Amazon Connect Customer Profiles

2023/07/25 - Amazon Connect Customer Profiles - 2 new 3 updated api methods

Changes  Amazon Connect Customer Profiles now supports rule-based resolution to match and merge similar profiles into unified profiles, helping companies deliver faster and more personalized customer service by providing access to relevant customer information for agents and automated experiences.

ListRuleBasedMatches (new) Link ¶

Returns a set of MatchIds that belong to the given domain.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type NextToken


param NextToken

The pagination token from the previous ListRuleBasedMatches API call.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum number of MatchIds returned per page.

type DomainName


param DomainName


The unique name of the domain.




Response Syntax

    'MatchIds': [
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • MatchIds (list) --

      The list of MatchIds for the given domain.

      • (string) --

    • NextToken (string) --

      The pagination token from the previous ListRuleBasedMatches API call.

GetSimilarProfiles (new) Link ¶

Returns a set of profiles that belong to the same matching group using the matchId or profileId . You can also specify the type of matching that you want for finding similar profiles using either RULE_BASED_MATCHING or ML_BASED_MATCHING .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type NextToken


param NextToken

The pagination token from the previous GetSimilarProfiles API call.

type MaxResults


param MaxResults

The maximum number of objects returned per page.

type DomainName


param DomainName


The unique name of the domain.

type MatchType


param MatchType


Specify the type of matching to get similar profiles for.

type SearchKey


param SearchKey


The string indicating the search key to be used.

type SearchValue


param SearchValue


The string based on SearchKey to be searched for similar profiles.




Response Syntax

    'ProfileIds': [
    'MatchId': 'string',
    'RuleLevel': 123,
    'ConfidenceScore': 123.0,
    'NextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • ProfileIds (list) --

      Set of profileId s that belong to the same matching group.

      • (string) --

    • MatchId (string) --

      The string matchId that the similar profiles belong to.

    • MatchType (string) --

      Specify the type of matching to get similar profiles for.

    • RuleLevel (integer) --

      The integer rule level that the profiles matched on.

    • ConfidenceScore (float) --

      It only has value when the MatchType is ML_BASED_MATCHING .A number between 0 and 1, where a higher score means higher similarity. Examining match confidence scores lets you distinguish between groups of similar records in which the system is highly confident (which you may decide to merge), groups of similar records about which the system is uncertain (which you may decide to have reviewed by a human), and groups of similar records that the system deems to be unlikely (which you may decide to reject). Given confidence scores vary as per the data input, it should not be used as an absolute measure of matching quality.

    • NextToken (string) --

      The pagination token from the previous GetSimilarProfiles API call.

CreateDomain (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'RuleBasedMatching': {'AttributeTypesSelector': {'Address': ['string'],
                                                  'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE '
                                                                            '| '
                                                  'EmailAddress': ['string'],
                                                  'PhoneNumber': ['string']},
                       'ConflictResolution': {'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY '
                                                                        '| '
                                              'SourceName': 'string'},
                       'Enabled': 'boolean',
                       'ExportingConfig': {'S3Exporting': {'S3BucketName': 'string',
                                                           'S3KeyName': 'string'}},
                       'MatchingRules': [{'Rule': ['string']}],
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 'integer',
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 'integer'}}
{'RuleBasedMatching': {'AttributeTypesSelector': {'Address': ['string'],
                                                  'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE '
                                                                            '| '
                                                  'EmailAddress': ['string'],
                                                  'PhoneNumber': ['string']},
                       'ConflictResolution': {'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY '
                                                                        '| '
                                              'SourceName': 'string'},
                       'Enabled': 'boolean',
                       'ExportingConfig': {'S3Exporting': {'S3BucketName': 'string',
                                                           'S3KeyName': 'string'}},
                       'MatchingRules': [{'Rule': ['string']}],
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 'integer',
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 'integer',
                       'Status': 'PENDING | IN_PROGRESS | ACTIVE'}}

Creates a domain, which is a container for all customer data, such as customer profile attributes, object types, profile keys, and encryption keys. You can create multiple domains, and each domain can have multiple third-party integrations.

Each Amazon Connect instance can be associated with only one domain. Multiple Amazon Connect instances can be associated with one domain.

Use this API or UpdateDomain to enable identity resolution : set Matching to true.

To prevent cross-service impersonation when you call this API, see Cross-service confused deputy prevention for sample policies that you should apply.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Enabled': True|False,
        'JobSchedule': {
            'Time': 'string'
        'AutoMerging': {
            'Enabled': True|False,
            'Consolidation': {
                'MatchingAttributesList': [
            'ConflictResolution': {
                'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
                'SourceName': 'string'
            'MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging': 123.0
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'MatchingRules': [
                'Rule': [
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 123,
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 123,
        'AttributeTypesSelector': {
            'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE'|'MANY_TO_MANY',
            'Address': [
            'PhoneNumber': [
            'EmailAddress': [
        'ConflictResolution': {
            'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
            'SourceName': 'string'
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
type DomainName


param DomainName


The unique name of the domain.

type DefaultExpirationDays


param DefaultExpirationDays


The default number of days until the data within the domain expires.

