2023/09/25 - AWS Amplify UI Builder - 2 updated api methods
Changes Support for generating code that is compatible with future versions of amplify project dependencies.
{'job': {'dependencies': [{'isSemVer': 'boolean', 'name': 'string', 'reason': 'string', 'supportedVersion': 'string'}], 'renderConfig': {'react': {'dependencies': {'string': 'string'}}}}}
Returns an existing code generation job.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.get_codegen_job( appId='string', environmentName='string', id='string' )
The unique ID of the Amplify app associated with the code generation job.
The name of the backend environment that is a part of the Amplify app associated with the code generation job.
The unique ID of the code generation job.
Response Syntax
{ 'job': { 'id': 'string', 'appId': 'string', 'environmentName': 'string', 'renderConfig': { 'react': { 'module': 'es2020'|'esnext', 'target': 'es2015'|'es2020', 'script': 'jsx'|'tsx'|'js', 'renderTypeDeclarations': True|False, 'inlineSourceMap': True|False, 'apiConfiguration': { 'graphQLConfig': { 'typesFilePath': 'string', 'queriesFilePath': 'string', 'mutationsFilePath': 'string', 'subscriptionsFilePath': 'string', 'fragmentsFilePath': 'string' }, 'dataStoreConfig': {}, 'noApiConfig': {} }, 'dependencies': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'genericDataSchema': { 'dataSourceType': 'DataStore', 'models': { 'string': { 'fields': { 'string': { 'dataType': 'ID'|'String'|'Int'|'Float'|'AWSDate'|'AWSTime'|'AWSDateTime'|'AWSTimestamp'|'AWSEmail'|'AWSURL'|'AWSIPAddress'|'Boolean'|'AWSJSON'|'AWSPhone'|'Enum'|'Model'|'NonModel', 'dataTypeValue': 'string', 'required': True|False, 'readOnly': True|False, 'isArray': True|False, 'relationship': { 'type': 'HAS_MANY'|'HAS_ONE'|'BELONGS_TO', 'relatedModelName': 'string', 'relatedModelFields': [ 'string', ], 'canUnlinkAssociatedModel': True|False, 'relatedJoinFieldName': 'string', 'relatedJoinTableName': 'string', 'belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel': 'string', 'associatedFields': [ 'string', ], 'isHasManyIndex': True|False } } }, 'isJoinTable': True|False, 'primaryKeys': [ 'string', ] } }, 'enums': { 'string': { 'values': [ 'string', ] } }, 'nonModels': { 'string': { 'fields': { 'string': { 'dataType': 'ID'|'String'|'Int'|'Float'|'AWSDate'|'AWSTime'|'AWSDateTime'|'AWSTimestamp'|'AWSEmail'|'AWSURL'|'AWSIPAddress'|'Boolean'|'AWSJSON'|'AWSPhone'|'Enum'|'Model'|'NonModel', 'dataTypeValue': 'string', 'required': True|False, 'readOnly': True|False, 'isArray': True|False, 'relationship': { 'type': 'HAS_MANY'|'HAS_ONE'|'BELONGS_TO', 'relatedModelName': 'string', 'relatedModelFields': [ 'string', ], 'canUnlinkAssociatedModel': True|False, 'relatedJoinFieldName': 'string', 'relatedJoinTableName': 'string', 'belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel': 'string', 'associatedFields': [ 'string', ], 'isHasManyIndex': True|False } } } } } }, 'autoGenerateForms': True|False, 'features': { 'isRelationshipSupported': True|False, 'isNonModelSupported': True|False }, 'status': 'in_progress'|'failed'|'succeeded', 'statusMessage': 'string', 'asset': { 'downloadUrl': 'string' }, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'modifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'dependencies': [ { 'name': 'string', 'supportedVersion': 'string', 'isSemVer': True|False, 'reason': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
job (dict) --
The configuration settings for the code generation job.
id (string) --
The unique ID for the code generation job.
appId (string) --
The ID of the Amplify app associated with the code generation job.
environmentName (string) --
The name of the backend environment associated with the code generation job.
renderConfig (dict) --
Describes the configuration information for rendering the UI component associated with the code generation job.
react (dict) --
The name of the ReactStartCodegenJobData object.
module (string) --
The JavaScript module type.
