Amazon WorkSpaces

2024/02/08 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces User-Decoupling feature. This feature allows Workspaces Core customers to provision workspaces without providing users. CreateWorkspaces and DescribeWorkspaces APIs will now take a new optional parameter "WorkspaceName".

2023/11/27 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   The release introduces Multi-Region Resilience one-way data replication that allows you to replicate data from your primary WorkSpace to a standby WorkSpace in another AWS Region. DescribeWorkspaces now returns the status of data replication.

2023/10/05 - 8 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces Manage applications. This feature allows users to manage their WorkSpaces applications by associating or disassociating their WorkSpaces with applications. The DescribeWorkspaces API will now additionally return OperatingSystemName in its responses.

2023/09/08 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   A new field "ErrorDetails" will be added to the output of "DescribeWorkspaceImages" API call. This field provides in-depth details about the error occurred during image import process. These details include the possible causes of the errors and troubleshooting information.

2022/11/17 - 1 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   The release introduces CreateStandbyWorkspaces, an API that allows you to create standby WorkSpaces associated with a primary WorkSpace in another Region. DescribeWorkspaces now includes related WorkSpaces properties. DescribeWorkspaceBundles and CreateWorkspaceBundle now return more bundle details.

2022/11/15 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces ModifyCertificateBasedAuthProperties, a new API that allows control of certificate-based auth properties associated with a WorkSpaces directory. The DescribeWorkspaceDirectories API will now additionally return certificate-based auth properties in its responses.

2022/11/07 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds protocols attribute to workspaces properties data type. This enables customers to migrate workspaces from PC over IP (PCoIP) to WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) using create and modify workspaces public APIs.

2022/10/25 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds new enums for supporting Workspaces Core features, including creating Manual running mode workspaces, importing regular Workspaces Core images and importing g4dn Workspaces Core images.

2022/09/29 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes diagnostic log uploading feature. If it is enabled, the log files of WorkSpaces Windows client will be sent to Amazon WorkSpaces automatically for troubleshooting. You can use modifyClientProperty api to enable/disable this feature.

2022/08/01 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release introduces ModifySamlProperties, a new API that allows control of SAML properties associated with a WorkSpaces directory. The DescribeWorkspaceDirectories API will now additionally return SAML properties in its responses.

2022/07/27 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Added CreateWorkspaceImage API to create a new WorkSpace image from an existing WorkSpace.

2022/04/11 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Added API support that allows customers to create GPU-enabled WorkSpaces using EC2 G4dn instances.

2022/03/31 - 3 new api methods

Changes   Added APIs that allow you to customize the logo, login message, and help links in the WorkSpaces client login page. To learn more, visit

2022/01/11 - 4 new api methods

Changes   Introducing new APIs for Workspaces audio optimization with Amazon Connect: CreateConnectClientAddIn, DescribeConnectClientAddIns, UpdateConnectClientAddIn and DeleteConnectClientAddIn.

2021/09/30 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added CreateUpdatedWorkspaceImage API to update WorkSpace images with latest software and drivers. Updated DescribeWorkspaceImages API to display if there are updates available for WorkSpace images.

2021/05/25 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for Linux device types in WorkspaceAccessProperties

2021/03/12 - 3 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds API support for WorkSpaces bundle management operations.

2020/12/04 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Update the import-workspace-image API to have "BYOL_REGULAR_WSP" as a valid input string for ingestion-process.

2020/09/11 - 7 new api methods

Changes   Adds API support for WorkSpaces Cross-Region Redirection feature.

2020/09/04 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adding support for Microsoft Office 2016 and Microsoft Office 2019 in BYOL Images

2020/08/12 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds optional EnableWorkDocs property to WorkspaceCreationProperties in the ModifyWorkspaceCreationProperties API

2020/07/23 - 2 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added UpdateWorkspaceImagePermission API to share Amazon WorkSpaces images across AWS accounts.

2020/01/10 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Added the migrate feature to Amazon WorkSpaces.

2019/11/26 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   For the WorkspaceBundle API, added the image identifier and the time of the last update.

2019/11/15 - 5 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added APIs to register your directories with Amazon WorkSpaces and to modify directory details.

2019/09/20 - 2 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   Adds the WorkSpaces restore feature

2019/06/27 - 3 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for the WorkSpaces restore feature and copying WorkSpaces Images across AWS Regions.

2019/04/19 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added a new reserved field.

2019/03/28 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon WorkSpaces adds tagging support for WorkSpaces Images, WorkSpaces directories, WorkSpaces bundles and IP Access control groups.

2018/11/20 - 2 new api methods

Changes   Added new APIs to Modify and Describe WorkSpaces client properties for users in a directory. With the new APIs, you can enable/disable remember me option in WorkSpaces client for users in a directory.

2018/11/16 - 7 new api methods

Changes   Added new Bring Your Own License (BYOL) automation APIs. With the new APIs, you can list available management CIDR ranges for dedicated tenancy, enable your account for BYOL, describe BYOL status of your account, and import BYOL images. Added new APIs to also describe and delete WorkSpaces images.

2018/10/19 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for PowerPro and GraphicsPro WorkSpaces bundles.

2018/04/30 - 9 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   Added new IP Access Control APIs, an API to change the state of a Workspace, and the ADMIN_MAINTENANCE WorkSpace state. With the new IP Access Control APIs, you can now create/delete IP Access Control Groups, add/delete/update rules for IP Access Control Groups, Associate/Disassociate IP Access Control Groups to/from a WorkSpaces Directory, and Describe IP Based Access Control Groups.

2017/12/29 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Modify WorkSpaces have been updated with flexible storage and switching of hardware bundles feature. The following configurations have been added to ModifyWorkSpacesProperties: storage and compute. This update provides the capability to configure the storage of a WorkSpace. It also adds the capability of switching hardware bundle of a WorkSpace by specifying an eligible compute (Value, Standard, Performance, Power).

2016/08/18 - 4 new 2 updated api methods

Changes   Adds new APIs to support the launch and management of WorkSpaces that are paid for and used by the hour.