type DefaultEncryptionKey


param DefaultEncryptionKey

The default encryption key, which is an AWS managed key, is used when no specific type of encryption key is specified. It is used to encrypt all data before it is placed in permanent or semi-permanent storage.

type DeadLetterQueueUrl


param DeadLetterQueueUrl

The URL of the SQS dead letter queue, which is used for reporting errors associated with ingesting data from third party applications. You must set up a policy on the DeadLetterQueue for the SendMessage operation to enable Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to send messages to the DeadLetterQueue.

type Matching


param Matching

The process of matching duplicate profiles. If Matching = true , Amazon Connect Customer Profiles starts a weekly batch process called Identity Resolution Job. If you do not specify a date and time for Identity Resolution Job to run, by default it runs every Saturday at 12AM UTC to detect duplicate profiles in your domains.

After the Identity Resolution Job completes, use the GetMatches API to return and review the results. Or, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the MatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

  • Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

    The flag that enables the matching process of duplicate profiles.

  • JobSchedule (dict) --

    The day and time when do you want to start the Identity Resolution Job every week.

    • DayOfTheWeek (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The day when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

    • Time (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The time when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

  • AutoMerging (dict) --

    Configuration information about the auto-merging process.

    • Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

      The flag that enables the auto-merging of duplicate profiles.

    • Consolidation (dict) --

      A list of matching attributes that represent matching criteria. If two profiles meet at least one of the requirements in the matching attributes list, they will be merged.

      • MatchingAttributesList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of matching criteria.

        • (list) --

          • (string) --

    • ConflictResolution (dict) --

      How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles. For example, if Profile A and Profile B have the same FirstName and LastName (and that is the matching criteria), which EmailAddress should be used?

      • ConflictResolvingModel (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

        • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

        • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

      • SourceName (string) --

        The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

    • MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging (float) --

      A number between 0 and 1 that represents the minimum confidence score required for profiles within a matching group to be merged during the auto-merge process. A higher score means higher similarity required to merge profiles.

  • ExportingConfig (dict) --

    Configuration information for exporting Identity Resolution results, for example, to an S3 bucket.

    • S3Exporting (dict) --

      The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3BucketName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3KeyName (string) --

        The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

type RuleBasedMatching


param RuleBasedMatching

The process of matching duplicate profiles using the Rule-Based matching. If RuleBasedMatching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles will start to match and merge your profiles according to your configuration in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest . You can use the ListRuleBasedMatches and GetSimilarProfiles API to return and review the results. Also, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

  • Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

    The flag that enables the rule-based matching process of duplicate profiles.

  • MatchingRules (list) --

    Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can have up to 15 MatchingRule in the MatchingRules .

    • (dict) --

      Specifies how does the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can choose from the following attributes to build the matching Rule:

      • AccountNumber

      • Address.Address

      • Address.City

      • Address.Country

      • Address.County

      • Address.PostalCode

      • Address.State

      • Address.Province

      • BirthDate

      • BusinessName

      • EmailAddress

      • FirstName

      • Gender

      • LastName

      • MiddleName

      • PhoneNumber

      • Any customized profile attributes that start with the Attributes

      • Rule (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A single rule level of the MatchRules . Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles.

        • (string) --

  • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging (integer) --


  • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching (integer) --

    Indicates the maximum allowed rule level.

  • AttributeTypesSelector (dict) --

    Configures information about the AttributeTypesSelector where the rule-based identity resolution uses to match profiles.

    • AttributeMatchingModel (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Configures the AttributeMatchingModel , you can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY .

    • Address (list) --

      The Address type. You can choose from Address , BusinessAddress , MaillingAddress , and ShippingAddress .

      You only can use the Address type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on BusinessAddress.City or MaillingAddress.City , you need to choose the BusinessAddress and the MaillingAddress to represent the Address type and specify the Address.City on the matching rule.

      • (string) --

    • PhoneNumber (list) --

      The PhoneNumber type. You can choose from PhoneNumber , HomePhoneNumber , and MobilePhoneNumber .

      You only can use the PhoneNumber type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match a profile based on Phone or HomePhone , you need to choose the Phone and the HomePhone to represent the PhoneNumber type and only specify the PhoneNumber on the matching rule.

      • (string) --

    • EmailAddress (list) --

      The Email type. You can choose from EmailAddress , BusinessEmailAddress and PersonalEmailAddress .

      You only can use the EmailAddress type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on PersonalEmailAddress or BusinessEmailAddress , you need to choose the PersonalEmailAddress and the BusinessEmailAddress to represent the EmailAddress type and only specify the EmailAddress on the matching rule.

      • (string) --

  • ConflictResolution (dict) --

    How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

    • ConflictResolvingModel (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

      • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

      • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

    • SourceName (string) --

      The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

  • ExportingConfig (dict) --

    Configuration information about the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs writes result files.


    You need to give Customer Profiles service principal write permission to your S3 bucket. Otherwise, you'll get an exception in the API response. For an example policy, see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles cross-service confused deputy prevention .

