Amazon Lex Model Building V2

2023/11/27 - Amazon Lex Model Building V2 - 4 new 6 updated api methods

Changes  This release introduces new generative AI features in AWS Lex: Assisted Slot Resolution, Descriptive Bot Building, and Sample Utterance Generation. These features leverage large language models available through Amazon Bedrock to improve the bot builder and customer experiences.

ListBotResourceGenerations (new) Link ¶

Lists the generation requests made for a bot locale.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'attribute': 'creationStartTime'|'lastUpdatedTime',
        'order': 'Ascending'|'Descending'
type botId


param botId


The unique identifier of the bot whose generation requests you want to view.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot whose generation requests you want to view.

type localeId


param localeId


The locale of the bot whose generation requests you want to view.

type sortBy


param sortBy

An object containing information about the attribute and the method by which to sort the results

  • attribute (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The attribute by which to sort the generation request information. You can sort by the following attributes.

    • creationStartTime – The time at which the generation request was created.

    • lastUpdatedTime – The time at which the generation request was last updated.

  • order (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    The order by which to sort the generation request information.

type maxResults


param maxResults

The maximum number of results to return in the response.

type nextToken


param nextToken

If the total number of results is greater than the number specified in the maxResults , the response returns a token in the nextToken field. Use this token when making a request to return the next batch of results.




Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'generationSummaries': [
            'generationId': 'string',
            'generationStatus': 'Failed'|'Complete'|'InProgress',
            'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
            'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'nextToken': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the bot for which the generation requests were made.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot for which the generation requests were made.

    • localeId (string) --

      The locale of the bot for which the generation requests were made.

    • generationSummaries (list) --

      A list of objects, each containing information about a generation request for the bot locale.

      • (dict) --

        Contains information about a generation request made for the bot locale.

        • generationId (string) --

          The unique identifier of the generation request.

        • generationStatus (string) --

          The status of the generation request.

        • creationDateTime (datetime) --

          The date and time at which the generation request was made.

        • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

          The date and time at which the generation request was last updated.

    • nextToken (string) --

      If the total number of results is greater than the number specified in the maxResults , the response returns a token in the nextToken field. Use this token when making a request to return the next batch of results.

GenerateBotElement (new) Link ¶

Generates sample utterances for an intent.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type intentId


param intentId


The intent unique Id for the bot request to generate utterances.

type botId


param botId


The bot unique Id for the bot request to generate utterances.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The bot version for the bot request to generate utterances.

type localeId


param localeId


The unique locale Id for the bot request to generate utterances.




Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'intentId': 'string',
    'sampleUtterances': [
            'utterance': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The unique bot Id for the bot which received the response.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The unique bot version for the bot which received the response.

    • localeId (string) --

      The unique locale Id for the bot which received the response.

    • intentId (string) --

      The unique intent Id for the bot which received the response.

    • sampleUtterances (list) --

      The sample utterances for the bot which received the response.

      • (dict) --

        A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

        • utterance (string) --

          The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

StartBotResourceGeneration (new) Link ¶

Starts a request for the descriptive bot builder to generate a bot locale configuration based on the prompt you provide it. After you make this call, use the DescribeBotResourceGeneration operation to check on the status of the generation and for the generatedBotLocaleUrl when the generation is complete. Use that value to retrieve the Amazon S3 object containing the bot locale configuration. You can then modify and import this configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type generationInputPrompt


param generationInputPrompt


The prompt to generate intents and slot types for the bot locale. Your description should be both detailed and precise to help generate appropriate and sufficient intents for your bot. Include a list of actions to improve the intent creation process.

type botId


param botId


The unique identifier of the bot for which to generate intents and slot types.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot for which to generate intents and slot types.

type localeId


param localeId


The locale of the bot for which to generate intents and slot types.




Response Syntax

    'generationInputPrompt': 'string',
    'generationId': 'string',
    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'generationStatus': 'Failed'|'Complete'|'InProgress',
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • generationInputPrompt (string) --

      The prompt that was used generate intents and slot types for the bot locale.

    • generationId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the generation request.

    • botId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the bot for which the generation request was made.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot for which the generation request was made.

    • localeId (string) --

      The locale of the bot for which the generation request was made.

    • generationStatus (string) --

      The status of the generation request.

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      The date and time at which the generation request was made.

DescribeBotResourceGeneration (new) Link ¶

Returns information about a request to generate a bot through natural language description, made through the StartBotResource API. Use the generatedBotLocaleUrl to retrieve the Amazon S3 object containing the bot locale configuration. You can then modify and import this configuration.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type botId


param botId


The unique identifier of the bot for which to return the generation details.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot for which to return the generation details.

type localeId


param localeId


The locale of the bot for which to return the generation details.

type generationId


param generationId


The unique identifier of the generation request for which to return the generation details.




Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'generationId': 'string',
    'failureReasons': [
    'generationStatus': 'Failed'|'Complete'|'InProgress',
    'generationInputPrompt': 'string',
    'generatedBotLocaleUrl': 'string',
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'modelArn': 'string',
    'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1)

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the bot for which the generation request was made.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot for which the generation request was made.

    • localeId (string) --

      The locale of the bot for which the generation request was made.

    • generationId (string) --

      The generation ID for which to return the generation details.

    • failureReasons (list) --

      A list of reasons why the generation of bot resources through natural language description failed.

      • (string) --

    • generationStatus (string) --

      The status of the generation request.

    • generationInputPrompt (string) --

      The prompt used in the generation request.

    • generatedBotLocaleUrl (string) --

      The Amazon S3 location of the generated bot locale configuration.

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      The date and time at which the item was generated.

    • modelArn (string) --

      The ARN of the model used to generate the bot resources.

    • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

      The date and time at which the generated item was updated.

CreateBotLocale (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'generativeAISettings': {'buildtimeSettings': {'descriptiveBotBuilder': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                          'enabled': 'boolean'},
                                                'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                              'enabled': 'boolean'}},
                          'runtimeSettings': {'slotResolutionImprovement': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                            'enabled': 'boolean'}}}}

Creates a locale in the bot. The locale contains the intents and slot types that the bot uses in conversations with users in the specified language and locale. You must add a locale to a bot before you can add intents and slot types to the bot.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'voiceId': 'string',
        'engine': 'standard'|'neural'
        'runtimeSettings': {
            'slotResolutionImprovement': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
        'buildtimeSettings': {
            'descriptiveBotBuilder': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
            'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
type botId


param botId


The identifier of the bot to create the locale for.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot to create the locale for. This can only be the draft version of the bot.

type localeId


param localeId


The identifier of the language and locale that the bot will be used in. The string must match one of the supported locales. All of the intents, slot types, and slots used in the bot must have the same locale. For more information, see Supported languages .

type description


param description

A description of the bot locale. Use this to help identify the bot locale in lists.

type nluIntentConfidenceThreshold


param nluIntentConfidenceThreshold


Determines the threshold where Amazon Lex will insert the AMAZON.FallbackIntent , AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent , or both when returning alternative intents. AMAZON.FallbackIntent and AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent are only inserted if they are configured for the bot.

For example, suppose a bot is configured with the confidence threshold of 0.80 and the AMAZON.FallbackIntent . Amazon Lex returns three alternative intents with the following confidence scores: IntentA (0.70), IntentB (0.60), IntentC (0.50). The response from the RecognizeText operation would be:

  • AMAZON.FallbackIntent

  • IntentA

  • IntentB

  • IntentC

type voiceSettings


param voiceSettings

The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction with the user.

type generativeAISettings


param generativeAISettings

Contains specifications about the generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

  • runtimeSettings (dict) --

    Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex runtime generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

    • slotResolutionImprovement (dict) --

      An object containing specifications for the assisted slot resolution feature.

      • enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on or off.

      • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

        An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to assist slot resolution.

        • modelArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

  • buildtimeSettings (dict) --

    Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex build time generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

    • descriptiveBotBuilder (dict) --

      An object containing specifications for the descriptive bot building feature.

      • enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Specifies whether the descriptive bot building feature is activated or not.

      • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

        An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

        • modelArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

    • sampleUtteranceGeneration (dict) --

      Contains specifications for the sample utterance generation feature.

      • enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Specifies whether to enable sample utterance generation or not.

      • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

        Contains information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

        • modelArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.




Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeName': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'nluIntentConfidenceThreshold': 123.0,
    'voiceSettings': {
        'voiceId': 'string',
        'engine': 'standard'|'neural'
    'botLocaleStatus': 'Creating'|'Building'|'Built'|'ReadyExpressTesting'|'Failed'|'Deleting'|'NotBuilt'|'Importing'|'Processing',
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'generativeAISettings': {
        'runtimeSettings': {
            'slotResolutionImprovement': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
        'buildtimeSettings': {
            'descriptiveBotBuilder': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
            'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The specified bot identifier.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The specified bot version.

    • localeName (string) --

      The specified locale name.

    • localeId (string) --

      The specified locale identifier.

    • description (string) --

      The specified description of the bot locale.

    • nluIntentConfidenceThreshold (float) --

      The specified confidence threshold for inserting the AMAZON.FallbackIntent and AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intents.

    • voiceSettings (dict) --

      The Amazon Polly voice ID that Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction with the user.

    • botLocaleStatus (string) --

      The status of the bot.

      When the status is Creating the bot locale is being configured. When the status is Building Amazon Lex is building the bot for testing and use.

      If the status of the bot is ReadyExpressTesting , you can test the bot using the exact utterances specified in the bots' intents. When the bot is ready for full testing or to run, the status is Built .

      If there was a problem with building the bot, the status is Failed . If the bot was saved but not built, the status is NotBuilt .

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      A timestamp specifying the date and time that the bot locale was created.

    • generativeAISettings (dict) --

      Contains specifications about the generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

      • runtimeSettings (dict) --

        Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex runtime generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

        • slotResolutionImprovement (dict) --

          An object containing specifications for the assisted slot resolution feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on or off.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to assist slot resolution.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

      • buildtimeSettings (dict) --

        Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex build time generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

        • descriptiveBotBuilder (dict) --

          An object containing specifications for the descriptive bot building feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether the descriptive bot building feature is activated or not.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

        • sampleUtteranceGeneration (dict) --

          Contains specifications for the sample utterance generation feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether to enable sample utterance generation or not.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            Contains information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

CreateSlot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'valueElicitationSetting': {'slotResolutionSetting': {'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback '
                                                                                 '| '

Creates a slot in an intent. A slot is a variable needed to fulfill an intent. For example, an OrderPizza intent might need slots for size, crust, and number of pizzas. For each slot, you define one or more utterances that Amazon Lex uses to elicit a response from the user.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'defaultValueSpecification': {
            'defaultValueList': [
                    'defaultValue': 'string'
        'slotConstraint': 'Required'|'Optional',
        'promptSpecification': {
            'messageGroups': [
                    'message': {
                        'plainTextMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'customPayload': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'ssmlMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'imageResponseCard': {
                            'title': 'string',
                            'subtitle': 'string',
                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                            'buttons': [
                                    'text': 'string',
                                    'value': 'string'
                    'variations': [
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
            'maxRetries': 123,
            'allowInterrupt': True|False,
            'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
            'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                'string': {
                    'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                    'allowedInputTypes': {
                        'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                        'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                    'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                        'audioSpecification': {
                            'maxLengthMs': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123
                        'dtmfSpecification': {
                            'maxLength': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                            'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                            'endCharacter': 'string'
                    'textInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123
        'sampleUtterances': [
                'utterance': 'string'
        'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
            'waitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'continueResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'stillWaitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'active': True|False
        'slotCaptureSetting': {
            'captureResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'captureNextStep': {
                'dialogAction': {
                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                'intent': {
                    'name': 'string',
                    'slots': {
                        'string': {
                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                            'value': {
                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                            'values': [
                                {'... recursive ...'},
                'sessionAttributes': {
                    'string': 'string'
            'captureConditional': {
                'active': True|False,
                'conditionalBranches': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'condition': {
                            'expressionString': 'string'
                        'nextStep': {
                            'dialogAction': {
                                'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                            'intent': {
                                'name': 'string',
                                'slots': {
                                    'string': {
                                        'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                        'value': {
                                            'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                        'values': [
                                            {'... recursive ...'},
                            'sessionAttributes': {
                                'string': 'string'
                        'response': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                'defaultBranch': {
                    'nextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'response': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'failureResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
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                        'active': True|False
type slotName


param slotName


The name of the slot. Slot names must be unique within the bot that contains the slot.

type description


param description

A description of the slot. Use this to help identify the slot in lists.

type slotTypeId


param slotTypeId

The unique identifier for the slot type associated with this slot. The slot type determines the values that can be entered into the slot.

type valueElicitationSetting


param valueElicitationSetting


Specifies prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user to elicit a response that provides the value for the slot.

  • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

    A list of default values for a slot. Default values are used when Amazon Lex hasn't determined a value for a slot. You can specify default values from context variables, session attributes, and defined values.

    • defaultValueList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

      • (dict) --

        Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

        • defaultValue (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

  • slotConstraint (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    Specifies whether the slot is required or optional.

  • promptSpecification (dict) --

    The prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the slot value from the user.

    • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

      • (dict) --

        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

        • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

            A message in plain text format.

            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The message to send to the user.

          • customPayload (dict) --

            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The string that is sent to your application.

          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

            • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

            • subtitle (string) --

              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

            • imageUrl (string) --

              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

            • buttons (list) --

              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

              • (dict) --

                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

        • variations (list) --

          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

          • (dict) --

            The object that provides message text and its type.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

    • maxRetries (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

    • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

      Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

    • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

      Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

      • (string) --

        The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

        • (dict) --

          Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

          • allowedInputTypes (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

            • allowAudioInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

              Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

            • allowDTMFInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

              Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

          • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

            Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

            • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

              Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

            • audioSpecification (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on audio input.

              • maxLengthMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

              • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

            • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

              • maxLength (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

              • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

              • deletionCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

              • endCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

          • textInputSpecification (dict) --

            Specifies the settings on text input.

            • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

              Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

  • sampleUtterances (list) --

    If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases, Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances.

    • (dict) --

      A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

      • utterance (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

  • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

    Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

    • waitingResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

      The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • continueResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

      The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

      A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • frequencyInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

        How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

      • timeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

        If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

    • active (boolean) --

      Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

  • slotCaptureSetting (dict) --

    Specifies the settings that Amazon Lex uses when a slot value is successfully entered by a user.

    • captureResponse (dict) --

      Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • captureNextStep (dict) --

      Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value is captured before the code hook times out.

      • dialogAction (dict) --

        Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

        • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The action that the bot should execute.

        • slotToElicit (string) --

          If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

        • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

          When true the next message for the intent is not used.

      • intent (dict) --

        Override settings to configure the intent state.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

        • slots (dict) --

          A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • shape (string) --

                When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

              • value (dict) --

                The current value of the slot.

                • interpretedValue (string) --

                  The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

              • values (list) --

                A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

      • sessionAttributes (dict) --

        Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

    • captureConditional (dict) --

      A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the slot value is captured.

      • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

      • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

        • (dict) --

          A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The name of the branch.

          • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

            • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The expression string that is evaluated.

          • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The next step in the conversation.

            • dialogAction (dict) --

              Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

              • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The action that the bot should execute.

              • slotToElicit (string) --

                If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

              • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                When true the next message for the intent is not used.

            • intent (dict) --

              Override settings to configure the intent state.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

              • slots (dict) --

                A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                • (string) --

                  • (dict) --

                    The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • shape (string) --

                      When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                    • value (dict) --

                      The current value of the slot.

                      • interpretedValue (string) --

                        The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                    • values (list) --

                      A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

            • sessionAttributes (dict) --

              Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

          • response (dict) --

            Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

            • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

              • (dict) --

                Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • variations (list) --

                  Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                  • (dict) --

                    The object that provides message text and its type.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

      • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

        • nextStep (dict) --

          The next step in the conversation.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • response (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • failureResponse (dict) --

      Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • failureNextStep (dict) --

      Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value code is not recognized.

      • dialogAction (dict) --

        Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

        • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The action that the bot should execute.

        • slotToElicit (string) --

          If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

        • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

          When true the next message for the intent is not used.

      • intent (dict) --

        Override settings to configure the intent state.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

        • slots (dict) --

          A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • shape (string) --

                When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

              • value (dict) --

                The current value of the slot.

                • interpretedValue (string) --

                  The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

              • values (list) --

                A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

      • sessionAttributes (dict) --

        Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

    • failureConditional (dict) --

      A list of conditional branches to evaluate when the slot value isn't captured.

      • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

      • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

        • (dict) --

          A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The name of the branch.

          • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

            • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The expression string that is evaluated.

          • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The next step in the conversation.

            • dialogAction (dict) --

              Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

              • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The action that the bot should execute.

              • slotToElicit (string) --

                If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

              • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                When true the next message for the intent is not used.

            • intent (dict) --

              Override settings to configure the intent state.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

              • slots (dict) --

                A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                • (string) --

                  • (dict) --

                    The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • shape (string) --

                      When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                    • value (dict) --

                      The current value of the slot.

                      • interpretedValue (string) --

                        The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                    • values (list) --

                      A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

            • sessionAttributes (dict) --

              Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

          • response (dict) --

            Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

            • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

              • (dict) --

                Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • variations (list) --

                  Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                  • (dict) --

                    The object that provides message text and its type.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

      • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

        • nextStep (dict) --

          The next step in the conversation.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • response (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • codeHook (dict) --

      Code hook called after Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value.

      • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

      • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Determines whether a dialog code hook is used when the intent is activated.

      • invocationLabel (string) --

        A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

      • postCodeHookSpecification (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        Contains the responses and actions that Amazon Lex takes after the Lambda function is complete.

        • successResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • successNextStep (dict) --

          Specifics the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • successConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

          • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • failureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

          • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • timeoutResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • timeoutNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the code hook times out.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • timeoutConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate if the code hook times out.

          • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • elicitationCodeHook (dict) --

      Code hook called when Amazon Lex doesn't capture a slot value.

      • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

      • invocationLabel (string) --

        A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

  • slotResolutionSetting (dict) --

    An object containing information about whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not.

    • slotResolutionStrategy (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not. If the value is EnhancedFallback , assisted slot resolution is activated when Amazon Lex defaults to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent . If the value is Default , assisted slot resolution is turned off.

type obfuscationSetting


param obfuscationSetting

Determines how slot values are used in Amazon CloudWatch logs. If the value of the obfuscationSetting parameter is DefaultObfuscation , slot values are obfuscated in the log output. If the value is None , the actual value is present in the log output.

The default is to obfuscate values in the CloudWatch logs.

  • obfuscationSettingType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    Value that determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs. The default is to obscure the values.

type botId


param botId


The identifier of the bot associated with the slot.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot associated with the slot.

type localeId


param localeId


The identifier of the language and locale that the slot will be used in. The string must match one of the supported locales. All of the bots, intents, slot types used by the slot must have the same locale. For more information, see Supported languages .

type intentId


param intentId


The identifier of the intent that contains the slot.

type multipleValuesSetting


param multipleValuesSetting

Indicates whether the slot returns multiple values in one response. Multi-value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

If the multipleValuesSetting is not set, the default value is false .

  • allowMultipleValues (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values. When true , the slot may return more than one value in a response. When false , the slot returns only a single value.

    Multi-value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

    If the allowMutlipleValues is not set, the default value is false .

type subSlotSetting


param subSlotSetting

Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

  • expression (string) --

    The expression text for defining the constituent sub slots in the composite slot using logical AND and OR operators.

  • slotSpecifications (dict) --

    Specifications for the constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

    • (string) --

      • (dict) --

        Subslot specifications.

        • slotTypeId (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The unique identifier assigned to the slot type.

        • valueElicitationSetting (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          Specifies the elicitation setting details for constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

          • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

            Defines a list of values that Amazon Lex should use as the default value for a slot.

            • defaultValueList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

              • (dict) --

                Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

                • defaultValue (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

          • promptSpecification (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.

            • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

              • (dict) --

                Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • variations (list) --

                  Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                  • (dict) --

                    The object that provides message text and its type.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • maxRetries (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

              The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

            • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

            • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

              Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

            • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

              Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

              • (string) --

                The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

                • (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

                  • allowedInputTypes (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                    • allowAudioInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                    • allowDTMFInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

                  • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                    Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                    • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                    • audioSpecification (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on audio input.

                      • maxLengthMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                      • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                    • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                      • maxLength (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                      • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                      • deletionCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                      • endCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

                  • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                    Specifies the settings on text input.

                    • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

          • sampleUtterances (list) --

            If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a sub slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. This is similar to SampleUtterances for slots.

            • (dict) --

              A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

              • utterance (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

          • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

            Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

            • waitingResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

              The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • continueResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

              The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

              A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • frequencyInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

              • timeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

            • active (boolean) --

              Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.




Response Syntax

    'slotId': 'string',
    'slotName': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'slotTypeId': 'string',
    'valueElicitationSetting': {
        'defaultValueSpecification': {
            'defaultValueList': [
                    'defaultValue': 'string'
        'slotConstraint': 'Required'|'Optional',
        'promptSpecification': {
            'messageGroups': [
                    'message': {
                        'plainTextMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'customPayload': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'ssmlMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'imageResponseCard': {
                            'title': 'string',
                            'subtitle': 'string',
                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                            'buttons': [
                                    'text': 'string',
                                    'value': 'string'
                    'variations': [
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
            'maxRetries': 123,
            'allowInterrupt': True|False,
            'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
            'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                'string': {
                    'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                    'allowedInputTypes': {
                        'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                        'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                    'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                        'audioSpecification': {
                            'maxLengthMs': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123
                        'dtmfSpecification': {
                            'maxLength': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                            'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                            'endCharacter': 'string'
                    'textInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123
        'sampleUtterances': [
                'utterance': 'string'
        'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
            'waitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'continueResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
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                                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                        'buttons': [
                                                                'text': 'string',
                                                                'value': 'string'
                                    'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'defaultBranch': {
                            'nextStep': {
                                'dialogAction': {
                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                'intent': {
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'slots': {
                                        'string': {
                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
                                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
                                'sessionAttributes': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                            'response': {
                                'messageGroups': [
                                        'message': {
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'elicitationCodeHook': {
                'enableCodeHookInvocation': True|False,
                'invocationLabel': 'string'
        'slotResolutionSetting': {
            'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback'|'Default'
    'obfuscationSetting': {
        'obfuscationSettingType': 'None'|'DefaultObfuscation'
    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'intentId': 'string',
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'multipleValuesSetting': {
        'allowMultipleValues': True|False
    'subSlotSetting': {
        'expression': 'string',
        'slotSpecifications': {
            'string': {
                'slotTypeId': 'string',
                'valueElicitationSetting': {
                    'defaultValueSpecification': {
                        'defaultValueList': [
                                'defaultValue': 'string'
                    'promptSpecification': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'maxRetries': 123,
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                        'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
                        'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                            'string': {
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                                'allowedInputTypes': {
                                    'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                                    'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                                'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                                    'audioSpecification': {
                                        'maxLengthMs': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123
                                    'dtmfSpecification': {
                                        'maxLength': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                                        'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                                        'endCharacter': 'string'
                                'textInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123
                    'sampleUtterances': [
                            'utterance': 'string'
                    'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
                        'waitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'continueResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'stillWaitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                            'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'active': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • slotId (string) --

      The unique identifier associated with the slot. Use this to identify the slot when you update or delete it.

