Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime

2024/03/13 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   adds support for multiple new composition layout configuration options (grid, pip)

2023/11/16 - 12 new api methods

Changes   This release introduces server side composition and recording for stages.

2023/10/12 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update GetParticipant to return additional metadata.

2023/08/07 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Add QUOTA_EXCEEDED and PUBLISHER_NOT_FOUND to EventErrorCode for stage health events.

2023/05/11 - 5 new api methods

Changes   Add methods for inspecting and debugging stages: ListStageSessions, GetStageSession, ListParticipants, GetParticipant, and ListParticipantEvents.

2023/03/23 - 10 new api methods

Changes   Initial release of the Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime API.