    • S3Exporting (dict) --

      The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3BucketName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3KeyName (string) --

        The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

type Tags


param Tags

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'DomainName': 'string',
    'DefaultExpirationDays': 123,
    'DefaultEncryptionKey': 'string',
    'DeadLetterQueueUrl': 'string',
    'Matching': {
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'JobSchedule': {
            'Time': 'string'
        'AutoMerging': {
            'Enabled': True|False,
            'Consolidation': {
                'MatchingAttributesList': [
            'ConflictResolution': {
                'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
                'SourceName': 'string'
            'MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging': 123.0
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
    'RuleBasedMatching': {
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'MatchingRules': [
                'Rule': [
        'Status': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'ACTIVE',
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 123,
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 123,
        'AttributeTypesSelector': {
            'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE'|'MANY_TO_MANY',
            'Address': [
            'PhoneNumber': [
            'EmailAddress': [
        'ConflictResolution': {
            'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
            'SourceName': 'string'
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
    'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'LastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'Tags': {
        'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DomainName (string) --

      The unique name of the domain.

    • DefaultExpirationDays (integer) --

      The default number of days until the data within the domain expires.

    • DefaultEncryptionKey (string) --

      The default encryption key, which is an AWS managed key, is used when no specific type of encryption key is specified. It is used to encrypt all data before it is placed in permanent or semi-permanent storage.

    • DeadLetterQueueUrl (string) --

      The URL of the SQS dead letter queue, which is used for reporting errors associated with ingesting data from third party applications.

    • Matching (dict) --

      The process of matching duplicate profiles. If Matching = true , Amazon Connect Customer Profiles starts a weekly batch process called Identity Resolution Job. If you do not specify a date and time for Identity Resolution Job to run, by default it runs every Saturday at 12AM UTC to detect duplicate profiles in your domains.

      After the Identity Resolution Job completes, use the GetMatches API to return and review the results. Or, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the MatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

      • Enabled (boolean) --

        The flag that enables the matching process of duplicate profiles.

      • JobSchedule (dict) --

        The day and time when do you want to start the Identity Resolution Job every week.

        • DayOfTheWeek (string) --

          The day when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

        • Time (string) --

          The time when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

      • AutoMerging (dict) --

        Configuration information about the auto-merging process.

        • Enabled (boolean) --

          The flag that enables the auto-merging of duplicate profiles.

        • Consolidation (dict) --

          A list of matching attributes that represent matching criteria. If two profiles meet at least one of the requirements in the matching attributes list, they will be merged.

          • MatchingAttributesList (list) --

            A list of matching criteria.

            • (list) --

              • (string) --

        • ConflictResolution (dict) --

          How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles. For example, if Profile A and Profile B have the same FirstName and LastName (and that is the matching criteria), which EmailAddress should be used?

          • ConflictResolvingModel (string) --

            How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

            • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

            • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

          • SourceName (string) --

            The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

        • MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging (float) --

          A number between 0 and 1 that represents the minimum confidence score required for profiles within a matching group to be merged during the auto-merge process. A higher score means higher similarity required to merge profiles.

      • ExportingConfig (dict) --

        Configuration information for exporting Identity Resolution results, for example, to an S3 bucket.

        • S3Exporting (dict) --

          The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3BucketName (string) --

            The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3KeyName (string) --

            The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

    • RuleBasedMatching (dict) --

      The process of matching duplicate profiles using the Rule-Based matching. If RuleBasedMatching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles will start to match and merge your profiles according to your configuration in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest . You can use the ListRuleBasedMatches and GetSimilarProfiles API to return and review the results. Also, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

      • Enabled (boolean) --

        The flag that enables the rule-based matching process of duplicate profiles.

      • MatchingRules (list) --

        Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can have up to 15 MatchingRule in the MatchingRules .

        • (dict) --

          Specifies how does the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can choose from the following attributes to build the matching Rule:

          • AccountNumber

          • Address.Address

          • Address.City

          • Address.Country

          • Address.County

          • Address.PostalCode

          • Address.State

          • Address.Province

          • BirthDate

          • BusinessName

          • EmailAddress

          • FirstName

          • Gender

          • LastName

          • MiddleName

          • PhoneNumber

          • Any customized profile attributes that start with the Attributes

          • Rule (list) --

            A single rule level of the MatchRules . Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles.

            • (string) --

      • Status (string) --


        • The first status after configuration a rule-based matching rule. If it is an existing domain, the rule-based Identity Resolution waits one hour before creating the matching rule. If it is a new domain, the system will skip the PENDING stage.


        • The system is creating the rule-based matching rule. Under this status, the system is evaluating the existing data and you can no longer change the Rule-based matching configuration.


        • The rule is ready to use. You can change the rule a day after the status is in ACTIVE .

      • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging (integer) --


      • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching (integer) --

        Indicates the maximum allowed rule level.

      • AttributeTypesSelector (dict) --

        Configures information about the AttributeTypesSelector where the rule-based identity resolution uses to match profiles.

        • AttributeMatchingModel (string) --

          Configures the AttributeMatchingModel , you can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY .

        • Address (list) --

          The Address type. You can choose from Address , BusinessAddress , MaillingAddress , and ShippingAddress .