    • slotName (string) --

      The name specified for the slot.

    • description (string) --

      The description associated with the slot.

    • slotTypeId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the slot type associated with this slot.

    • valueElicitationSetting (dict) --

      The value elicitation settings specified for the slot.

      • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

        A list of default values for a slot. Default values are used when Amazon Lex hasn't determined a value for a slot. You can specify default values from context variables, session attributes, and defined values.

        • defaultValueList (list) --

          A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

          • (dict) --

            Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

            • defaultValue (string) --

              The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

      • slotConstraint (string) --

        Specifies whether the slot is required or optional.

      • promptSpecification (dict) --

        The prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the slot value from the user.

        • messageGroups (list) --

          A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

          • (dict) --

            Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • message (dict) --

              The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) --

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) --

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) --

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) --

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) --

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) --

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • variations (list) --

              Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

              • (dict) --

                The object that provides message text and its type.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

        • maxRetries (integer) --

          The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

        • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

          Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

        • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

          Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

        • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

          Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

          • (string) --

            The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

            • (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

              • allowedInputTypes (dict) --

                Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                • allowAudioInput (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                • allowDTMFInput (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

              • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                  Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                • audioSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on audio input.

                  • maxLengthMs (integer) --

                    Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                  • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                    Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                  • maxLength (integer) --

                    The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                  • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                    How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                  • deletionCharacter (string) --

                    The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                  • endCharacter (string) --

                    The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

              • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the settings on text input.

                • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                  Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

      • sampleUtterances (list) --

        If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases, Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances.

        • (dict) --

          A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

          • utterance (string) --

            The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

      • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

        Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

        • waitingResponse (dict) --

          The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • continueResponse (dict) --

          The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

          A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • frequencyInSeconds (integer) --

            How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

          • timeoutInSeconds (integer) --

            If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

        • active (boolean) --

          Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

      • slotCaptureSetting (dict) --

        Specifies the settings that Amazon Lex uses when a slot value is successfully entered by a user.

        • captureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • captureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value is captured before the code hook times out.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) --

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • captureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the slot value is captured.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) --

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) --

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) --

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) --

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) --

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) --

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value code is not recognized.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) --

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • failureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate when the slot value isn't captured.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) --

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) --

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) --

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) --

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) --

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) --

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • codeHook (dict) --

          Code hook called after Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value.

          • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a dialog code hook is used when the intent is activated.

          • invocationLabel (string) --

            A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

          • postCodeHookSpecification (dict) --

            Contains the responses and actions that Amazon Lex takes after the Lambda function is complete.

            • successResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • successNextStep (dict) --

              Specifics the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • successConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • failureResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • failureNextStep (dict) --

              Specifies the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • failureConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • timeoutResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • timeoutNextStep (dict) --

              Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the code hook times out.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • timeoutConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate if the code hook times out.

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • elicitationCodeHook (dict) --

          Code hook called when Amazon Lex doesn't capture a slot value.

          • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

          • invocationLabel (string) --

            A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

      • slotResolutionSetting (dict) --

        An object containing information about whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not.

        • slotResolutionStrategy (string) --

          Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not. If the value is EnhancedFallback , assisted slot resolution is activated when Amazon Lex defaults to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent . If the value is Default , assisted slot resolution is turned off.

    • obfuscationSetting (dict) --

      Indicates whether the slot is configured to obfuscate values in Amazon CloudWatch logs.

      • obfuscationSettingType (string) --

        Value that determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs. The default is to obscure the values.

    • botId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the bot associated with the slot.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot associated with the slot.

    • localeId (string) --

      The language and local specified for the slot.

    • intentId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the intent associated with the slot.

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      The timestamp of the date and time that the slot was created.

    • multipleValuesSetting (dict) --

      Indicates whether the slot returns multiple values in one response.

      • allowMultipleValues (boolean) --

        Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values. When true , the slot may return more than one value in a response. When false , the slot returns only a single value.

        Multi-value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

        If the allowMutlipleValues is not set, the default value is false .

    • subSlotSetting (dict) --

      Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

      • expression (string) --

        The expression text for defining the constituent sub slots in the composite slot using logical AND and OR operators.

      • slotSpecifications (dict) --

        Specifications for the constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

        • (string) --

          • (dict) --

            Subslot specifications.

            • slotTypeId (string) --

              The unique identifier assigned to the slot type.

            • valueElicitationSetting (dict) --

              Specifies the elicitation setting details for constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

              • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

                Defines a list of values that Amazon Lex should use as the default value for a slot.

                • defaultValueList (list) --

                  A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

                  • (dict) --

                    Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

                    • defaultValue (string) --

                      The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

              • promptSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • maxRetries (integer) --

                  The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

                • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

                  Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

                • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

                  • (string) --

                    The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

                    • (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

                      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

                      • allowedInputTypes (dict) --

                        Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                        • allowAudioInput (boolean) --

                          Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                        • allowDTMFInput (boolean) --

                          Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

                      • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                        Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                        • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                          Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                        • audioSpecification (dict) --

                          Specifies the settings on audio input.

                          • maxLengthMs (integer) --

                            Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                          • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                            Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                        • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                          Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                          • maxLength (integer) --

                            The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                          • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                            How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                          • deletionCharacter (string) --

                            The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                          • endCharacter (string) --

                            The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

                      • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                        Specifies the settings on text input.

                        • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                          Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

              • sampleUtterances (list) --

                If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a sub slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. This is similar to SampleUtterances for slots.

                • (dict) --

                  A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

                  • utterance (string) --

                    The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

              • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

                • waitingResponse (dict) --

                  The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

                • continueResponse (dict) --

                  The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

                • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

                  A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • frequencyInSeconds (integer) --

                    How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

                  • timeoutInSeconds (integer) --

                    If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

                • active (boolean) --

                  Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

DescribeBotLocale (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'generativeAISettings': {'buildtimeSettings': {'descriptiveBotBuilder': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                          'enabled': 'boolean'},
                                                'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                              'enabled': 'boolean'}},
                          'runtimeSettings': {'slotResolutionImprovement': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                            'enabled': 'boolean'}}}}

Describes the settings that a bot has for a specific locale.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type botId


param botId


The identifier of the bot associated with the locale.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot associated with the locale.

type localeId


param localeId


The unique identifier of the locale to describe. The string must match one of the supported locales. For more information, see Supported languages .




Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'localeName': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'nluIntentConfidenceThreshold': 123.0,
    'voiceSettings': {
        'voiceId': 'string',
        'engine': 'standard'|'neural'
    'intentsCount': 123,
    'slotTypesCount': 123,
    'botLocaleStatus': 'Creating'|'Building'|'Built'|'ReadyExpressTesting'|'Failed'|'Deleting'|'NotBuilt'|'Importing'|'Processing',
    'failureReasons': [
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'lastBuildSubmittedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'botLocaleHistoryEvents': [
            'event': 'string',
            'eventDate': datetime(2015, 1, 1)
    'recommendedActions': [
    'generativeAISettings': {
        'runtimeSettings': {
            'slotResolutionImprovement': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
        'buildtimeSettings': {
            'descriptiveBotBuilder': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
            'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The identifier of the bot associated with the locale.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot associated with the locale.

    • localeId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the described locale.

    • localeName (string) --

      The name of the locale.

    • description (string) --

      The description of the locale.

    • nluIntentConfidenceThreshold (float) --

      The confidence threshold where Amazon Lex inserts the AMAZON.FallbackIntent and AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intents in the list of possible intents for an utterance.

    • voiceSettings (dict) --

      The Amazon Polly voice Amazon Lex uses for voice interaction with the user.

    • intentsCount (integer) --

      The number of intents defined for the locale.

    • slotTypesCount (integer) --

      The number of slot types defined for the locale.

    • botLocaleStatus (string) --

      The status of the bot. If the status is Failed , the reasons for the failure are listed in the failureReasons field.

    • failureReasons (list) --

      if botLocaleStatus is Failed , Amazon Lex explains why it failed to build the bot.

      • (string) --

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      The date and time that the locale was created.

    • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

      The date and time that the locale was last updated.

    • lastBuildSubmittedDateTime (datetime) --

      The date and time that the locale was last submitted for building.

    • botLocaleHistoryEvents (list) --

      History of changes, such as when a locale is used in an alias, that have taken place for the locale.

      • (dict) --

        Provides information about an event that occurred affecting the bot locale.

        • event (string) --

          A description of the event that occurred.

        • eventDate (datetime) --

          A timestamp of the date and time that the event occurred.

    • recommendedActions (list) --

      Recommended actions to take to resolve an error in the failureReasons field.

      • (string) --

    • generativeAISettings (dict) --

      Contains settings for Amazon Bedrock's generative AI features for your bot locale.

      • runtimeSettings (dict) --

        Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex runtime generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

        • slotResolutionImprovement (dict) --

          An object containing specifications for the assisted slot resolution feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on or off.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to assist slot resolution.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

      • buildtimeSettings (dict) --

        Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex build time generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

        • descriptiveBotBuilder (dict) --

          An object containing specifications for the descriptive bot building feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether the descriptive bot building feature is activated or not.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

        • sampleUtteranceGeneration (dict) --

          Contains specifications for the sample utterance generation feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether to enable sample utterance generation or not.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            Contains information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

DescribeSlot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (response)
{'valueElicitationSetting': {'slotResolutionSetting': {'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback '
                                                                                 '| '

Gets metadata information about a slot.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

type slotId


param slotId


The unique identifier for the slot.

type botId


param botId


The identifier of the bot associated with the slot.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot associated with the slot.

type localeId


param localeId


The identifier of the language and locale of the slot to describe. The string must match one of the supported locales. For more information, see Supported languages .

type intentId


param intentId


The identifier of the intent that contains the slot.




