Amazon OpenSearch Service

2024/02/15 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Adds additional supported instance types.

2024/02/06 - 1 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.

2024/02/06 - 1 new 9 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.

2024/02/06 - 1 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.

2024/02/06 - 1 new 9 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds clear visibility to the customers on the changes that they make on the domain.

2024/01/04 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.

2024/01/04 - 7 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.

2024/01/04 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.

2024/01/04 - 7 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for new or existing Amazon OpenSearch domains to enable TLS 1.3 or TLS 1.2 with perfect forward secrecy cipher suites for domain endpoints.

2023/11/29 - 5 new api methods

Changes   Launching Amazon OpenSearch Service support for new zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3. Customers can now manage their direct query data sources to Amazon S3 programatically

2023/10/26 - 7 updated api methods

Changes   You can specify ipv4 or dualstack IPAddressType for cluster endpoints. If you specify IPAddressType as dualstack, the new endpoint will be visible under the 'EndpointV2' parameter and will support IPv4 and IPv6 requests. Whereas, the 'Endpoint' will continue to serve IPv4 requests.

2023/10/19 - 3 new api methods

Changes   Added Cluster Administrative options for node restart, opensearch process restart and opensearch dashboard restart for Multi-AZ without standby domains

2023/10/16 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   This release allows customers to list and associate optional plugin packages with compatible Amazon OpenSearch Service clusters for enhanced functionality.

2023/06/12 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for SkipUnavailable connection property for cross cluster search

2023/05/04 - 1 new api methods

Changes   DescribeDomainNodes: A new API that provides configuration information for nodes part of the domain

2023/05/03 - 1 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service adds the option to deploy a domain across multiple Availability Zones, with each AZ containing a complete copy of data and with nodes in one AZ acting as a standby. This option provides 99.99% availability and consistent performance in the event of infrastructure failure.

2023/02/22 - 2 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release lets customers configure Off-peak window and software update related properties for a new/existing domain. It enhances the capabilities of StartServiceSoftwareUpdate API; adds 2 new APIs - ListScheduledActions & UpdateScheduledAction; and allows Auto-tune to make use of Off-peak window.

2023/01/31 - 7 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service adds the option for a VPC endpoint connection between two domains when the local domain uses OpenSearch version 1.3 or 2.3. You can now use remote reindex to copy indices from one VPC domain to another without a reverse proxy.

2023/01/19 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the enhanced dry run option, that checks for validation errors that might occur when deploying configuration changes and provides a summary of these errors, if any. The feature will also indicate whether a blue/green deployment will be required to apply a change.

2022/11/10 - 9 new api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers managed VPC endpoints to connect to your Amazon OpenSearch Service VPC-enabled domain in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This feature allows you to privately access OpenSearch Service domain without using public IPs or requiring traffic to traverse the Internet.

2022/11/08 - 9 new api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service now offers managed VPC endpoints to connect to your Amazon OpenSearch Service VPC-enabled domain in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This feature allows you to privately access OpenSearch Service domain without using public IPs or requiring traffic to traverse the Internet.

2022/07/28 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage.

2022/07/28 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage.

2022/07/28 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage.

2022/07/28 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for gp3 EBS (Elastic Block Store) storage.

2022/02/02 - 1 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   Allows customers to get progress updates for blue/green deployments

2022/01/27 - 1 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   Allows customers to get progress updates for blue/green deployments

2022/01/06 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service adds support for Fine Grained Access Control for existing domains running Elasticsearch version 6.7 and above

2022/01/06 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service adds support for Fine Grained Access Control for existing domains running Elasticsearch version 6.7 and above

2022/01/06 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service adds support for Fine Grained Access Control for existing domains running Elasticsearch version 6.7 and above

2022/01/06 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon OpenSearch Service adds support for Fine Grained Access Control for existing domains running Elasticsearch version 6.7 and above

2021/11/23 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an optional parameter dry-run for the UpdateDomainConfig API to perform basic validation checks, and detect the deployment type that will be required for the configuration change, without actually applying the change.

2021/11/22 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an optional parameter dry-run for the UpdateElasticsearchDomainConfig API to perform basic validation checks, and detect the deployment type that will be required for the configuration change, without actually applying the change.

2021/09/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an optional parameter in the ListDomainNames API to filter domains based on the engine type (OpenSearch/Elasticsearch).