          You only can use the Address type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on BusinessAddress.City or MaillingAddress.City , you need to choose the BusinessAddress and the MaillingAddress to represent the Address type and specify the Address.City on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

        • PhoneNumber (list) --

          The PhoneNumber type. You can choose from PhoneNumber , HomePhoneNumber , and MobilePhoneNumber .

          You only can use the PhoneNumber type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match a profile based on Phone or HomePhone , you need to choose the Phone and the HomePhone to represent the PhoneNumber type and only specify the PhoneNumber on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

        • EmailAddress (list) --

          The Email type. You can choose from EmailAddress , BusinessEmailAddress and PersonalEmailAddress .

          You only can use the EmailAddress type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on PersonalEmailAddress or BusinessEmailAddress , you need to choose the PersonalEmailAddress and the BusinessEmailAddress to represent the EmailAddress type and only specify the EmailAddress on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

      • ConflictResolution (dict) --

        How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

        • ConflictResolvingModel (string) --

          How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

          • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

          • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

        • SourceName (string) --

          The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

      • ExportingConfig (dict) --

        Configuration information about the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs writes result files.


        You need to give Customer Profiles service principal write permission to your S3 bucket. Otherwise, you'll get an exception in the API response. For an example policy, see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles cross-service confused deputy prevention .

        • S3Exporting (dict) --

          The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3BucketName (string) --

            The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3KeyName (string) --

            The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

    • CreatedAt (datetime) --

      The timestamp of when the domain was created.

    • LastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

      The timestamp of when the domain was most recently edited.

    • Tags (dict) --

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

GetDomain (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'RuleBasedMatching': {'AttributeTypesSelector': {'Address': ['string'],
                                                  'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE '
                                                                            '| '
                                                  'EmailAddress': ['string'],
                                                  'PhoneNumber': ['string']},
                       'ConflictResolution': {'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY '
                                                                        '| '
                                              'SourceName': 'string'},
                       'Enabled': 'boolean',
                       'ExportingConfig': {'S3Exporting': {'S3BucketName': 'string',
                                                           'S3KeyName': 'string'}},
                       'MatchingRules': [{'Rule': ['string']}],
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 'integer',
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 'integer',
                       'Status': 'PENDING | IN_PROGRESS | ACTIVE'}}

Returns information about a specific domain.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type DomainName


param DomainName


The unique name of the domain.




Response Syntax

    'DomainName': 'string',
    'DefaultExpirationDays': 123,
    'DefaultEncryptionKey': 'string',
    'DeadLetterQueueUrl': 'string',
    'Stats': {
        'ProfileCount': 123,
        'MeteringProfileCount': 123,
        'ObjectCount': 123,
        'TotalSize': 123
    'Matching': {
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'JobSchedule': {
            'Time': 'string'
        'AutoMerging': {
            'Enabled': True|False,
            'Consolidation': {
                'MatchingAttributesList': [
            'ConflictResolution': {
                'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
                'SourceName': 'string'
            'MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging': 123.0
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
    'RuleBasedMatching': {
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'MatchingRules': [
                'Rule': [
        'Status': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'ACTIVE',
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 123,
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 123,
        'AttributeTypesSelector': {
            'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE'|'MANY_TO_MANY',
            'Address': [
            'PhoneNumber': [
            'EmailAddress': [
        'ConflictResolution': {
            'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
            'SourceName': 'string'
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
    'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'LastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'Tags': {
        'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DomainName (string) --

      The unique name of the domain.

    • DefaultExpirationDays (integer) --

      The default number of days until the data within the domain expires.

    • DefaultEncryptionKey (string) --

      The default encryption key, which is an AWS managed key, is used when no specific type of encryption key is specified. It is used to encrypt all data before it is placed in permanent or semi-permanent storage.

    • DeadLetterQueueUrl (string) --

      The URL of the SQS dead letter queue, which is used for reporting errors associated with ingesting data from third party applications.

    • Stats (dict) --

      Usage-specific statistics about the domain.

      • ProfileCount (integer) --

        The total number of profiles currently in the domain.

      • MeteringProfileCount (integer) --

        The number of profiles that you are currently paying for in the domain. If you have more than 100 objects associated with a single profile, that profile counts as two profiles. If you have more than 200 objects, that profile counts as three, and so on.

      • ObjectCount (integer) --

        The total number of objects in domain.

      • TotalSize (integer) --

        The total size, in bytes, of all objects in the domain.

    • Matching (dict) --

      The process of matching duplicate profiles. If Matching = true , Amazon Connect Customer Profiles starts a weekly batch process called Identity Resolution Job. If you do not specify a date and time for Identity Resolution Job to run, by default it runs every Saturday at 12AM UTC to detect duplicate profiles in your domains.

      After the Identity Resolution Job completes, use the GetMatches API to return and review the results. Or, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the MatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

      • Enabled (boolean) --

        The flag that enables the matching process of duplicate profiles.

      • JobSchedule (dict) --

        The day and time when do you want to start the Identity Resolution Job every week.

        • DayOfTheWeek (string) --

          The day when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

        • Time (string) --

          The time when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

      • AutoMerging (dict) --

        Configuration information about the auto-merging process.