target (string) --
The ECMAScript specification to use.
script (string) --
The file type to use for a JavaScript project.
renderTypeDeclarations (boolean) --
Specifies whether the code generation job should render type declaration files.
inlineSourceMap (boolean) --
Specifies whether the code generation job should render inline source maps.
apiConfiguration (dict) --
The API configuration for the code generation job.
graphQLConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application using GraphQL APIs.
typesFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL types file, relative to the component output directory.
queriesFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL queries file, relative to the component output directory.
mutationsFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL mutations file, relative to the component output directory.
subscriptionsFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL subscriptions file, relative to the component output directory.
fragmentsFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL fragments file, relative to the component output directory.
dataStoreConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application using DataStore APIs.
noApiConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application with no API being used.
dependencies (dict) --
Lists the dependency packages that may be required for the project code to run.
(string) --
(string) --
genericDataSchema (dict) --
Describes the data schema for a code generation job.
dataSourceType (string) --
The type of the data source for the schema. Currently, the only valid value is an Amplify DataStore .
models (dict) --
The name of a CodegenGenericDataModel .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a model in a generic data schema.
fields (dict) --
The fields in the generic data model.
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a field in a generic data schema.
dataType (string) --
The data type for the generic data field.
dataTypeValue (string) --
The value of the data type for the generic data field.
required (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is required.
readOnly (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is read-only.
isArray (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is an array.
relationship (dict) --
The relationship of the generic data schema.
type (string) --
The data relationship type.
relatedModelName (string) --
The name of the related model in the data relationship.
relatedModelFields (list) --
The related model fields in the data relationship.
(string) --
canUnlinkAssociatedModel (boolean) --
Specifies whether the relationship can unlink the associated model.
relatedJoinFieldName (string) --
The name of the related join field in the data relationship.
relatedJoinTableName (string) --
The name of the related join table in the data relationship.
belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel (string) --
The value of the belongsTo field on the related data model.
associatedFields (list) --
The associated fields of the data relationship.
(string) --
isHasManyIndex (boolean) --
Specifies whether the @index directive is supported for a hasMany data relationship.
isJoinTable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data model is a join table.
primaryKeys (list) --
The primary keys of the generic data model.
(string) --
enums (dict) --
The name of a CodegenGenericDataEnum .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes the enums in a generic data schema.
values (list) --
The list of enum values in the generic data schema.
(string) --
nonModels (dict) --
The name of a CodegenGenericDataNonModel .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a non-model in a generic data schema.
fields (dict) --
The fields in a generic data schema non model.
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a field in a generic data schema.
dataType (string) --
The data type for the generic data field.
dataTypeValue (string) --
The value of the data type for the generic data field.
required (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is required.
readOnly (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is read-only.
isArray (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is an array.
relationship (dict) --
The relationship of the generic data schema.
type (string) --
The data relationship type.
relatedModelName (string) --
The name of the related model in the data relationship.
relatedModelFields (list) --
The related model fields in the data relationship.
(string) --
canUnlinkAssociatedModel (boolean) --
Specifies whether the relationship can unlink the associated model.
relatedJoinFieldName (string) --
The name of the related join field in the data relationship.
relatedJoinTableName (string) --
The name of the related join table in the data relationship.
belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel (string) --
The value of the belongsTo field on the related data model.
associatedFields (list) --
The associated fields of the data relationship.
(string) --
isHasManyIndex (boolean) --
Specifies whether the @index directive is supported for a hasMany data relationship.
autoGenerateForms (boolean) --
Specifies whether to autogenerate forms in the code generation job.
features (dict) --
Describes the feature flags that you can specify for a code generation job.
isRelationshipSupported (boolean) --
Specifes whether a code generation job supports data relationships.
isNonModelSupported (boolean) --
Specifies whether a code generation job supports non models.
status (string) --
The status of the code generation job.
statusMessage (string) --
The customized status message for the code generation job.
asset (dict) --
The CodegenJobAsset to use for the code generation job.
downloadUrl (string) --
The URL to use to access the asset.
tags (dict) --
One or more key-value pairs to use when tagging the code generation job.
(string) --
(string) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The time that the code generation job was created.
modifiedAt (datetime) --
The time that the code generation job was modified.
dependencies (list) --
Lists the dependency packages that may be required for the project code to run.