2021/09/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an optional parameter in the ListDomainNames API to filter domains based on the engine type (OpenSearch/Elasticsearch).

2021/09/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an optional parameter in the ListDomainNames API to filter domains based on the engine type (OpenSearch/Elasticsearch).

2021/09/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an optional parameter in the ListDomainNames API to filter domains based on the engine type (OpenSearch/Elasticsearch).

2021/09/08 - 39 new api methods

Changes   Updated Configuration APIs for Amazon OpenSearch Service (successor to Amazon Elasticsearch Service)

2021/05/14 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for cold storage.

2021/03/03 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   AWS ElasticSearch Feature : Support for adding tags in elastic search domain during domain creation

2021/02/24 - 1 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports Auto-Tune, which monitors performance metrics and automatically optimizes domains

2021/01/27 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service adds support for node-to-node encryption and encryption at rest for existing domains running Elasticsearch version 6.7 and above

2020/11/09 - 2 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   Adding support for package versioning in Amazon Elasticsearch Service

2020/11/05 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now provides the ability to define a custom endpoint for your domain and link an SSL certificate from ACM, making it easier to refer to Kibana and the domain endpoint.

2020/11/04 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports native SAML authentication that seamlessly integrates with the customers' existing SAML 2.0 Identity Provider (IdP).

2020/06/03 - 7 new api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now offers support for cross-cluster search, enabling you to perform searches, aggregations, and visualizations across multiple Amazon Elasticsearch Service domains with a single query or from a single Kibana interface. New feature includes the ability to setup connection, required to perform cross-cluster search, between domains using an approval workflow.

2020/04/22 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This change adds a new field 'OptionalDeployment' to ServiceSoftwareOptions to indicate whether a service software update is optional or mandatory. If True, it indicates that the update is optional, and the service software is not automatically updated. If False, the service software is automatically updated after AutomatedUpdateDate.

2020/03/25 - 7 new api methods

Changes   Adding support for customer packages (dictionary files) to Amazon Elasticsearch Service

2020/02/12 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now offers fine-grained access control, which adds multiple capabilities to give tighter control over data. New features include the ability to use roles to define granular permissions for indices, documents, or fields and to extend Kibana with read-only views and secure multi-tenant support.

2019/12/03 - 10 updated api methods

Changes   UltraWarm storage provides a cost-effective way to store large amounts of read-only data on Amazon Elasticsearch Service. Rather than attached storage, UltraWarm nodes use Amazon S3 and a sophisticated caching solution to improve performance. For indices that you are not actively writing to and query less frequently, UltraWarm storage offers significantly lower costs per GiB. In Elasticsearch, these warm indices behave just like any other index. You can query them using the same APIs or use them to create dashboards in Kibana.

2019/10/03 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports configuring additional options for domain endpoint, such as whether to require HTTPS for all traffic.

2019/07/12 - 10 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports M5, C5, and R5 instance types.

2019/02/07 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Feature: Support for three Availability Zone deployments

2018/10/10 - 2 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service now supports customer-scheduled service software updates. When new service software becomes available, you can request an update to your domain and benefit from new features more quickly. If you take no action, we update the service software automatically after a certain time frame.

2018/09/18 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service adds support for node-to-node encryption for new domains running Elasticsearch version 6.0 and above

2018/08/14 - 4 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Elasticsearch Service adds support for no downtime, in-place upgrade for Elasticsearch version 5.1 and above.

2018/05/07 - 3 new api methods

Changes   This change brings support for Reserved Instances to AWS Elasticsearch.

2018/04/02 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This adds Amazon Cognito authentication support to Kibana.

2017/12/07 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for encryption of data at rest on Amazon Elasticsearch Service using AWS KMS

2017/10/17 - 1 new 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for VPC access to Amazon Elasticsearch Service.

2017/10/16 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   AWS Elasticsearch adds support for enabling slow log publishing. Using slow log publishing options customers can configure and enable index/query slow log publishing of their domain to preferred AWS Cloudwatch log group.

2017/02/24 - 3 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   Added three new API calls to expose Amazon Elasticsearch imposed limits.

2016/07/29 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Updates to Elasticsearch version 2.3, which offers improved performance, memory management, and security. It also offers several new features includinng pipeline aggregations to perform advanced analytics like moving averages and derivatives, and enhancements to geospatial queries.