        • Enabled (boolean) --

          The flag that enables the auto-merging of duplicate profiles.

        • Consolidation (dict) --

          A list of matching attributes that represent matching criteria. If two profiles meet at least one of the requirements in the matching attributes list, they will be merged.

          • MatchingAttributesList (list) --

            A list of matching criteria.

            • (list) --

              • (string) --

        • ConflictResolution (dict) --

          How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles. For example, if Profile A and Profile B have the same FirstName and LastName (and that is the matching criteria), which EmailAddress should be used?

          • ConflictResolvingModel (string) --

            How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

            • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

            • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

          • SourceName (string) --

            The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

        • MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging (float) --

          A number between 0 and 1 that represents the minimum confidence score required for profiles within a matching group to be merged during the auto-merge process. A higher score means higher similarity required to merge profiles.

      • ExportingConfig (dict) --

        Configuration information for exporting Identity Resolution results, for example, to an S3 bucket.

        • S3Exporting (dict) --

          The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3BucketName (string) --

            The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3KeyName (string) --

            The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

    • RuleBasedMatching (dict) --

      The process of matching duplicate profiles using the Rule-Based matching. If RuleBasedMatching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles will start to match and merge your profiles according to your configuration in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest . You can use the ListRuleBasedMatches and GetSimilarProfiles API to return and review the results. Also, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

      • Enabled (boolean) --

        The flag that enables the rule-based matching process of duplicate profiles.

      • MatchingRules (list) --

        Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can have up to 15 MatchingRule in the MatchingRules .

        • (dict) --

          Specifies how does the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can choose from the following attributes to build the matching Rule:

          • AccountNumber

          • Address.Address

          • Address.City

          • Address.Country

          • Address.County

          • Address.PostalCode

          • Address.State

          • Address.Province

          • BirthDate

          • BusinessName

          • EmailAddress

          • FirstName

          • Gender

          • LastName

          • MiddleName

          • PhoneNumber

          • Any customized profile attributes that start with the Attributes

          • Rule (list) --

            A single rule level of the MatchRules . Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles.

            • (string) --

      • Status (string) --


        • The first status after configuration a rule-based matching rule. If it is an existing domain, the rule-based Identity Resolution waits one hour before creating the matching rule. If it is a new domain, the system will skip the PENDING stage.


        • The system is creating the rule-based matching rule. Under this status, the system is evaluating the existing data and you can no longer change the Rule-based matching configuration.


        • The rule is ready to use. You can change the rule a day after the status is in ACTIVE .

      • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging (integer) --


      • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching (integer) --

        Indicates the maximum allowed rule level.

      • AttributeTypesSelector (dict) --

        Configures information about the AttributeTypesSelector where the rule-based identity resolution uses to match profiles.

        • AttributeMatchingModel (string) --

          Configures the AttributeMatchingModel , you can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY .

        • Address (list) --

          The Address type. You can choose from Address , BusinessAddress , MaillingAddress , and ShippingAddress .

          You only can use the Address type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on BusinessAddress.City or MaillingAddress.City , you need to choose the BusinessAddress and the MaillingAddress to represent the Address type and specify the Address.City on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

        • PhoneNumber (list) --

          The PhoneNumber type. You can choose from PhoneNumber , HomePhoneNumber , and MobilePhoneNumber .

          You only can use the PhoneNumber type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match a profile based on Phone or HomePhone , you need to choose the Phone and the HomePhone to represent the PhoneNumber type and only specify the PhoneNumber on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

        • EmailAddress (list) --

          The Email type. You can choose from EmailAddress , BusinessEmailAddress and PersonalEmailAddress .

          You only can use the EmailAddress type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on PersonalEmailAddress or BusinessEmailAddress , you need to choose the PersonalEmailAddress and the BusinessEmailAddress to represent the EmailAddress type and only specify the EmailAddress on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

      • ConflictResolution (dict) --

        How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

        • ConflictResolvingModel (string) --

          How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

          • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

          • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

        • SourceName (string) --

          The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

      • ExportingConfig (dict) --

        Configuration information about the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs writes result files.


        You need to give Customer Profiles service principal write permission to your S3 bucket. Otherwise, you'll get an exception in the API response. For an example policy, see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles cross-service confused deputy prevention .

        • S3Exporting (dict) --

          The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3BucketName (string) --

            The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3KeyName (string) --

            The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

    • CreatedAt (datetime) --

      The timestamp of when the domain was created.

    • LastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

      The timestamp of when the domain was most recently edited.