Response Syntax

    'slotId': 'string',
    'slotName': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'slotTypeId': 'string',
    'valueElicitationSetting': {
        'defaultValueSpecification': {
            'defaultValueList': [
                    'defaultValue': 'string'
        'slotConstraint': 'Required'|'Optional',
        'promptSpecification': {
            'messageGroups': [
                    'message': {
                        'plainTextMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'customPayload': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'ssmlMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'imageResponseCard': {
                            'title': 'string',
                            'subtitle': 'string',
                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                            'buttons': [
                                    'text': 'string',
                                    'value': 'string'
                    'variations': [
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
            'maxRetries': 123,
            'allowInterrupt': True|False,
            'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
            'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                'string': {
                    'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                    'allowedInputTypes': {
                        'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                        'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                    'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                        'audioSpecification': {
                            'maxLengthMs': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123
                        'dtmfSpecification': {
                            'maxLength': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                            'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                            'endCharacter': 'string'
                    'textInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123
        'sampleUtterances': [
                'utterance': 'string'
        'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
            'waitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'continueResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'stillWaitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'active': True|False
        'slotCaptureSetting': {
            'captureResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'captureNextStep': {
                'dialogAction': {
                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                'intent': {
                    'name': 'string',
                    'slots': {
                        'string': {
                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                            'value': {
                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                            'values': [
                                {'... recursive ...'},
                'sessionAttributes': {
                    'string': 'string'
            'captureConditional': {
                'active': True|False,
                'conditionalBranches': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'condition': {
                            'expressionString': 'string'
                        'nextStep': {
                            'dialogAction': {
                                'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                            'intent': {
                                'name': 'string',
                                'slots': {
                                    'string': {
                                        'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                        'value': {
                                            'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                        'values': [
                                            {'... recursive ...'},
                            'sessionAttributes': {
                                'string': 'string'
                        'response': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                'defaultBranch': {
                    'nextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'response': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'failureResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'failureNextStep': {
                'dialogAction': {
                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                'intent': {
                    'name': 'string',
                    'slots': {
                        'string': {
                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                            'value': {
                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                            'values': [
                                {'... recursive ...'},
                'sessionAttributes': {
                    'string': 'string'
            'failureConditional': {
                'active': True|False,
                'conditionalBranches': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'condition': {
                            'expressionString': 'string'
                        'nextStep': {
                            'dialogAction': {
                                'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                            'intent': {
                                'name': 'string',
                                'slots': {
                                    'string': {
                                        'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                        'value': {
                                            'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                        'values': [
                                            {'... recursive ...'},
                            'sessionAttributes': {
                                'string': 'string'
                        'response': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                'defaultBranch': {
                    'nextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'response': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
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                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'codeHook': {
                'enableCodeHookInvocation': True|False,
                'active': True|False,
                'invocationLabel': 'string',
                'postCodeHookSpecification': {
                    'successResponse': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'successNextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'successConditional': {
                        'active': True|False,
                        'conditionalBranches': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'condition': {
                                    'expressionString': 'string'
                                'nextStep': {
                                    'dialogAction': {
                                        'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                        'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                        'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                    'intent': {
                                        'name': 'string',
                                        'slots': {
                                            'string': {
                                                'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                                'value': {
                                                    'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                                'values': [
                                                    {'... recursive ...'},
                                    'sessionAttributes': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                'response': {
                                    'messageGroups': [
                                            'message': {
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                            'variations': [
                                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'customPayload': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                                        'title': 'string',
                                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                        'buttons': [
                                                                'text': 'string',
                                                                'value': 'string'
                                    'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'defaultBranch': {
                            'nextStep': {
                                'dialogAction': {
                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                'intent': {
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'slots': {
                                        'string': {
                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
                                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
                                'sessionAttributes': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                            'response': {
                                'messageGroups': [
                                        'message': {
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'failureResponse': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'failureNextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'failureConditional': {
                        'active': True|False,
                        'conditionalBranches': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'condition': {
                                    'expressionString': 'string'
                                'nextStep': {
                                    'dialogAction': {
                                        'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                        'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                        'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                    'intent': {
                                        'name': 'string',
                                        'slots': {
                                            'string': {
                                                'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                                'value': {
                                                    'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                                'values': [
                                                    {'... recursive ...'},
                                    'sessionAttributes': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                'response': {
                                    'messageGroups': [
                                            'message': {
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                            'variations': [
                                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'customPayload': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                                        'title': 'string',
                                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                        'buttons': [
                                                                'text': 'string',
                                                                'value': 'string'
                                    'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'defaultBranch': {
                            'nextStep': {
                                'dialogAction': {
                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                'intent': {
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'slots': {
                                        'string': {
                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
                                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
                                'sessionAttributes': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                            'response': {
                                'messageGroups': [
                                        'message': {
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'timeoutResponse': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'timeoutNextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'timeoutConditional': {
                        'active': True|False,
                        'conditionalBranches': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'condition': {
                                    'expressionString': 'string'
                                'nextStep': {
                                    'dialogAction': {
                                        'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                        'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                        'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                    'intent': {
                                        'name': 'string',
                                        'slots': {
                                            'string': {
                                                'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                                'value': {
                                                    'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                                'values': [
                                                    {'... recursive ...'},
                                    'sessionAttributes': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                'response': {
                                    'messageGroups': [
                                            'message': {
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                            'variations': [
                                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'customPayload': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                                        'title': 'string',
                                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                        'buttons': [
                                                                'text': 'string',
                                                                'value': 'string'
                                    'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'defaultBranch': {
                            'nextStep': {
                                'dialogAction': {
                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                'intent': {
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'slots': {
                                        'string': {
                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
                                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
                                'sessionAttributes': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                            'response': {
                                'messageGroups': [
                                        'message': {
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'elicitationCodeHook': {
                'enableCodeHookInvocation': True|False,
                'invocationLabel': 'string'
        'slotResolutionSetting': {
            'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback'|'Default'
    'obfuscationSetting': {
        'obfuscationSettingType': 'None'|'DefaultObfuscation'
    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'intentId': 'string',
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'multipleValuesSetting': {
        'allowMultipleValues': True|False
    'subSlotSetting': {
        'expression': 'string',
        'slotSpecifications': {
            'string': {
                'slotTypeId': 'string',
                'valueElicitationSetting': {
                    'defaultValueSpecification': {
                        'defaultValueList': [
                                'defaultValue': 'string'
                    'promptSpecification': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'maxRetries': 123,
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                        'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
                        'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                            'string': {
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                                'allowedInputTypes': {
                                    'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                                    'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                                'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                                    'audioSpecification': {
                                        'maxLengthMs': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123
                                    'dtmfSpecification': {
                                        'maxLength': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                                        'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                                        'endCharacter': 'string'
                                'textInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123
                    'sampleUtterances': [
                            'utterance': 'string'
                    'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
                        'waitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'continueResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'stillWaitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                            'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'active': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • slotId (string) --

      The unique identifier generated for the slot.

    • slotName (string) --

      The name specified for the slot.

    • description (string) --

      The description specified for the slot.

    • slotTypeId (string) --

      The identifier of the slot type that determines the values entered into the slot.

    • valueElicitationSetting (dict) --

      Prompts that Amazon Lex uses to elicit a value for the slot.

      • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

        A list of default values for a slot. Default values are used when Amazon Lex hasn't determined a value for a slot. You can specify default values from context variables, session attributes, and defined values.

        • defaultValueList (list) --

          A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

          • (dict) --

            Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

            • defaultValue (string) --

              The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

      • slotConstraint (string) --

        Specifies whether the slot is required or optional.

      • promptSpecification (dict) --

        The prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the slot value from the user.

        • messageGroups (list) --

          A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

          • (dict) --

            Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • message (dict) --

              The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) --

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) --

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) --

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) --

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) --

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) --

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • variations (list) --

              Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

              • (dict) --

                The object that provides message text and its type.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

        • maxRetries (integer) --

          The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

        • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

          Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

        • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

          Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

        • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

          Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

          • (string) --

            The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

            • (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

              • allowedInputTypes (dict) --

                Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                • allowAudioInput (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                • allowDTMFInput (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

              • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                  Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                • audioSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on audio input.

                  • maxLengthMs (integer) --

                    Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                  • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                    Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                  • maxLength (integer) --

                    The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                  • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                    How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                  • deletionCharacter (string) --

                    The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                  • endCharacter (string) --

                    The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

              • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the settings on text input.

                • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                  Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

      • sampleUtterances (list) --

        If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases, Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances.

        • (dict) --

          A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

          • utterance (string) --

            The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

      • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

        Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

        • waitingResponse (dict) --

          The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • continueResponse (dict) --

          The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

          A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • frequencyInSeconds (integer) --

            How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

          • timeoutInSeconds (integer) --

            If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

        • active (boolean) --

          Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

      • slotCaptureSetting (dict) --

        Specifies the settings that Amazon Lex uses when a slot value is successfully entered by a user.

        • captureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • captureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value is captured before the code hook times out.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) --

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • captureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the slot value is captured.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) --

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) --

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) --

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) --

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) --

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) --

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value code is not recognized.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) --

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • failureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate when the slot value isn't captured.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) --

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) --

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) --

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) --

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) --

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) --

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • codeHook (dict) --

          Code hook called after Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value.

          • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a dialog code hook is used when the intent is activated.

          • invocationLabel (string) --

            A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

          • postCodeHookSpecification (dict) --

            Contains the responses and actions that Amazon Lex takes after the Lambda function is complete.

            • successResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • successNextStep (dict) --

              Specifics the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • successConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • failureResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • failureNextStep (dict) --

              Specifies the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • failureConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • timeoutResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • timeoutNextStep (dict) --

              Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the code hook times out.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • timeoutConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate if the code hook times out.

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • elicitationCodeHook (dict) --

          Code hook called when Amazon Lex doesn't capture a slot value.

          • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

          • invocationLabel (string) --

            A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

      • slotResolutionSetting (dict) --

        An object containing information about whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not.

        • slotResolutionStrategy (string) --

          Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not. If the value is EnhancedFallback , assisted slot resolution is activated when Amazon Lex defaults to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent . If the value is Default , assisted slot resolution is turned off.

    • obfuscationSetting (dict) --

      Whether slot values are shown in Amazon CloudWatch logs. If the value is None , the actual value of the slot is shown in logs.

      • obfuscationSettingType (string) --

        Value that determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs. The default is to obscure the values.

    • botId (string) --

      The identifier of the bot associated with the slot.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot associated with the slot.

    • localeId (string) --

      The language and locale specified for the slot.

    • intentId (string) --

      The identifier of the intent associated with the slot.

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      A timestamp of the date and time that the slot was created.

    • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

      A timestamp of the date and time that the slot was last updated.

    • multipleValuesSetting (dict) --

      Indicates whether the slot accepts multiple values in a single utterance.

      If the multipleValuesSetting is not set, the default value is false .

      • allowMultipleValues (boolean) --

        Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values. When true , the slot may return more than one value in a response. When false , the slot returns only a single value.

        Multi-value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

        If the allowMutlipleValues is not set, the default value is false .

    • subSlotSetting (dict) --

      Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

      • expression (string) --

        The expression text for defining the constituent sub slots in the composite slot using logical AND and OR operators.

      • slotSpecifications (dict) --

        Specifications for the constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

        • (string) --

          • (dict) --

            Subslot specifications.

            • slotTypeId (string) --

              The unique identifier assigned to the slot type.

            • valueElicitationSetting (dict) --

              Specifies the elicitation setting details for constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

              • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

                Defines a list of values that Amazon Lex should use as the default value for a slot.

                • defaultValueList (list) --

                  A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

                  • (dict) --

                    Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

                    • defaultValue (string) --

                      The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

              • promptSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • maxRetries (integer) --

                  The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

                • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

                  Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

                • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

                  • (string) --

                    The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

                    • (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

                      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

                      • allowedInputTypes (dict) --

                        Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                        • allowAudioInput (boolean) --

                          Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                        • allowDTMFInput (boolean) --

                          Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

                      • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                        Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                        • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                          Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                        • audioSpecification (dict) --

                          Specifies the settings on audio input.

                          • maxLengthMs (integer) --

                            Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                          • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                            Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                        • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                          Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                          • maxLength (integer) --

                            The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                          • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                            How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                          • deletionCharacter (string) --

                            The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                          • endCharacter (string) --

                            The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

                      • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                        Specifies the settings on text input.

                        • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                          Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

              • sampleUtterances (list) --

                If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a sub slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. This is similar to SampleUtterances for slots.