(dict) --
Dependency package that may be required for the project code to run.
name (string) --
Name of the dependency package.
supportedVersion (string) --
Indicates the version of the supported dependency package.
isSemVer (boolean) --
Determines if the dependency package is using Semantic versioning. If set to true, it indicates that the dependency package uses Semantic versioning.
reason (string) --
Indicates the reason to include the dependency package in your project code.
{'codegenJobToCreate': {'renderConfig': {'react': {'dependencies': {'string': 'string'}}}}}Response
{'entity': {'dependencies': [{'isSemVer': 'boolean', 'name': 'string', 'reason': 'string', 'supportedVersion': 'string'}], 'renderConfig': {'react': {'dependencies': {'string': 'string'}}}}}
Starts a code generation job for a specified Amplify app and backend environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.start_codegen_job( appId='string', environmentName='string', clientToken='string', codegenJobToCreate={ 'renderConfig': { 'react': { 'module': 'es2020'|'esnext', 'target': 'es2015'|'es2020', 'script': 'jsx'|'tsx'|'js', 'renderTypeDeclarations': True|False, 'inlineSourceMap': True|False, 'apiConfiguration': { 'graphQLConfig': { 'typesFilePath': 'string', 'queriesFilePath': 'string', 'mutationsFilePath': 'string', 'subscriptionsFilePath': 'string', 'fragmentsFilePath': 'string' }, 'dataStoreConfig': {} , 'noApiConfig': {} }, 'dependencies': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'genericDataSchema': { 'dataSourceType': 'DataStore', 'models': { 'string': { 'fields': { 'string': { 'dataType': 'ID'|'String'|'Int'|'Float'|'AWSDate'|'AWSTime'|'AWSDateTime'|'AWSTimestamp'|'AWSEmail'|'AWSURL'|'AWSIPAddress'|'Boolean'|'AWSJSON'|'AWSPhone'|'Enum'|'Model'|'NonModel', 'dataTypeValue': 'string', 'required': True|False, 'readOnly': True|False, 'isArray': True|False, 'relationship': { 'type': 'HAS_MANY'|'HAS_ONE'|'BELONGS_TO', 'relatedModelName': 'string', 'relatedModelFields': [ 'string', ], 'canUnlinkAssociatedModel': True|False, 'relatedJoinFieldName': 'string', 'relatedJoinTableName': 'string', 'belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel': 'string', 'associatedFields': [ 'string', ], 'isHasManyIndex': True|False } } }, 'isJoinTable': True|False, 'primaryKeys': [ 'string', ] } }, 'enums': { 'string': { 'values': [ 'string', ] } }, 'nonModels': { 'string': { 'fields': { 'string': { 'dataType': 'ID'|'String'|'Int'|'Float'|'AWSDate'|'AWSTime'|'AWSDateTime'|'AWSTimestamp'|'AWSEmail'|'AWSURL'|'AWSIPAddress'|'Boolean'|'AWSJSON'|'AWSPhone'|'Enum'|'Model'|'NonModel', 'dataTypeValue': 'string', 'required': True|False, 'readOnly': True|False, 'isArray': True|False, 'relationship': { 'type': 'HAS_MANY'|'HAS_ONE'|'BELONGS_TO', 'relatedModelName': 'string', 'relatedModelFields': [ 'string', ], 'canUnlinkAssociatedModel': True|False, 'relatedJoinFieldName': 'string', 'relatedJoinTableName': 'string', 'belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel': 'string', 'associatedFields': [ 'string', ], 'isHasManyIndex': True|False } } } } } }, 'autoGenerateForms': True|False, 'features': { 'isRelationshipSupported': True|False, 'isNonModelSupported': True|False }, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' } } )
The unique ID for the Amplify app.
The name of the backend environment that is a part of the Amplify app.
The idempotency token used to ensure that the code generation job request completes only once.
This field is autopopulated if not provided.