    • Tags (dict) --

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --

UpdateDomain (updated) Link ¶
Changes (request, response)
{'RuleBasedMatching': {'AttributeTypesSelector': {'Address': ['string'],
                                                  'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE '
                                                                            '| '
                                                  'EmailAddress': ['string'],
                                                  'PhoneNumber': ['string']},
                       'ConflictResolution': {'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY '
                                                                        '| '
                                              'SourceName': 'string'},
                       'Enabled': 'boolean',
                       'ExportingConfig': {'S3Exporting': {'S3BucketName': 'string',
                                                           'S3KeyName': 'string'}},
                       'MatchingRules': [{'Rule': ['string']}],
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 'integer',
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 'integer'}}
{'RuleBasedMatching': {'AttributeTypesSelector': {'Address': ['string'],
                                                  'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE '
                                                                            '| '
                                                  'EmailAddress': ['string'],
                                                  'PhoneNumber': ['string']},
                       'ConflictResolution': {'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY '
                                                                        '| '
                                              'SourceName': 'string'},
                       'Enabled': 'boolean',
                       'ExportingConfig': {'S3Exporting': {'S3BucketName': 'string',
                                                           'S3KeyName': 'string'}},
                       'MatchingRules': [{'Rule': ['string']}],
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 'integer',
                       'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 'integer',
                       'Status': 'PENDING | IN_PROGRESS | ACTIVE'}}

Updates the properties of a domain, including creating or selecting a dead letter queue or an encryption key.

After a domain is created, the name can’t be changed.

Use this API or CreateDomain to enable identity resolution : set Matching to true.

To prevent cross-service impersonation when you call this API, see Cross-service confused deputy prevention for sample policies that you should apply.

To add or remove tags on an existing Domain, see TagResource /UntagResource .

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'Enabled': True|False,
        'JobSchedule': {
            'Time': 'string'
        'AutoMerging': {
            'Enabled': True|False,
            'Consolidation': {
                'MatchingAttributesList': [
            'ConflictResolution': {
                'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
                'SourceName': 'string'
            'MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging': 123.0
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'MatchingRules': [
                'Rule': [
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 123,
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 123,
        'AttributeTypesSelector': {
            'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE'|'MANY_TO_MANY',
            'Address': [
            'PhoneNumber': [
            'EmailAddress': [
        'ConflictResolution': {
            'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
            'SourceName': 'string'
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
        'string': 'string'
type DomainName


param DomainName


The unique name of the domain.

type DefaultExpirationDays


param DefaultExpirationDays

The default number of days until the data within the domain expires.

type DefaultEncryptionKey


param DefaultEncryptionKey

The default encryption key, which is an AWS managed key, is used when no specific type of encryption key is specified. It is used to encrypt all data before it is placed in permanent or semi-permanent storage. If specified as an empty string, it will clear any existing value.

type DeadLetterQueueUrl


param DeadLetterQueueUrl

The URL of the SQS dead letter queue, which is used for reporting errors associated with ingesting data from third party applications. If specified as an empty string, it will clear any existing value. You must set up a policy on the DeadLetterQueue for the SendMessage operation to enable Amazon Connect Customer Profiles to send messages to the DeadLetterQueue.

type Matching


param Matching

The process of matching duplicate profiles. If Matching = true , Amazon Connect Customer Profiles starts a weekly batch process called Identity Resolution Job. If you do not specify a date and time for Identity Resolution Job to run, by default it runs every Saturday at 12AM UTC to detect duplicate profiles in your domains.

After the Identity Resolution Job completes, use the GetMatches API to return and review the results. Or, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the MatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

  • Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

    The flag that enables the matching process of duplicate profiles.

  • JobSchedule (dict) --

    The day and time when do you want to start the Identity Resolution Job every week.

    • DayOfTheWeek (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The day when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

    • Time (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      The time when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

  • AutoMerging (dict) --

    Configuration information about the auto-merging process.

    • Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

      The flag that enables the auto-merging of duplicate profiles.

    • Consolidation (dict) --

      A list of matching attributes that represent matching criteria. If two profiles meet at least one of the requirements in the matching attributes list, they will be merged.

      • MatchingAttributesList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of matching criteria.

        • (list) --

          • (string) --

    • ConflictResolution (dict) --

      How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles. For example, if Profile A and Profile B have the same FirstName and LastName (and that is the matching criteria), which EmailAddress should be used?

      • ConflictResolvingModel (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

        • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

        • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

      • SourceName (string) --

        The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

    • MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging (float) --

      A number between 0 and 1 that represents the minimum confidence score required for profiles within a matching group to be merged during the auto-merge process. A higher score means higher similarity required to merge profiles.

  • ExportingConfig (dict) --

    Configuration information for exporting Identity Resolution results, for example, to an S3 bucket.

    • S3Exporting (dict) --

      The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3BucketName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3KeyName (string) --

        The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

type RuleBasedMatching


param RuleBasedMatching

The process of matching duplicate profiles using the rule-Based matching. If RuleBasedMatching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles will start to match and merge your profiles according to your configuration in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest . You can use the ListRuleBasedMatches and GetSimilarProfiles API to return and review the results. Also, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

  • Enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

    The flag that enables the rule-based matching process of duplicate profiles.

  • MatchingRules (list) --

    Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can have up to 15 MatchingRule in the MatchingRules .

    • (dict) --

      Specifies how does the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can choose from the following attributes to build the matching Rule:

      • AccountNumber

      • Address.Address

      • Address.City

      • Address.Country

      • Address.County

      • Address.PostalCode

      • Address.State

      • Address.Province

      • BirthDate

      • BusinessName

      • EmailAddress

      • FirstName

      • Gender

      • LastName

      • MiddleName

      • PhoneNumber

      • Any customized profile attributes that start with the Attributes

      • Rule (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A single rule level of the MatchRules . Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles.