                • (dict) --

                  A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

                  • utterance (string) --

                    The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

              • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

                • waitingResponse (dict) --

                  The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

                • continueResponse (dict) --

                  The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

                • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

                  A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • frequencyInSeconds (integer) --

                    How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

                  • timeoutInSeconds (integer) --

                    If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

                • active (boolean) --

                  Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

UpdateBotLocale (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'generativeAISettings': {'buildtimeSettings': {'descriptiveBotBuilder': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                          'enabled': 'boolean'},
                                                'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                              'enabled': 'boolean'}},
                          'runtimeSettings': {'slotResolutionImprovement': {'bedrockModelSpecification': {'modelArn': 'string'},
                                                                            'enabled': 'boolean'}}}}

Updates the settings that a bot has for a specific locale.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'voiceId': 'string',
        'engine': 'standard'|'neural'
        'runtimeSettings': {
            'slotResolutionImprovement': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
        'buildtimeSettings': {
            'descriptiveBotBuilder': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
            'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
type botId


param botId


The unique identifier of the bot that contains the locale.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot that contains the locale to be updated. The version can only be the DRAFT version.

type localeId


param localeId


The identifier of the language and locale to update. The string must match one of the supported locales. For more information, see Supported languages .

type description


param description

The new description of the locale.

type nluIntentConfidenceThreshold


param nluIntentConfidenceThreshold


The new confidence threshold where Amazon Lex inserts the AMAZON.FallbackIntent and AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intents in the list of possible intents for an utterance.

type voiceSettings


param voiceSettings

The new Amazon Polly voice Amazon Lex should use for voice interaction with the user.

type generativeAISettings


param generativeAISettings

Contains settings for generative AI features powered by Amazon Bedrock for your bot locale. Use this object to turn generative AI features on and off. Pricing may differ if you turn a feature on. For more information, see LINK.

  • runtimeSettings (dict) --

    Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex runtime generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

    • slotResolutionImprovement (dict) --

      An object containing specifications for the assisted slot resolution feature.

      • enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on or off.

      • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

        An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to assist slot resolution.

        • modelArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

  • buildtimeSettings (dict) --

    Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex build time generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

    • descriptiveBotBuilder (dict) --

      An object containing specifications for the descriptive bot building feature.

      • enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Specifies whether the descriptive bot building feature is activated or not.

      • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

        An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

        • modelArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

    • sampleUtteranceGeneration (dict) --

      Contains specifications for the sample utterance generation feature.

      • enabled (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Specifies whether to enable sample utterance generation or not.

      • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

        Contains information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

        • modelArn (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.




Response Syntax

    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'localeName': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'nluIntentConfidenceThreshold': 123.0,
    'voiceSettings': {
        'voiceId': 'string',
        'engine': 'standard'|'neural'
    'botLocaleStatus': 'Creating'|'Building'|'Built'|'ReadyExpressTesting'|'Failed'|'Deleting'|'NotBuilt'|'Importing'|'Processing',
    'failureReasons': [
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'recommendedActions': [
    'generativeAISettings': {
        'runtimeSettings': {
            'slotResolutionImprovement': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
        'buildtimeSettings': {
            'descriptiveBotBuilder': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'
            'sampleUtteranceGeneration': {
                'enabled': True|False,
                'bedrockModelSpecification': {
                    'modelArn': 'string'

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • botId (string) --

      The identifier of the bot that contains the updated locale.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot that contains the updated locale.

    • localeId (string) --

      The language and locale of the updated bot locale.

    • localeName (string) --

      The updated locale name for the locale.

    • description (string) --

      The updated description of the locale.

    • nluIntentConfidenceThreshold (float) --

      The updated confidence threshold for inserting the AMAZON.FallbackIntent and AMAZON.KendraSearchIntent intents in the list of possible intents for an utterance.

    • voiceSettings (dict) --

      The updated Amazon Polly voice to use for voice interaction with the user.

    • botLocaleStatus (string) --

      The current status of the locale. When the bot status is Built the locale is ready for use.

    • failureReasons (list) --

      If the botLocaleStatus is Failed , the failureReasons field lists the errors that occurred while building the bot.

      • (string) --

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      A timestamp of the date and time that the locale was created.

    • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

      A timestamp of the date and time that the locale was last updated.

    • recommendedActions (list) --

      Recommended actions to take to resolve an error in the failureReasons field.

      • (string) --

    • generativeAISettings (dict) --

      Contains settings for generative AI features powered by Amazon Bedrock for your bot locale.

      • runtimeSettings (dict) --

        Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex runtime generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

        • slotResolutionImprovement (dict) --

          An object containing specifications for the assisted slot resolution feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on or off.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to assist slot resolution.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

      • buildtimeSettings (dict) --

        Contains specifications about the Amazon Lex build time generative AI capabilities from Amazon Bedrock that you can turn on for your bot.

        • descriptiveBotBuilder (dict) --

          An object containing specifications for the descriptive bot building feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether the descriptive bot building feature is activated or not.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            An object containing information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

        • sampleUtteranceGeneration (dict) --

          Contains specifications for the sample utterance generation feature.

          • enabled (boolean) --

            Specifies whether to enable sample utterance generation or not.

          • bedrockModelSpecification (dict) --

            Contains information about the Amazon Bedrock model used to interpret the prompt used in descriptive bot building.

            • modelArn (string) --

              The ARN of the foundation model used in descriptive bot building.

UpdateSlot (updated) Link ¶
Changes (both)
{'valueElicitationSetting': {'slotResolutionSetting': {'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback '
                                                                                 '| '

Updates the settings for a slot.

See also: AWS API Documentation

Request Syntax

        'defaultValueSpecification': {
            'defaultValueList': [
                    'defaultValue': 'string'
        'slotConstraint': 'Required'|'Optional',
        'promptSpecification': {
            'messageGroups': [
                    'message': {
                        'plainTextMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'customPayload': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'ssmlMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'imageResponseCard': {
                            'title': 'string',
                            'subtitle': 'string',
                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                            'buttons': [
                                    'text': 'string',
                                    'value': 'string'
                    'variations': [
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
            'maxRetries': 123,
            'allowInterrupt': True|False,
            'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
            'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                'string': {
                    'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                    'allowedInputTypes': {
                        'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                        'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                    'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                        'audioSpecification': {
                            'maxLengthMs': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123
                        'dtmfSpecification': {
                            'maxLength': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                            'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                            'endCharacter': 'string'
                    'textInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123
        'sampleUtterances': [
                'utterance': 'string'
        'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
            'waitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'continueResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'stillWaitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'active': True|False
        'slotCaptureSetting': {
            'captureResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'captureNextStep': {
                'dialogAction': {
                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                'intent': {
                    'name': 'string',
                    'slots': {
                        'string': {
                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                            'value': {
                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                            'values': [
                                {'... recursive ...'},
                'sessionAttributes': {
                    'string': 'string'
            'captureConditional': {
                'active': True|False,
                'conditionalBranches': [
                        'name': 'string',
                        'condition': {
                            'expressionString': 'string'
                        'nextStep': {
                            'dialogAction': {
                                'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                            'intent': {
                                'name': 'string',
                                'slots': {
                                    'string': {
                                        'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                        'value': {
                                            'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                        'values': [
                                            {'... recursive ...'},
                            'sessionAttributes': {
                                'string': 'string'
                        'response': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                'defaultBranch': {
                    'nextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'response': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'failureResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'failureNextStep': {
                'dialogAction': {
                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                'intent': {
                    'name': 'string',
                    'slots': {
                        'string': {
                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
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                            'values': [
                                {'... recursive ...'},
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                                        'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
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                                        'values': [
                                            {'... recursive ...'},
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                                        {'... recursive ...'},
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                                        'value': 'string'
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                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
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                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
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                                        'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
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                                                'values': [
                                                    {'... recursive ...'},
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                                        'string': 'string'
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                                                    'value': 'string'
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                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
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                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
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                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
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                                    'string': 'string'
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                                                'value': 'string'
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                                                'value': 'string'
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                                                'value': 'string'
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                                                'subtitle': 'string',
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                                                    'value': 'string'
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                                                    'value': 'string'
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                                                    'title': 'string',
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                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
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                                        'value': 'string'
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                                        'value': 'string'
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                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
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                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
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                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
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                                'condition': {
                                    'expressionString': 'string'
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                                        'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                        'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                        'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                    'intent': {
                                        'name': 'string',
                                        'slots': {
                                            'string': {
                                                'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                                'value': {
                                                    'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                                'values': [
                                                    {'... recursive ...'},
                                    'sessionAttributes': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                'response': {
                                    'messageGroups': [
                                            'message': {
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
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                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                            'variations': [
                                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'customPayload': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                                        'title': 'string',
                                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                        'buttons': [
                                                                'text': 'string',
                                                                'value': 'string'
                                    'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'defaultBranch': {
                            'nextStep': {
                                'dialogAction': {
                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                'intent': {
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'slots': {
                                        'string': {
                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
                                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
                                'sessionAttributes': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                            'response': {
                                'messageGroups': [
                                        'message': {
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'timeoutResponse': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False
                    'timeoutNextStep': {
                        'dialogAction': {
                            'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                            'slotToElicit': 'string',
                            'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                        'intent': {
                            'name': 'string',
                            'slots': {
                                'string': {
                                    'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                    'value': {
                                        'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                    'values': [
                                        {'... recursive ...'},
                        'sessionAttributes': {
                            'string': 'string'
                    'timeoutConditional': {
                        'active': True|False,
                        'conditionalBranches': [
                                'name': 'string',
                                'condition': {
                                    'expressionString': 'string'
                                'nextStep': {
                                    'dialogAction': {
                                        'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                        'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                        'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                    'intent': {
                                        'name': 'string',
                                        'slots': {
                                            'string': {
                                                'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                                'value': {
                                                    'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                                'values': [
                                                    {'... recursive ...'},
                                    'sessionAttributes': {
                                        'string': 'string'
                                'response': {
                                    'messageGroups': [
                                            'message': {
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                            'variations': [
                                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'customPayload': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                                        'title': 'string',
                                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                        'buttons': [
                                                                'text': 'string',
                                                                'value': 'string'
                                    'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'defaultBranch': {
                            'nextStep': {
                                'dialogAction': {
                                    'type': 'ElicitIntent'|'StartIntent'|'ElicitSlot'|'EvaluateConditional'|'InvokeDialogCodeHook'|'ConfirmIntent'|'FulfillIntent'|'CloseIntent'|'EndConversation',
                                    'slotToElicit': 'string',
                                    'suppressNextMessage': True|False
                                'intent': {
                                    'name': 'string',
                                    'slots': {
                                        'string': {
                                            'shape': 'Scalar'|'List',
                                            'value': {
                                                'interpretedValue': 'string'
                                            'values': [
                                                {'... recursive ...'},
                                'sessionAttributes': {
                                    'string': 'string'
                            'response': {
                                'messageGroups': [
                                        'message': {
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'elicitationCodeHook': {
                'enableCodeHookInvocation': True|False,
                'invocationLabel': 'string'
        'slotResolutionSetting': {
            'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback'|'Default'
        'obfuscationSettingType': 'None'|'DefaultObfuscation'
        'allowMultipleValues': True|False
        'expression': 'string',
        'slotSpecifications': {
            'string': {
                'slotTypeId': 'string',
                'valueElicitationSetting': {
                    'defaultValueSpecification': {
                        'defaultValueList': [
                                'defaultValue': 'string'
                    'promptSpecification': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'maxRetries': 123,
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                        'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
                        'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                            'string': {
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                                'allowedInputTypes': {
                                    'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                                    'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                                'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                                    'audioSpecification': {
                                        'maxLengthMs': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123
                                    'dtmfSpecification': {
                                        'maxLength': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                                        'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                                        'endCharacter': 'string'
                                'textInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123
                    'sampleUtterances': [
                            'utterance': 'string'
                    'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
                        'waitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'continueResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'stillWaitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                            'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'active': True|False
type slotId


param slotId


The unique identifier for the slot to update.

type slotName


param slotName


The new name for the slot.

type description


param description

The new description for the slot.

type slotTypeId


param slotTypeId

The unique identifier of the new slot type to associate with this slot.

type valueElicitationSetting


param valueElicitationSetting


A new set of prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user to elicit a response the provides a value for the slot.

  • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

    A list of default values for a slot. Default values are used when Amazon Lex hasn't determined a value for a slot. You can specify default values from context variables, session attributes, and defined values.

    • defaultValueList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

      • (dict) --

        Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

        • defaultValue (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

  • slotConstraint (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    Specifies whether the slot is required or optional.

  • promptSpecification (dict) --

    The prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the slot value from the user.

    • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

      A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

      • (dict) --

        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

        • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

            A message in plain text format.

            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The message to send to the user.

          • customPayload (dict) --

            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The string that is sent to your application.

          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

            • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

            • subtitle (string) --

              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

            • imageUrl (string) --

              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

            • buttons (list) --

              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

              • (dict) --

                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

        • variations (list) --

          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

          • (dict) --

            The object that provides message text and its type.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

    • maxRetries (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

      The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

    • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

      Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

    • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

      Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

      • (string) --

        The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

        • (dict) --

          Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

          • allowedInputTypes (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

            • allowAudioInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

              Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

            • allowDTMFInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

              Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

          • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

            Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

            • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

              Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

            • audioSpecification (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on audio input.

              • maxLengthMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

              • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

            • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

              • maxLength (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

              • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

              • deletionCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

              • endCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

          • textInputSpecification (dict) --

            Specifies the settings on text input.

            • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

              Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

  • sampleUtterances (list) --

    If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases, Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances.

    • (dict) --

      A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

      • utterance (string) -- [REQUIRED]

        The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

  • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

    Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

    • waitingResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

      The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • continueResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

      The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

      A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • frequencyInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

        How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

      • timeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

        If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

    • active (boolean) --

      Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

  • slotCaptureSetting (dict) --

    Specifies the settings that Amazon Lex uses when a slot value is successfully entered by a user.

    • captureResponse (dict) --

      Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • captureNextStep (dict) --

      Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value is captured before the code hook times out.

      • dialogAction (dict) --

        Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

        • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The action that the bot should execute.

        • slotToElicit (string) --

          If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

        • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

          When true the next message for the intent is not used.

      • intent (dict) --

        Override settings to configure the intent state.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

        • slots (dict) --

          A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • shape (string) --

                When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

              • value (dict) --

                The current value of the slot.

                • interpretedValue (string) --

                  The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

              • values (list) --

                A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

      • sessionAttributes (dict) --

        Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

    • captureConditional (dict) --

      A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the slot value is captured.

      • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

      • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

        • (dict) --

          A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The name of the branch.

          • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

            • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The expression string that is evaluated.

          • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The next step in the conversation.

            • dialogAction (dict) --

              Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

              • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The action that the bot should execute.

              • slotToElicit (string) --

                If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

              • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                When true the next message for the intent is not used.

            • intent (dict) --

              Override settings to configure the intent state.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

              • slots (dict) --

                A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                • (string) --

                  • (dict) --

                    The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • shape (string) --

                      When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                    • value (dict) --

                      The current value of the slot.

                      • interpretedValue (string) --

                        The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                    • values (list) --

                      A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

            • sessionAttributes (dict) --

              Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

          • response (dict) --

            Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

            • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

              • (dict) --

                Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • variations (list) --

                  Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                  • (dict) --

                    The object that provides message text and its type.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

      • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

        • nextStep (dict) --

          The next step in the conversation.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • response (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • failureResponse (dict) --

      Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

      • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

        • (dict) --

          Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

          • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

              A message in plain text format.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The message to send to the user.

            • customPayload (dict) --

              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The string that is sent to your application.

            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

              • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • subtitle (string) --

                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

              • imageUrl (string) --

                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

              • buttons (list) --

                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                • (dict) --

                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                  • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • variations (list) --

            Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

            • (dict) --

              The object that provides message text and its type.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • failureNextStep (dict) --

      Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value code is not recognized.

      • dialogAction (dict) --

        Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

        • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The action that the bot should execute.

        • slotToElicit (string) --

          If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

        • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

          When true the next message for the intent is not used.

      • intent (dict) --

        Override settings to configure the intent state.

        • name (string) --

          The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

        • slots (dict) --

          A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

          • (string) --

            • (dict) --

              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • shape (string) --

                When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

              • value (dict) --

                The current value of the slot.

                • interpretedValue (string) --

                  The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

              • values (list) --

                A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

      • sessionAttributes (dict) --

        Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

        • (string) --

          • (string) --

    • failureConditional (dict) --

      A list of conditional branches to evaluate when the slot value isn't captured.

      • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

      • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

        A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

        • (dict) --

          A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

          • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

            The name of the branch.

          • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

            • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The expression string that is evaluated.

          • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The next step in the conversation.

            • dialogAction (dict) --

              Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

              • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The action that the bot should execute.

              • slotToElicit (string) --

                If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

              • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                When true the next message for the intent is not used.

            • intent (dict) --

              Override settings to configure the intent state.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

              • slots (dict) --

                A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                • (string) --

                  • (dict) --

                    The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • shape (string) --

                      When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                    • value (dict) --

                      The current value of the slot.

                      • interpretedValue (string) --

                        The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                    • values (list) --

                      A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

            • sessionAttributes (dict) --

              Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

              • (string) --

                • (string) --

          • response (dict) --

            Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

            • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

              • (dict) --

                Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • variations (list) --

                  Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                  • (dict) --

                    The object that provides message text and its type.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

      • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

        • nextStep (dict) --

          The next step in the conversation.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • response (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • codeHook (dict) --

      Code hook called after Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value.

      • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

      • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Determines whether a dialog code hook is used when the intent is activated.

      • invocationLabel (string) --

        A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

      • postCodeHookSpecification (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

        Contains the responses and actions that Amazon Lex takes after the Lambda function is complete.

        • successResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • successNextStep (dict) --

          Specifics the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • successConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

          • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • failureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

          • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • timeoutResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • timeoutNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the code hook times out.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • timeoutConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate if the code hook times out.

          • active (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) -- [REQUIRED]

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

    • elicitationCodeHook (dict) --

      Code hook called when Amazon Lex doesn't capture a slot value.

      • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

        Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

      • invocationLabel (string) --

        A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

  • slotResolutionSetting (dict) --

    An object containing information about whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not.

    • slotResolutionStrategy (string) -- [REQUIRED]

      Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not. If the value is EnhancedFallback , assisted slot resolution is activated when Amazon Lex defaults to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent . If the value is Default , assisted slot resolution is turned off.

type obfuscationSetting


param obfuscationSetting

New settings that determine how slot values are formatted in Amazon CloudWatch logs.

  • obfuscationSettingType (string) -- [REQUIRED]

    Value that determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs. The default is to obscure the values.

type botId


param botId


The unique identifier of the bot that contains the slot.

type botVersion


param botVersion


The version of the bot that contains the slot. Must always be DRAFT .

type localeId


param localeId


The identifier of the language and locale that contains the slot. The string must match one of the supported locales. For more information, see Supported languages .

type intentId


param intentId


The identifier of the intent that contains the slot.

type multipleValuesSetting


param multipleValuesSetting

Determines whether the slot accepts multiple values in one response. Multiple value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

If the multipleValuesSetting is not set, the default value is false .

  • allowMultipleValues (boolean) --

    Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values. When true , the slot may return more than one value in a response. When false , the slot returns only a single value.

    Multi-value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

    If the allowMutlipleValues is not set, the default value is false .

type subSlotSetting


param subSlotSetting

Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

  • expression (string) --

    The expression text for defining the constituent sub slots in the composite slot using logical AND and OR operators.

  • slotSpecifications (dict) --

    Specifications for the constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

    • (string) --

      • (dict) --

        Subslot specifications.

        • slotTypeId (string) -- [REQUIRED]

          The unique identifier assigned to the slot type.

        • valueElicitationSetting (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

          Specifies the elicitation setting details for constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

          • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

            Defines a list of values that Amazon Lex should use as the default value for a slot.

            • defaultValueList (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

              • (dict) --

                Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

                • defaultValue (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

          • promptSpecification (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

            Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.

            • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

              A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

              • (dict) --

                Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                  The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • variations (list) --

                  Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                  • (dict) --

                    The object that provides message text and its type.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • maxRetries (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

              The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

            • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

              Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

            • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

              Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

            • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

              Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

              • (string) --

                The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

                • (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

                  • allowedInputTypes (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                    • allowAudioInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                    • allowDTMFInput (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

                  • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                    Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                    • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                    • audioSpecification (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on audio input.

                      • maxLengthMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                      • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                    • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                      • maxLength (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                      • endTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                        How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                      • deletionCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                      • endCharacter (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

                  • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                    Specifies the settings on text input.

                    • startTimeoutMs (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                      Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

          • sampleUtterances (list) --

            If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a sub slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. This is similar to SampleUtterances for slots.

            • (dict) --

              A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

              • utterance (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

          • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

            Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

            • waitingResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

              The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • continueResponse (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

              The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

              A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

              • messageGroups (list) -- [REQUIRED]

                One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) -- [REQUIRED]

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) -- [REQUIRED]

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • frequencyInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

              • timeoutInSeconds (integer) -- [REQUIRED]

                If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

            • active (boolean) --

              Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.