The code generation job resource configuration.
renderConfig (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The code generation configuration for the codegen job.
react (dict) --
The name of the ReactStartCodegenJobData object.
module (string) --
The JavaScript module type.
target (string) --
The ECMAScript specification to use.
script (string) --
The file type to use for a JavaScript project.
renderTypeDeclarations (boolean) --
Specifies whether the code generation job should render type declaration files.
inlineSourceMap (boolean) --
Specifies whether the code generation job should render inline source maps.
apiConfiguration (dict) --
The API configuration for the code generation job.
graphQLConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application using GraphQL APIs.
typesFilePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The path to the GraphQL types file, relative to the component output directory.
queriesFilePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The path to the GraphQL queries file, relative to the component output directory.
mutationsFilePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The path to the GraphQL mutations file, relative to the component output directory.
subscriptionsFilePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The path to the GraphQL subscriptions file, relative to the component output directory.
fragmentsFilePath (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The path to the GraphQL fragments file, relative to the component output directory.
dataStoreConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application using DataStore APIs.
noApiConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application with no API being used.
dependencies (dict) --
Lists the dependency packages that may be required for the project code to run.
(string) --
(string) --
genericDataSchema (dict) --
The data schema to use for a code generation job.
dataSourceType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The type of the data source for the schema. Currently, the only valid value is an Amplify DataStore .
models (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of a CodegenGenericDataModel .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a model in a generic data schema.
fields (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The fields in the generic data model.
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a field in a generic data schema.
dataType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type for the generic data field.
dataTypeValue (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value of the data type for the generic data field.
required (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifies whether the generic data field is required.
readOnly (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifies whether the generic data field is read-only.
isArray (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifies whether the generic data field is an array.
relationship (dict) --
The relationship of the generic data schema.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data relationship type.
relatedModelName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the related model in the data relationship.
relatedModelFields (list) --
The related model fields in the data relationship.
(string) --
canUnlinkAssociatedModel (boolean) --
Specifies whether the relationship can unlink the associated model.
relatedJoinFieldName (string) --
The name of the related join field in the data relationship.
relatedJoinTableName (string) --
The name of the related join table in the data relationship.
belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel (string) --
The value of the belongsTo field on the related data model.
associatedFields (list) --
The associated fields of the data relationship.
(string) --
isHasManyIndex (boolean) --
Specifies whether the @index directive is supported for a hasMany data relationship.
isJoinTable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data model is a join table.
primaryKeys (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The primary keys of the generic data model.
(string) --
enums (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of a CodegenGenericDataEnum .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes the enums in a generic data schema.
values (list) -- [REQUIRED]
The list of enum values in the generic data schema.
(string) --
nonModels (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of a CodegenGenericDataNonModel .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a non-model in a generic data schema.
fields (dict) -- [REQUIRED]
The fields in a generic data schema non model.
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a field in a generic data schema.
dataType (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data type for the generic data field.
dataTypeValue (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The value of the data type for the generic data field.
required (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifies whether the generic data field is required.
readOnly (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifies whether the generic data field is read-only.
isArray (boolean) -- [REQUIRED]
Specifies whether the generic data field is an array.
relationship (dict) --
The relationship of the generic data schema.
type (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The data relationship type.
relatedModelName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The name of the related model in the data relationship.
relatedModelFields (list) --
The related model fields in the data relationship.
(string) --
canUnlinkAssociatedModel (boolean) --
Specifies whether the relationship can unlink the associated model.
relatedJoinFieldName (string) --
The name of the related join field in the data relationship.
relatedJoinTableName (string) --
The name of the related join table in the data relationship.
belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel (string) --
The value of the belongsTo field on the related data model.
associatedFields (list) --
The associated fields of the data relationship.
(string) --
isHasManyIndex (boolean) --
Specifies whether the @index directive is supported for a hasMany data relationship.
autoGenerateForms (boolean) --
Specifies whether to autogenerate forms in the code generation job.
features (dict) --
The feature flags for a code generation job.
isRelationshipSupported (boolean) --
Specifes whether a code generation job supports data relationships.
isNonModelSupported (boolean) --
Specifies whether a code generation job supports non models.
tags (dict) --
One or more key-value pairs to use when tagging the code generation job data.
