions, the error response is DryRunOperation . Otherwise, it is UnauthorizedOperation .

type ClientToken


param ClientToken

A unique, case-sensitive token that you provide to ensure idempotency of your modification request. For more information, see Ensuring Idempotency .

This field is autopopulated if not provided.

type SseSpecification


param SseSpecification

Options for server side encryption.

  • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

    Enable or disable the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

    Valid values: True | False

  • KmsKeyArn (string) --

    The ARN of the KMS key.




Response Syntax

    'VerifiedAccessTrustProvider': {
        'VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId': 'string',
        'Description': 'string',
        'TrustProviderType': 'user'|'device',
        'UserTrustProviderType': 'iam-identity-center'|'oidc',
        'DeviceTrustProviderType': 'jamf'|'crowdstrike',
        'OidcOptions': {
            'Issuer': 'string',
            'AuthorizationEndpoint': 'string',
            'TokenEndpoint': 'string',
            'UserInfoEndpoint': 'string',
            'ClientId': 'string',
            'ClientSecret': 'string',
            'Scope': 'string'
        'DeviceOptions': {
            'TenantId': 'string'
        'PolicyReferenceName': 'string',
        'CreationTime': 'string',
        'LastUpdatedTime': 'string',
        'Tags': [
                'Key': 'string',
                'Value': 'string'
        'SseSpecification': {
            'CustomerManagedKeyEnabled': True|False,
            'KmsKeyArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • VerifiedAccessTrustProvider (dict) --

      The ID of the Verified Access trust provider.

      • VerifiedAccessTrustProviderId (string) --

        The ID of the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • Description (string) --

        A description for the Amazon Web Services Verified Access trust provider.

      • TrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of Verified Access trust provider.

      • UserTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of user-based trust provider.

      • DeviceTrustProviderType (string) --

        The type of device-based trust provider.

      • OidcOptions (dict) --

        The options for an OpenID Connect-compatible user-identity trust provider.

        • Issuer (string) --

          The OIDC issuer.

        • AuthorizationEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC authorization endpoint.

        • TokenEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC token endpoint.

        • UserInfoEndpoint (string) --

          The OIDC user info endpoint.

        • ClientId (string) --

          The client identifier.

        • ClientSecret (string) --

          The client secret.

        • Scope (string) --

          The OpenID Connect (OIDC) scope specified.

      • DeviceOptions (dict) --

        The options for device-identity trust provider.

        • TenantId (string) --

          The ID of the tenant application with the device-identity provider.

      • PolicyReferenceName (string) --

        The identifier to be used when working with policy rules.

      • CreationTime (string) --

        The creation time.

      • LastUpdatedTime (string) --

        The last updated time.

      • Tags (list) --

        The tags.

        • (dict) --

          Describes a tag.

          • Key (string) --

            The key of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag keys are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 127 Unicode characters. May not begin with aws: .

          • Value (string) --

            The value of the tag.

            Constraints: Tag values are case-sensitive and accept a maximum of 256 Unicode characters.

      • SseSpecification (dict) --

        Describes the options in use for server side encryption.

        • CustomerManagedKeyEnabled (boolean) --

          Describes the use of customer managed KMS keys for server side encryption.

          Valid values: True | False

        • KmsKeyArn (string) --

          Describes the ARN of the KMS key.