Response Syntax

    'slotId': 'string',
    'slotName': 'string',
    'description': 'string',
    'slotTypeId': 'string',
    'valueElicitationSetting': {
        'defaultValueSpecification': {
            'defaultValueList': [
                    'defaultValue': 'string'
        'slotConstraint': 'Required'|'Optional',
        'promptSpecification': {
            'messageGroups': [
                    'message': {
                        'plainTextMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'customPayload': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'ssmlMessage': {
                            'value': 'string'
                        'imageResponseCard': {
                            'title': 'string',
                            'subtitle': 'string',
                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                            'buttons': [
                                    'text': 'string',
                                    'value': 'string'
                    'variations': [
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
            'maxRetries': 123,
            'allowInterrupt': True|False,
            'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
            'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                'string': {
                    'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                    'allowedInputTypes': {
                        'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                        'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                    'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                        'audioSpecification': {
                            'maxLengthMs': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123
                        'dtmfSpecification': {
                            'maxLength': 123,
                            'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                            'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                            'endCharacter': 'string'
                    'textInputSpecification': {
                        'startTimeoutMs': 123
        'sampleUtterances': [
                'utterance': 'string'
        'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
            'waitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'continueResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'customPayload': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                    'value': 'string'
                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                    'title': 'string',
                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                    'buttons': [
                                            'text': 'string',
                                            'value': 'string'
                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'stillWaitingResponse': {
                'messageGroups': [
                        'message': {
                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'customPayload': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                'value': 'string'
                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                'title': 'string',
                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                'buttons': [
                                        'text': 'string',
                                        'value': 'string'
                        'variations': [
                                'plainTextMessage': {
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                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                                        'variations': [
                                                'plainTextMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'customPayload': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'ssmlMessage': {
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                                'imageResponseCard': {
                                                    'title': 'string',
                                                    'subtitle': 'string',
                                                    'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                    'buttons': [
                                                            'text': 'string',
                                                            'value': 'string'
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False
            'elicitationCodeHook': {
                'enableCodeHookInvocation': True|False,
                'invocationLabel': 'string'
        'slotResolutionSetting': {
            'slotResolutionStrategy': 'EnhancedFallback'|'Default'
    'obfuscationSetting': {
        'obfuscationSettingType': 'None'|'DefaultObfuscation'
    'botId': 'string',
    'botVersion': 'string',
    'localeId': 'string',
    'intentId': 'string',
    'creationDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'lastUpdatedDateTime': datetime(2015, 1, 1),
    'multipleValuesSetting': {
        'allowMultipleValues': True|False
    'subSlotSetting': {
        'expression': 'string',
        'slotSpecifications': {
            'string': {
                'slotTypeId': 'string',
                'valueElicitationSetting': {
                    'defaultValueSpecification': {
                        'defaultValueList': [
                                'defaultValue': 'string'
                    'promptSpecification': {
                        'messageGroups': [
                                'message': {
                                    'plainTextMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'customPayload': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'ssmlMessage': {
                                        'value': 'string'
                                    'imageResponseCard': {
                                        'title': 'string',
                                        'subtitle': 'string',
                                        'imageUrl': 'string',
                                        'buttons': [
                                                'text': 'string',
                                                'value': 'string'
                                'variations': [
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                        'maxRetries': 123,
                        'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                        'messageSelectionStrategy': 'Random'|'Ordered',
                        'promptAttemptsSpecification': {
                            'string': {
                                'allowInterrupt': True|False,
                                'allowedInputTypes': {
                                    'allowAudioInput': True|False,
                                    'allowDTMFInput': True|False
                                'audioAndDTMFInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123,
                                    'audioSpecification': {
                                        'maxLengthMs': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123
                                    'dtmfSpecification': {
                                        'maxLength': 123,
                                        'endTimeoutMs': 123,
                                        'deletionCharacter': 'string',
                                        'endCharacter': 'string'
                                'textInputSpecification': {
                                    'startTimeoutMs': 123
                    'sampleUtterances': [
                            'utterance': 'string'
                    'waitAndContinueSpecification': {
                        'waitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'continueResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'stillWaitingResponse': {
                            'messageGroups': [
                                    'message': {
                                        'plainTextMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'customPayload': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'ssmlMessage': {
                                            'value': 'string'
                                        'imageResponseCard': {
                                            'title': 'string',
                                            'subtitle': 'string',
                                            'imageUrl': 'string',
                                            'buttons': [
                                                    'text': 'string',
                                                    'value': 'string'
                                    'variations': [
                                            'plainTextMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'customPayload': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'ssmlMessage': {
                                                'value': 'string'
                                            'imageResponseCard': {
                                                'title': 'string',
                                                'subtitle': 'string',
                                                'imageUrl': 'string',
                                                'buttons': [
                                                        'text': 'string',
                                                        'value': 'string'
                            'frequencyInSeconds': 123,
                            'timeoutInSeconds': 123,
                            'allowInterrupt': True|False
                        'active': True|False

Response Structure

  • (dict) --

    • slotId (string) --

      The unique identifier of the slot that was updated.

    • slotName (string) --

      The updated name of the slot.

    • description (string) --

      The updated description of the bot.

    • slotTypeId (string) --

      The updated identifier of the slot type that provides values for the slot.

    • valueElicitationSetting (dict) --

      The updated prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user to elicit a response that provides a value for the slot.

      • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

        A list of default values for a slot. Default values are used when Amazon Lex hasn't determined a value for a slot. You can specify default values from context variables, session attributes, and defined values.

        • defaultValueList (list) --

          A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

          • (dict) --

            Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

            • defaultValue (string) --

              The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

      • slotConstraint (string) --

        Specifies whether the slot is required or optional.

      • promptSpecification (dict) --

        The prompt that Amazon Lex uses to elicit the slot value from the user.

        • messageGroups (list) --

          A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

          • (dict) --

            Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

            • message (dict) --

              The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                A message in plain text format.

                • value (string) --

                  The message to send to the user.

              • customPayload (dict) --

                A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                • value (string) --

                  The string that is sent to your application.

              • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                • value (string) --

                  The SSML text that defines the prompt.

              • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                • title (string) --

                  The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • subtitle (string) --

                  The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                • imageUrl (string) --

                  The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                • buttons (list) --

                  A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                  • (dict) --

                    Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                    • text (string) --

                      The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                    • value (string) --

                      The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

            • variations (list) --

              Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

              • (dict) --

                The object that provides message text and its type.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

        • maxRetries (integer) --

          The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

        • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

          Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

        • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

          Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

        • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

          Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

          • (string) --

            The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

            • (dict) --

              Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

              • allowedInputTypes (dict) --

                Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                • allowAudioInput (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                • allowDTMFInput (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

              • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                  Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                • audioSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on audio input.

                  • maxLengthMs (integer) --

                    Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                  • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                    Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                  • maxLength (integer) --

                    The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                  • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                    How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                  • deletionCharacter (string) --

                    The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                  • endCharacter (string) --

                    The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

              • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the settings on text input.

                • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                  Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

      • sampleUtterances (list) --

        If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases, Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances.

        • (dict) --

          A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

          • utterance (string) --

            The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

      • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

        Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

        • waitingResponse (dict) --

          The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • continueResponse (dict) --

          The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

          A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • frequencyInSeconds (integer) --

            How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

          • timeoutInSeconds (integer) --

            If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

        • active (boolean) --

          Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.

      • slotCaptureSetting (dict) --

        Specifies the settings that Amazon Lex uses when a slot value is successfully entered by a user.

        • captureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • captureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value is captured before the code hook times out.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) --

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • captureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the slot value is captured.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) --

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) --

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) --

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) --

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) --

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) --

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureResponse (dict) --

          Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

          • messageGroups (list) --

            A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

            • (dict) --

              Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

              • message (dict) --

                The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                  A message in plain text format.

                  • value (string) --

                    The message to send to the user.

                • customPayload (dict) --

                  A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                  • value (string) --

                    The string that is sent to your application.

                • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                  A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                  • value (string) --

                    The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                  A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                  • title (string) --

                    The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • subtitle (string) --

                    The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                  • imageUrl (string) --

                    The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                  • buttons (list) --

                    A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                    • (dict) --

                      Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                      • text (string) --

                        The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                      • value (string) --

                        The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • variations (list) --

                Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                • (dict) --

                  The object that provides message text and its type.

                  • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                    A message in plain text format.

                    • value (string) --

                      The message to send to the user.

                  • customPayload (dict) --

                    A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                    • value (string) --

                      The string that is sent to your application.

                  • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                    A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                    • value (string) --

                      The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                  • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                    A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                    • title (string) --

                      The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • subtitle (string) --

                      The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                    • imageUrl (string) --

                      The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                    • buttons (list) --

                      A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                      • (dict) --

                        Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                        • text (string) --

                          The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                        • value (string) --

                          The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

          • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

            Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • failureNextStep (dict) --

          Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the slot value code is not recognized.

          • dialogAction (dict) --

            Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

            • type (string) --

              The action that the bot should execute.

            • slotToElicit (string) --

              If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

            • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

              When true the next message for the intent is not used.

          • intent (dict) --

            Override settings to configure the intent state.

            • name (string) --

              The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

            • slots (dict) --

              A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

              • (string) --

                • (dict) --

                  The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • shape (string) --

                    When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                  • value (dict) --

                    The current value of the slot.

                    • interpretedValue (string) --

                      The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                  • values (list) --

                    A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

          • sessionAttributes (dict) --

            Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

            • (string) --

              • (string) --

        • failureConditional (dict) --

          A list of conditional branches to evaluate when the slot value isn't captured.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

          • conditionalBranches (list) --

            A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

            • (dict) --

              A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

              • name (string) --

                The name of the branch.

              • condition (dict) --

                Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                • expressionString (string) --

                  The expression string that is evaluated.

              • nextStep (dict) --

                The next step in the conversation.

                • dialogAction (dict) --

                  Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                  • type (string) --

                    The action that the bot should execute.

                  • slotToElicit (string) --

                    If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                  • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                    When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                • intent (dict) --

                  Override settings to configure the intent state.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                  • slots (dict) --

                    A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                    • (string) --

                      • (dict) --

                        The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                        • shape (string) --

                          When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                        • value (dict) --

                          The current value of the slot.

                          • interpretedValue (string) --

                            The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                        • values (list) --

                          A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                  Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                  • (string) --

                    • (string) --

              • response (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

          • defaultBranch (dict) --

            The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

            • nextStep (dict) --

              The next step in the conversation.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • response (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • codeHook (dict) --

          Code hook called after Amazon Lex successfully captures a slot value.

          • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

          • active (boolean) --

            Determines whether a dialog code hook is used when the intent is activated.

          • invocationLabel (string) --

            A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

          • postCodeHookSpecification (dict) --

            Contains the responses and actions that Amazon Lex takes after the Lambda function is complete.

            • successResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • successNextStep (dict) --

              Specifics the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • successConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook finishes successfully.

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • failureResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • failureNextStep (dict) --

              Specifies the next step the bot runs after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • failureConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate after the dialog code hook throws an exception or returns with the State field of the Intent object set to Failed .

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • timeoutResponse (dict) --

              Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

              • messageGroups (list) --

                A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                • (dict) --

                  Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                  • message (dict) --

                    The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                      A message in plain text format.

                      • value (string) --

                        The message to send to the user.

                    • customPayload (dict) --

                      A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                      • value (string) --

                        The string that is sent to your application.

                    • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                      A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                      • value (string) --

                        The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                    • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                      A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                      • title (string) --

                        The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • subtitle (string) --

                        The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                      • imageUrl (string) --

                        The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                      • buttons (list) --

                        A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                        • (dict) --

                          Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                          • text (string) --

                            The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                          • value (string) --

                            The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • variations (list) --

                    Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      The object that provides message text and its type.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

              • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

            • timeoutNextStep (dict) --

              Specifies the next step that the bot runs when the code hook times out.

              • dialogAction (dict) --

                Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                • type (string) --

                  The action that the bot should execute.

                • slotToElicit (string) --

                  If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                  When true the next message for the intent is not used.

              • intent (dict) --

                Override settings to configure the intent state.

                • name (string) --

                  The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                • slots (dict) --

                  A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                  • (string) --

                    • (dict) --

                      The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                      • shape (string) --

                        When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                      • value (dict) --

                        The current value of the slot.

                        • interpretedValue (string) --

                          The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                      • values (list) --

                        A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

              • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                • (string) --

                  • (string) --

            • timeoutConditional (dict) --

              A list of conditional branches to evaluate if the code hook times out.

              • active (boolean) --

                Determines whether a conditional branch is active. When active is false, the conditions are not evaluated.

              • conditionalBranches (list) --

                A list of conditional branches. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.

                • (dict) --

                  A set of actions that Amazon Lex should run if the condition is matched.

                  • name (string) --

                    The name of the branch.

                  • condition (dict) --

                    Contains the expression to evaluate. If the condition is true, the branch's actions are taken.

                    • expressionString (string) --

                      The expression string that is evaluated.

                  • nextStep (dict) --

                    The next step in the conversation.

                    • dialogAction (dict) --

                      Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                      • type (string) --

                        The action that the bot should execute.

                      • slotToElicit (string) --

                        If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                      • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                        When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                    • intent (dict) --

                      Override settings to configure the intent state.

                      • name (string) --

                        The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                      • slots (dict) --

                        A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                        • (string) --

                          • (dict) --

                            The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                            • shape (string) --

                              When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                            • value (dict) --

                              The current value of the slot.

                              • interpretedValue (string) --

                                The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                            • values (list) --

                              A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                              • (dict) --

                                The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                    • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                      Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                      • (string) --

                        • (string) --

                  • response (dict) --

                    Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                    • messageGroups (list) --

                      A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                      • (dict) --

                        Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • message (dict) --

                          The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                        • variations (list) --

                          Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                          • (dict) --

                            The object that provides message text and its type.

                            • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                              A message in plain text format.