(string) --
(string) --
Response Syntax
{ 'entity': { 'id': 'string', 'appId': 'string', 'environmentName': 'string', 'renderConfig': { 'react': { 'module': 'es2020'|'esnext', 'target': 'es2015'|'es2020', 'script': 'jsx'|'tsx'|'js', 'renderTypeDeclarations': True|False, 'inlineSourceMap': True|False, 'apiConfiguration': { 'graphQLConfig': { 'typesFilePath': 'string', 'queriesFilePath': 'string', 'mutationsFilePath': 'string', 'subscriptionsFilePath': 'string', 'fragmentsFilePath': 'string' }, 'dataStoreConfig': {}, 'noApiConfig': {} }, 'dependencies': { 'string': 'string' } } }, 'genericDataSchema': { 'dataSourceType': 'DataStore', 'models': { 'string': { 'fields': { 'string': { 'dataType': 'ID'|'String'|'Int'|'Float'|'AWSDate'|'AWSTime'|'AWSDateTime'|'AWSTimestamp'|'AWSEmail'|'AWSURL'|'AWSIPAddress'|'Boolean'|'AWSJSON'|'AWSPhone'|'Enum'|'Model'|'NonModel', 'dataTypeValue': 'string', 'required': True|False, 'readOnly': True|False, 'isArray': True|False, 'relationship': { 'type': 'HAS_MANY'|'HAS_ONE'|'BELONGS_TO', 'relatedModelName': 'string', 'relatedModelFields': [ 'string', ], 'canUnlinkAssociatedModel': True|False, 'relatedJoinFieldName': 'string', 'relatedJoinTableName': 'string', 'belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel': 'string', 'associatedFields': [ 'string', ], 'isHasManyIndex': True|False } } }, 'isJoinTable': True|False, 'primaryKeys': [ 'string', ] } }, 'enums': { 'string': { 'values': [ 'string', ] } }, 'nonModels': { 'string': { 'fields': { 'string': { 'dataType': 'ID'|'String'|'Int'|'Float'|'AWSDate'|'AWSTime'|'AWSDateTime'|'AWSTimestamp'|'AWSEmail'|'AWSURL'|'AWSIPAddress'|'Boolean'|'AWSJSON'|'AWSPhone'|'Enum'|'Model'|'NonModel', 'dataTypeValue': 'string', 'required': True|False, 'readOnly': True|False, 'isArray': True|False, 'relationship': { 'type': 'HAS_MANY'|'HAS_ONE'|'BELONGS_TO', 'relatedModelName': 'string', 'relatedModelFields': [ 'string', ], 'canUnlinkAssociatedModel': True|False, 'relatedJoinFieldName': 'string', 'relatedJoinTableName': 'string', 'belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel': 'string', 'associatedFields': [ 'string', ], 'isHasManyIndex': True|False } } } } } }, 'autoGenerateForms': True|False, 'features': { 'isRelationshipSupported': True|False, 'isNonModelSupported': True|False }, 'status': 'in_progress'|'failed'|'succeeded', 'statusMessage': 'string', 'asset': { 'downloadUrl': 'string' }, 'tags': { 'string': 'string' }, 'createdAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'modifiedAt': datetime(2015, 1, 1), 'dependencies': [ { 'name': 'string', 'supportedVersion': 'string', 'isSemVer': True|False, 'reason': 'string' }, ] } }
Response Structure
(dict) --
entity (dict) --
The code generation job for a UI component that is associated with an Amplify app.
id (string) --
The unique ID for the code generation job.
appId (string) --
The ID of the Amplify app associated with the code generation job.
environmentName (string) --
The name of the backend environment associated with the code generation job.
renderConfig (dict) --
Describes the configuration information for rendering the UI component associated with the code generation job.
react (dict) --
The name of the ReactStartCodegenJobData object.
module (string) --
The JavaScript module type.
target (string) --
The ECMAScript specification to use.
script (string) --
The file type to use for a JavaScript project.
renderTypeDeclarations (boolean) --
Specifies whether the code generation job should render type declaration files.
inlineSourceMap (boolean) --
Specifies whether the code generation job should render inline source maps.
apiConfiguration (dict) --
The API configuration for the code generation job.
graphQLConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application using GraphQL APIs.
typesFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL types file, relative to the component output directory.
queriesFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL queries file, relative to the component output directory.
mutationsFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL mutations file, relative to the component output directory.
subscriptionsFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL subscriptions file, relative to the component output directory.
fragmentsFilePath (string) --
The path to the GraphQL fragments file, relative to the component output directory.
dataStoreConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application using DataStore APIs.
noApiConfig (dict) --
The configuration for an application with no API being used.
dependencies (dict) --
Lists the dependency packages that may be required for the project code to run.
