2018/09/17 - Amazon CloudWatch - 1 updated api methods
Changes Amazon CloudWatch adds the ability to publish values and counts using PutMetricData
{'MetricData': {'Counts': ['double'], 'Values': ['double']}}
Publishes metric data to Amazon CloudWatch. CloudWatch associates the data with the specified metric. If the specified metric does not exist, CloudWatch creates the metric. When CloudWatch creates a metric, it can take up to fifteen minutes for the metric to appear in calls to ListMetrics .
You can publish either individual data points in the Value field, or arrays of values and the number of times each value occurred during the period by using the Values and Counts fields in the MetricDatum structure. Using the Values and Counts method enables you to publish up to 150 values per metric with one PutMetricData request, and supports retrieving percentile statistics on this data.
Each PutMetricData request is limited to 40 KB in size for HTTP POST requests. You can send a payload compressed by gzip. Each request is also limited to no more than 20 different metrics.
Although the Value parameter accepts numbers of type Double , CloudWatch rejects values that are either too small or too large. Values must be in the range of 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2). In addition, special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported.
You can use up to 10 dimensions per metric to further clarify what data the metric collects. For more information about specifying dimensions, see Publishing Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
Data points with time stamps from 24 hours ago or longer can take at least 48 hours to become available for GetMetricData or GetMetricStatistics from the time they are submitted.
CloudWatch needs raw data points to calculate percentile statistics. These raw data points could be published individually or as part of Values and Counts arrays. If you publish data using statistic sets in the StatisticValues field instead, you can only retrieve percentile statistics for this data if one of the following conditions is true:
The SampleCount value of the statistic set is 1 and Min , Max , and Sum are all equal.
The Min and Max are equal, and Sum is equal to Min multiplied by SampleCount .
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.put_metric_data( Namespace='string', MetricData=[ { 'MetricName': 'string', 'Dimensions': [ { 'Name': 'string', 'Value': 'string' }, ], 'Timestamp': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'Value': 123.0, 'StatisticValues': { 'SampleCount': 123.0, 'Sum': 123.0, 'Minimum': 123.0, 'Maximum': 123.0 }, 'Values': [ 123.0, ], 'Counts': [ 123.0, ], 'Unit': 'Seconds'|'Microseconds'|'Milliseconds'|'Bytes'|'Kilobytes'|'Megabytes'|'Gigabytes'|'Terabytes'|'Bits'|'Kilobits'|'Megabits'|'Gigabits'|'Terabits'|'Percent'|'Count'|'Bytes/Second'|'Kilobytes/Second'|'Megabytes/Second'|'Gigabytes/Second'|'Terabytes/Second'|'Bits/Second'|'Kilobits/Second'|'Megabits/Second'|'Gigabits/Second'|'Terabits/Second'|'Count/Second'|'None', 'StorageResolution': 123 }, ] )
The namespace for the metric data.
You cannot specify a namespace that begins with "AWS/". Namespaces that begin with "AWS/" are reserved for use by Amazon Web Services products.
The data for the metric. The array can include no more than 20 metrics per call.
(dict) --
Encapsulates the information sent to either create a metric or add new values to be aggregated into an existing metric.
MetricName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the metric.
Dimensions (list) --
The dimensions associated with the metric.
(dict) --
Expands the identity of a metric.
Name (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the dimension.
Value (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value representing the dimension measurement.
Timestamp (datetime) --
The time the metric data was received, expressed as the number of milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC.
Value (float) --
The value for the metric.
Although the parameter accepts numbers of type Double, CloudWatch rejects values that are either too small or too large. Values must be in the range of 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2). In addition, special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported.
StatisticValues (dict) --
The statistical values for the metric.
SampleCount (float) -- [REQUIRED]
The number of samples used for the statistic set.
Sum (float) -- [REQUIRED]
The sum of values for the sample set.
Minimum (float) -- [REQUIRED]
The minimum value of the sample set.
Maximum (float) -- [REQUIRED]
The maximum value of the sample set.
Values (list) --
Array of numbers representing the values for the metric during the period. Each unique value is listed just once in this array, and the corresponding number in the Counts array specifies the number of times that value occurred during the period. You can include up to 150 unique values in each PutMetricData action that specifies a Values array.
Although the Values array accepts numbers of type Double , CloudWatch rejects values that are either too small or too large. Values must be in the range of 8.515920e-109 to 1.174271e+108 (Base 10) or 2e-360 to 2e360 (Base 2). In addition, special values (for example, NaN, +Infinity, -Infinity) are not supported.
(float) --
Counts (list) --
Array of numbers that is used along with the Values array. Each number in the Count array is the number of times the corresponding value in the Values array occurred during the period.
If you omit the Counts array, the default of 1 is used as the value for each count. If you include a Counts array, it must include the same amount of values as the Values array.
(float) --
Unit (string) --
The unit of the metric.
StorageResolution (integer) --
Valid values are 1 and 60. Setting this to 1 specifies this metric as a high-resolution metric, so that CloudWatch stores the metric with sub-minute resolution down to one second. Setting this to 60 specifies this metric as a regular-resolution metric, which CloudWatch stores at 1-minute resolution. Currently, high resolution is available only for custom metrics. For more information about high-resolution metrics, see High-Resolution Metrics in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide .
This field is optional, if you do not specify it the default of 60 is used.