        • (string) --

  • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging (integer) --


  • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching (integer) --

    Indicates the maximum allowed rule level.

  • AttributeTypesSelector (dict) --

    Configures information about the AttributeTypesSelector where the rule-based identity resolution uses to match profiles.

    • AttributeMatchingModel (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Configures the AttributeMatchingModel , you can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY .

    • Address (list) --

      The Address type. You can choose from Address , BusinessAddress , MaillingAddress , and ShippingAddress .

      You only can use the Address type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on BusinessAddress.City or MaillingAddress.City , you need to choose the BusinessAddress and the MaillingAddress to represent the Address type and specify the Address.City on the matching rule.

      • (string) --

    • PhoneNumber (list) --

      The PhoneNumber type. You can choose from PhoneNumber , HomePhoneNumber , and MobilePhoneNumber .

      You only can use the PhoneNumber type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match a profile based on Phone or HomePhone , you need to choose the Phone and the HomePhone to represent the PhoneNumber type and only specify the PhoneNumber on the matching rule.

      • (string) --

    • EmailAddress (list) --

      The Email type. You can choose from EmailAddress , BusinessEmailAddress and PersonalEmailAddress .

      You only can use the EmailAddress type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on PersonalEmailAddress or BusinessEmailAddress , you need to choose the PersonalEmailAddress and the BusinessEmailAddress to represent the EmailAddress type and only specify the EmailAddress on the matching rule.

      • (string) --

  • ConflictResolution (dict) --

    How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

    • ConflictResolvingModel (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

      • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

      • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

    • SourceName (string) --

      The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

  • ExportingConfig (dict) --

    Configuration information about the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs writes result files.


    You need to give Customer Profiles service principal write permission to your S3 bucket. Otherwise, you'll get an exception in the API response. For an example policy, see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles cross-service confused deputy prevention .

    • S3Exporting (dict) --

      The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3BucketName (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

      • S3KeyName (string) --

        The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

type Tags


param Tags

The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

  • (string) --

    • (string) --




Response Syntax

    'DomainName': 'string',
    'DefaultExpirationDays': 123,
    'DefaultEncryptionKey': 'string',
    'DeadLetterQueueUrl': 'string',
    'Matching': {
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'JobSchedule': {
            'Time': 'string'
        'AutoMerging': {
            'Enabled': True|False,
            'Consolidation': {
                'MatchingAttributesList': [
            'ConflictResolution': {
                'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
                'SourceName': 'string'
            'MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging': 123.0
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
    'RuleBasedMatching': {
        'Enabled': True|False,
        'MatchingRules': [
                'Rule': [
        'Status': 'PENDING'|'IN_PROGRESS'|'ACTIVE',
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging': 123,
        'MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching': 123,
        'AttributeTypesSelector': {
            'AttributeMatchingModel': 'ONE_TO_ONE'|'MANY_TO_MANY',
            'Address': [
            'PhoneNumber': [
            'EmailAddress': [
        'ConflictResolution': {
            'ConflictResolvingModel': 'RECENCY'|'SOURCE',
            'SourceName': 'string'
        'ExportingConfig': {
            'S3Exporting': {
                'S3BucketName': 'string',
                'S3KeyName': 'string'
    'CreatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'LastUpdatedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'Tags': {
        'string': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • DomainName (string) --

      The unique name of the domain.

    • DefaultExpirationDays (integer) --

      The default number of days until the data within the domain expires.

    • DefaultEncryptionKey (string) --

      The default encryption key, which is an AWS managed key, is used when no specific type of encryption key is specified. It is used to encrypt all data before it is placed in permanent or semi-permanent storage.

    • DeadLetterQueueUrl (string) --

      The URL of the SQS dead letter queue, which is used for reporting errors associated with ingesting data from third party applications.

    • Matching (dict) --

      The process of matching duplicate profiles. If Matching = true , Amazon Connect Customer Profiles starts a weekly batch process called Identity Resolution Job. If you do not specify a date and time for Identity Resolution Job to run, by default it runs every Saturday at 12AM UTC to detect duplicate profiles in your domains.

      After the Identity Resolution Job completes, use the GetMatches API to return and review the results. Or, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the MatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

      • Enabled (boolean) --

        The flag that enables the matching process of duplicate profiles.

      • JobSchedule (dict) --

        The day and time when do you want to start the Identity Resolution Job every week.

        • DayOfTheWeek (string) --

          The day when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

        • Time (string) --

          The time when the Identity Resolution Job should run every week.

      • AutoMerging (dict) --

        Configuration information about the auto-merging process.

        • Enabled (boolean) --

          The flag that enables the auto-merging of duplicate profiles.

        • Consolidation (dict) --

          A list of matching attributes that represent matching criteria. If two profiles meet at least one of the requirements in the matching attributes list, they will be merged.

          • MatchingAttributesList (list) --

            A list of matching criteria.