                              • value (string) --

                                The message to send to the user.

                            • customPayload (dict) --

                              A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                              • value (string) --

                                The string that is sent to your application.

                            • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                              A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                              • value (string) --

                                The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                            • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                              A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                              • title (string) --

                                The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • subtitle (string) --

                                The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                              • imageUrl (string) --

                                The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                              • buttons (list) --

                                A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                                • (dict) --

                                  Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                  • text (string) --

                                    The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                  • value (string) --

                                    The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                      Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

              • defaultBranch (dict) --

                The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.

                • nextStep (dict) --

                  The next step in the conversation.

                  • dialogAction (dict) --

                    Defines the action that the bot executes at runtime when the conversation reaches this step.

                    • type (string) --

                      The action that the bot should execute.

                    • slotToElicit (string) --

                      If the dialog action is ElicitSlot , defines the slot to elicit from the user.

                    • suppressNextMessage (boolean) --

                      When true the next message for the intent is not used.

                  • intent (dict) --

                    Override settings to configure the intent state.

                    • name (string) --

                      The name of the intent. Only required when you're switching intents.

                    • slots (dict) --

                      A map of all of the slot value overrides for the intent. The name of the slot maps to the value of the slot. Slots that are not included in the map aren't overridden.

                      • (string) --

                        • (dict) --

                          The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                          • shape (string) --

                            When the shape value is List , it indicates that the values field contains a list of slot values. When the value is Scalar , it indicates that the value field contains a single value.

                          • value (dict) --

                            The current value of the slot.

                            • interpretedValue (string) --

                              The value that Amazon Lex determines for the slot. The actual value depends on the setting of the value selection strategy for the bot. You can choose to use the value entered by the user, or you can have Amazon Lex choose the first value in the resolvedValues list.

                          • values (list) --

                            A list of one or more values that the user provided for the slot. For example, for a slot that elicits pizza toppings, the values might be "pepperoni" and "pineapple."

                            • (dict) --

                              The slot values that Amazon Lex uses when it sets slot values in a dialog step.

                  • sessionAttributes (dict) --

                    Map of key/value pairs representing session-specific context information. It contains application information passed between Amazon Lex and a client application.

                    • (string) --

                      • (string) --

                • response (dict) --

                  Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex uses to respond the user input.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

        • elicitationCodeHook (dict) --

          Code hook called when Amazon Lex doesn't capture a slot value.

          • enableCodeHookInvocation (boolean) --

            Indicates whether a Lambda function should be invoked for the dialog.

          • invocationLabel (string) --

            A label that indicates the dialog step from which the dialog code hook is happening.

      • slotResolutionSetting (dict) --

        An object containing information about whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not.

        • slotResolutionStrategy (string) --

          Specifies whether assisted slot resolution is turned on for the slot or not. If the value is EnhancedFallback , assisted slot resolution is activated when Amazon Lex defaults to the AMAZON.FallbackIntent . If the value is Default , assisted slot resolution is turned off.

    • obfuscationSetting (dict) --

      The updated setting that determines whether the slot value is obfuscated in the Amazon CloudWatch logs.

      • obfuscationSettingType (string) --

        Value that determines whether Amazon Lex obscures slot values in conversation logs. The default is to obscure the values.

    • botId (string) --

      The identifier of the bot that contains the slot.

    • botVersion (string) --

      The version of the bot that contains the slot. Will always be DRAFT .

    • localeId (string) --

      The locale that contains the slot.

    • intentId (string) --

      The intent that contains the slot.

    • creationDateTime (datetime) --

      The timestamp of the date and time that the slot was created.

    • lastUpdatedDateTime (datetime) --

      The timestamp of the date and time that the slot was last updated.

    • multipleValuesSetting (dict) --

      Indicates whether the slot accepts multiple values in one response.

      • allowMultipleValues (boolean) --

        Indicates whether a slot can return multiple values. When true , the slot may return more than one value in a response. When false , the slot returns only a single value.

        Multi-value slots are only available in the en-US locale. If you set this value to true in any other locale, Amazon Lex throws a ValidationException .

        If the allowMutlipleValues is not set, the default value is false .

    • subSlotSetting (dict) --

      Specifications for the constituent sub slots and the expression for the composite slot.

      • expression (string) --

        The expression text for defining the constituent sub slots in the composite slot using logical AND and OR operators.

      • slotSpecifications (dict) --

        Specifications for the constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

        • (string) --

          • (dict) --

            Subslot specifications.

            • slotTypeId (string) --

              The unique identifier assigned to the slot type.

            • valueElicitationSetting (dict) --

              Specifies the elicitation setting details for constituent sub slots of a composite slot.

              • defaultValueSpecification (dict) --

                Defines a list of values that Amazon Lex should use as the default value for a slot.

                • defaultValueList (list) --

                  A list of default values. Amazon Lex chooses the default value to use in the order that they are presented in the list.

                  • (dict) --

                    Specifies the default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

                    • defaultValue (string) --

                      The default value to use when a user doesn't provide a value for a slot.

              • promptSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies a list of message groups that Amazon Lex sends to a user to elicit a response.

                • messageGroups (list) --

                  A collection of messages that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual message to send at runtime.

                  • (dict) --

                    Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                    • message (dict) --

                      The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                        A message in plain text format.

                        • value (string) --

                          The message to send to the user.

                      • customPayload (dict) --

                        A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                        • value (string) --

                          The string that is sent to your application.

                      • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                        A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                        • value (string) --

                          The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                      • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                        A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                        • title (string) --

                          The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • subtitle (string) --

                          The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                        • imageUrl (string) --

                          The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                        • buttons (list) --

                          A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                          • (dict) --

                            Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                            • text (string) --

                              The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                            • value (string) --

                              The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                    • variations (list) --

                      Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                      • (dict) --

                        The object that provides message text and its type.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                • maxRetries (integer) --

                  The maximum number of times the bot tries to elicit a response from the user using this prompt.

                • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                  Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt from the bot.

                • messageSelectionStrategy (string) --

                  Indicates how a message is selected from a message group among retries.

                • promptAttemptsSpecification (dict) --

                  Specifies the advanced settings on each attempt of the prompt.

                  • (string) --

                    The attempt name of attempts of a prompt.

                    • (dict) --

                      Specifies the settings on a prompt attempt.

                      • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                        Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech prompt attempt from the bot.

                      • allowedInputTypes (dict) --

                        Indicates the allowed input types of the prompt attempt.

                        • allowAudioInput (boolean) --

                          Indicates whether audio input is allowed.

                        • allowDTMFInput (boolean) --

                          Indicates whether DTMF input is allowed.

                      • audioAndDTMFInputSpecification (dict) --

                        Specifies the settings on audio and DTMF input.

                        • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                          Time for which a bot waits before assuming that the customer isn't going to speak or press a key. This timeout is shared between Audio and DTMF inputs.

                        • audioSpecification (dict) --

                          Specifies the settings on audio input.

                          • maxLengthMs (integer) --

                            Time for how long Amazon Lex waits before speech input is truncated and the speech is returned to application.

                          • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                            Time for which a bot waits after the customer stops speaking to assume the utterance is finished.

                        • dtmfSpecification (dict) --

                          Specifies the settings on DTMF input.

                          • maxLength (integer) --

                            The maximum number of DTMF digits allowed in an utterance.

                          • endTimeoutMs (integer) --

                            How long the bot should wait after the last DTMF character input before assuming that the input has concluded.

                          • deletionCharacter (string) --

                            The DTMF character that clears the accumulated DTMF digits and immediately ends the input.

                          • endCharacter (string) --

                            The DTMF character that immediately ends input. If the user does not press this character, the input ends after the end timeout.

                      • textInputSpecification (dict) --

                        Specifies the settings on text input.

                        • startTimeoutMs (integer) --

                          Time for which a bot waits before re-prompting a customer for text input.

              • sampleUtterances (list) --

                If you know a specific pattern that users might respond to an Amazon Lex request for a sub slot value, you can provide those utterances to improve accuracy. This is optional. In most cases Amazon Lex is capable of understanding user utterances. This is similar to SampleUtterances for slots.

                • (dict) --

                  A sample utterance that invokes an intent or respond to a slot elicitation prompt.

                  • utterance (string) --

                    The sample utterance that Amazon Lex uses to build its machine-learning model to recognize intents.

              • waitAndContinueSpecification (dict) --

                Specifies the prompts that Amazon Lex uses while a bot is waiting for customer input.

                • waitingResponse (dict) --

                  The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is waiting for the conversation to continue.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

                • continueResponse (dict) --

                  The response that Amazon Lex sends to indicate that the bot is ready to continue the conversation.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    A collection of responses that Amazon Lex can send to the user. Amazon Lex chooses the actual response to send at runtime.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates whether the user can interrupt a speech response from Amazon Lex.

                • stillWaitingResponse (dict) --

                  A response that Amazon Lex sends periodically to the user to indicate that the bot is still waiting for input from the user.

                  • messageGroups (list) --

                    One or more message groups, each containing one or more messages, that define the prompts that Amazon Lex sends to the user.

                    • (dict) --

                      Provides one or more messages that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                      • message (dict) --

                        The primary message that Amazon Lex should send to the user.

                        • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                          A message in plain text format.

                          • value (string) --

                            The message to send to the user.

                        • customPayload (dict) --

                          A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                          • value (string) --

                            The string that is sent to your application.

                        • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                          A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                          • value (string) --

                            The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                        • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                          A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                          • title (string) --

                            The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • subtitle (string) --

                            The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                          • imageUrl (string) --

                            The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                          • buttons (list) --

                            A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                            • (dict) --

                              Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                              • text (string) --

                                The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                              • value (string) --

                                The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                      • variations (list) --

                        Message variations to send to the user. When variations are defined, Amazon Lex chooses the primary message or one of the variations to send to the user.

                        • (dict) --

                          The object that provides message text and its type.

                          • plainTextMessage (dict) --

                            A message in plain text format.

                            • value (string) --

                              The message to send to the user.

                          • customPayload (dict) --

                            A message in a custom format defined by the client application.

                            • value (string) --

                              The string that is sent to your application.

                          • ssmlMessage (dict) --

                            A message in Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML).

                            • value (string) --

                              The SSML text that defines the prompt.

                          • imageResponseCard (dict) --

                            A message that defines a response card that the client application can show to the user.

                            • title (string) --

                              The title to display on the response card. The format of the title is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • subtitle (string) --

                              The subtitle to display on the response card. The format of the subtitle is determined by the platform displaying the response card.

                            • imageUrl (string) --

                              The URL of an image to display on the response card. The image URL must be publicly available so that the platform displaying the response card has access to the image.

                            • buttons (list) --

                              A list of buttons that should be displayed on the response card. The arrangement of the buttons is determined by the platform that displays the button.

                              • (dict) --

                                Describes a button to use on a response card used to gather slot values from a user.

                                • text (string) --

                                  The text that appears on the button. Use this to tell the user what value is returned when they choose this button.

                                • value (string) --

                                  The value returned to Amazon Lex when the user chooses this button. This must be one of the slot values configured for the slot.

                  • frequencyInSeconds (integer) --

                    How often a message should be sent to the user. Minimum of 1 second, maximum of 5 minutes.

                  • timeoutInSeconds (integer) --

                    If Amazon Lex waits longer than this length of time for a response, it will stop sending messages.

                  • allowInterrupt (boolean) --

                    Indicates that the user can interrupt the response by speaking while the message is being played.

                • active (boolean) --

                  Specifies whether the bot will wait for a user to respond. When this field is false, wait and continue responses for a slot aren't used. If the active field isn't specified, the default is true.