(string) --
(string) --
genericDataSchema (dict) --
Describes the data schema for a code generation job.
dataSourceType (string) --
The type of the data source for the schema. Currently, the only valid value is an Amplify DataStore .
models (dict) --
The name of a CodegenGenericDataModel .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a model in a generic data schema.
fields (dict) --
The fields in the generic data model.
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a field in a generic data schema.
dataType (string) --
The data type for the generic data field.
dataTypeValue (string) --
The value of the data type for the generic data field.
required (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is required.
readOnly (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is read-only.
isArray (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is an array.
relationship (dict) --
The relationship of the generic data schema.
type (string) --
The data relationship type.
relatedModelName (string) --
The name of the related model in the data relationship.
relatedModelFields (list) --
The related model fields in the data relationship.
(string) --
canUnlinkAssociatedModel (boolean) --
Specifies whether the relationship can unlink the associated model.
relatedJoinFieldName (string) --
The name of the related join field in the data relationship.
relatedJoinTableName (string) --
The name of the related join table in the data relationship.
belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel (string) --
The value of the belongsTo field on the related data model.
associatedFields (list) --
The associated fields of the data relationship.
(string) --
isHasManyIndex (boolean) --
Specifies whether the @index directive is supported for a hasMany data relationship.
isJoinTable (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data model is a join table.
primaryKeys (list) --
The primary keys of the generic data model.
(string) --
enums (dict) --
The name of a CodegenGenericDataEnum .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes the enums in a generic data schema.
values (list) --
The list of enum values in the generic data schema.
(string) --
nonModels (dict) --
The name of a CodegenGenericDataNonModel .
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a non-model in a generic data schema.
fields (dict) --
The fields in a generic data schema non model.
(string) --
(dict) --
Describes a field in a generic data schema.
dataType (string) --
The data type for the generic data field.
dataTypeValue (string) --
The value of the data type for the generic data field.
required (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is required.
readOnly (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is read-only.
isArray (boolean) --
Specifies whether the generic data field is an array.
relationship (dict) --
The relationship of the generic data schema.
type (string) --
The data relationship type.
relatedModelName (string) --
The name of the related model in the data relationship.
relatedModelFields (list) --
The related model fields in the data relationship.
(string) --
canUnlinkAssociatedModel (boolean) --
Specifies whether the relationship can unlink the associated model.
relatedJoinFieldName (string) --
The name of the related join field in the data relationship.
relatedJoinTableName (string) --
The name of the related join table in the data relationship.
belongsToFieldOnRelatedModel (string) --
The value of the belongsTo field on the related data model.
associatedFields (list) --
The associated fields of the data relationship.
(string) --
isHasManyIndex (boolean) --
Specifies whether the @index directive is supported for a hasMany data relationship.
autoGenerateForms (boolean) --
Specifies whether to autogenerate forms in the code generation job.
features (dict) --
Describes the feature flags that you can specify for a code generation job.
isRelationshipSupported (boolean) --
Specifes whether a code generation job supports data relationships.
isNonModelSupported (boolean) --
Specifies whether a code generation job supports non models.
status (string) --
The status of the code generation job.
statusMessage (string) --
The customized status message for the code generation job.
asset (dict) --
The CodegenJobAsset to use for the code generation job.
downloadUrl (string) --
The URL to use to access the asset.
tags (dict) --
One or more key-value pairs to use when tagging the code generation job.
(string) --
(string) --
createdAt (datetime) --
The time that the code generation job was created.
modifiedAt (datetime) --
The time that the code generation job was modified.
dependencies (list) --
Lists the dependency packages that may be required for the project code to run.
(dict) --
Dependency package that may be required for the project code to run.
name (string) --
Name of the dependency package.
supportedVersion (string) --
Indicates the version of the supported dependency package.
isSemVer (boolean) --
Determines if the dependency package is using Semantic versioning. If set to true, it indicates that the dependency package uses Semantic versioning.
reason (string) --
Indicates the reason to include the dependency package in your project code.