            • (list) --

              • (string) --

        • ConflictResolution (dict) --

          How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles. For example, if Profile A and Profile B have the same FirstName and LastName (and that is the matching criteria), which EmailAddress should be used?

          • ConflictResolvingModel (string) --

            How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

            • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

            • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

          • SourceName (string) --

            The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

        • MinAllowedConfidenceScoreForMerging (float) --

          A number between 0 and 1 that represents the minimum confidence score required for profiles within a matching group to be merged during the auto-merge process. A higher score means higher similarity required to merge profiles.

      • ExportingConfig (dict) --

        Configuration information for exporting Identity Resolution results, for example, to an S3 bucket.

        • S3Exporting (dict) --

          The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3BucketName (string) --

            The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3KeyName (string) --

            The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

    • RuleBasedMatching (dict) --

      The process of matching duplicate profiles using the rule-Based matching. If RuleBasedMatching = true, Amazon Connect Customer Profiles will start to match and merge your profiles according to your configuration in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest . You can use the ListRuleBasedMatches and GetSimilarProfiles API to return and review the results. Also, if you have configured ExportingConfig in the RuleBasedMatchingRequest , you can download the results from S3.

      • Enabled (boolean) --

        The flag that enables the rule-based matching process of duplicate profiles.

      • MatchingRules (list) --

        Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can have up to 15 MatchingRule in the MatchingRules .

        • (dict) --

          Specifies how does the rule-based matching process should match profiles. You can choose from the following attributes to build the matching Rule:

          • AccountNumber

          • Address.Address

          • Address.City

          • Address.Country

          • Address.County

          • Address.PostalCode

          • Address.State

          • Address.Province

          • BirthDate

          • BusinessName

          • EmailAddress

          • FirstName

          • Gender

          • LastName

          • MiddleName

          • PhoneNumber

          • Any customized profile attributes that start with the Attributes

          • Rule (list) --

            A single rule level of the MatchRules . Configures how the rule-based matching process should match profiles.

            • (string) --

      • Status (string) --


        • The first status after configuration a rule-based matching rule. If it is an existing domain, the rule-based Identity Resolution waits one hour before creating the matching rule. If it is a new domain, the system will skip the PENDING stage.


        • The system is creating the rule-based matching rule. Under this status, the system is evaluating the existing data and you can no longer change the Rule-based matching configuration.


        • The rule is ready to use. You can change the rule a day after the status is in ACTIVE .

      • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMerging (integer) --


      • MaxAllowedRuleLevelForMatching (integer) --

        Indicates the maximum allowed rule level.

      • AttributeTypesSelector (dict) --

        Configures information about the AttributeTypesSelector where the rule-based identity resolution uses to match profiles.

        • AttributeMatchingModel (string) --

          Configures the AttributeMatchingModel , you can either choose ONE_TO_ONE or MANY_TO_MANY .

        • Address (list) --

          The Address type. You can choose from Address , BusinessAddress , MaillingAddress , and ShippingAddress .

          You only can use the Address type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on BusinessAddress.City or MaillingAddress.City , you need to choose the BusinessAddress and the MaillingAddress to represent the Address type and specify the Address.City on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

        • PhoneNumber (list) --

          The PhoneNumber type. You can choose from PhoneNumber , HomePhoneNumber , and MobilePhoneNumber .

          You only can use the PhoneNumber type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match a profile based on Phone or HomePhone , you need to choose the Phone and the HomePhone to represent the PhoneNumber type and only specify the PhoneNumber on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

        • EmailAddress (list) --

          The Email type. You can choose from EmailAddress , BusinessEmailAddress and PersonalEmailAddress .

          You only can use the EmailAddress type in the MatchingRule . For example, if you want to match profile based on PersonalEmailAddress or BusinessEmailAddress , you need to choose the PersonalEmailAddress and the BusinessEmailAddress to represent the EmailAddress type and only specify the EmailAddress on the matching rule.

          • (string) --

      • ConflictResolution (dict) --

        How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

        • ConflictResolvingModel (string) --

          How the auto-merging process should resolve conflicts between different profiles.

          • RECENCY : Uses the data that was most recently updated.

          • SOURCE : Uses the data from a specific source. For example, if a company has been aquired or two departments have merged, data from the specified source is used. If two duplicate profiles are from the same source, then RECENCY is used again.

        • SourceName (string) --

          The ObjectType name that is used to resolve profile merging conflicts when choosing SOURCE as the ConflictResolvingModel .

      • ExportingConfig (dict) --

        Configuration information about the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs writes result files.


        You need to give Customer Profiles service principal write permission to your S3 bucket. Otherwise, you'll get an exception in the API response. For an example policy, see Amazon Connect Customer Profiles cross-service confused deputy prevention .

        • S3Exporting (dict) --

          The S3 location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3BucketName (string) --

            The name of the S3 bucket where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

          • S3KeyName (string) --

            The S3 key name of the location where Identity Resolution Jobs write result files.

    • CreatedAt (datetime) --

      The timestamp of when the domain was created.

    • LastUpdatedAt (datetime) --

      The timestamp of when the domain was most recently edited.

    • Tags (dict) --

      The tags used to organize, track, or control access for this resource.

      • (string) --

        • (string) --