2021/11/03 - FinSpace User Environment Management service - 1 updated api methods
Changes Adds superuser and data-bundle parameters to CreateEnvironment API
{'dataBundles': ['string'], 'superuserParameters': {'emailAddress': 'string', 'firstName': 'string', 'lastName': 'string'}}
Create a new FinSpace environment.
See also: AWS API Documentation
Request Syntax
client.create_environment( name='string', description='string', kmsKeyId='string', tags={ 'string': 'string' }, federationMode='FEDERATED'|'LOCAL', federationParameters={ 'samlMetadataDocument': 'string', 'samlMetadataURL': 'string', 'applicationCallBackURL': 'string', 'federationURN': 'string', 'federationProviderName': 'string', 'attributeMap': { 'string': 'string' } }, superuserParameters={ 'emailAddress': 'string', 'firstName': 'string', 'lastName': 'string' }, dataBundles=[ 'string', ] )
The name of the FinSpace environment to be created.
The description of the FinSpace environment to be created.
The KMS key id to encrypt your data in the FinSpace environment.
Add tags to your FinSpace environment.
(string) --
(string) --
Authentication mode for the environment.
FEDERATED - Users access FinSpace through Single Sign On (SSO) via your Identity provider.
LOCAL - Users access FinSpace via email and password managed within the FinSpace environment.
Configuration information when authentication mode is FEDERATED.
samlMetadataDocument (string) --
SAML 2.0 Metadata document from identity provider (IdP).
samlMetadataURL (string) --
Provide the metadata URL from your SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider (IdP).
applicationCallBackURL (string) --
The redirect or sign-in URL that should be entered into the SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider configuration (IdP).
federationURN (string) --
The Uniform Resource Name (URN). Also referred as Service Provider URN or Audience URI or Service Provider Entity ID.
federationProviderName (string) --
Name of the identity provider (IdP).
attributeMap (dict) --
SAML attribute name and value. The name must always be Email and the value should be set to the attribute definition in which user email is set. For example, name would be Email and value http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress . Please check your SAML 2.0 compliant identity provider (IdP) documentation for details.
(string) --
(string) --
Configuration information for the superuser.
emailAddress (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The email address of the superuser.
firstName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The first name of the superuser.
lastName (string) -- [REQUIRED]
The last name of the superuser.
The list of Amazon Resource Names (ARN) of the data bundles to install. Currently supported data bundle ARNs:
arn:aws:finspace:${Region}::data-bundle/capital-markets-sample - Contains sample Capital Markets datasets, categories and controlled vocabularies.
arn:aws:finspace:${Region}::data-bundle/taq (default) - Contains trades and quotes data in addition to sample Capital Markets data.
(string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the data bundle.
Response Syntax
{ 'environmentId': 'string', 'environmentArn': 'string', 'environmentUrl': 'string' }
Response Structure
(dict) --
environmentId (string) --
The unique identifier for FinSpace environment that you created.
environmentArn (string) --
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the FinSpace environment that you created.
environmentUrl (string) --
The sign-in url for the web application of the FinSpace environment you created.