Amazon Relational Database Service

2024/04/09 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for specifying the CA certificate to use for the new db instance when restoring from db snapshot, restoring from s3, restoring to point in time, and creating a db instance read replica.

2024/04/03 - 1 new api methods

Changes   This release adds Global Cluster Switchover capability which enables you to change your global cluster's primary AWS Region, the region that serves writes, while preserving the replication between all regions in the global cluster.

2024/03/18 - 1 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release launches the ModifyIntegration API and support for data filtering for zero-ETL Integrations.

2024/03/06 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Updated the input of CreateDBCluster and ModifyDBCluster to support setting CA certificates. Updated the output of DescribeDBCluster to show current CA certificate setting value.

2024/02/26 - 18 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for gp3 data volumes for Multi-AZ DB Clusters.

2024/01/24 - 5 new 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Aurora Limitless Database.

2024/01/04 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Adding PerformanceInsightsEnabled and PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId fields to DescribeDBInstances Response.

2023/12/21 - 2 new api methods

Changes   This release adds support for using RDS Data API with Aurora PostgreSQL Serverless v2 and provisioned DB clusters.

2023/12/19 - 2 new api methods

Changes   RDS - The release adds two new APIs: DescribeDBRecommendations and ModifyDBRecommendation

2023/12/11 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds a new parameter configuration setting to the Neptune cluster related APIs that can be leveraged to switch between the underlying supported storage modes.

2023/11/20 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon DocumentDB updates for new cluster storage configuration: Amazon DocumentDB I/O-Optimized.

2023/11/17 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for option groups and replica enhancements to Amazon RDS Custom.

2023/11/07 - 5 new 22 updated api methods

Changes   This Amazon RDS release adds support for the multi-tenant configuration. In this configuration, an RDS DB instance can contain multiple tenant databases. In RDS for Oracle, a tenant database is a pluggable database (PDB).

2023/11/06 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Update the input of CreateDBInstance and ModifyDBInstance to support setting CA Certificates. Update the output of DescribeDBInstance and DescribeDBEngineVersions to show current and supported CA certificates.

2023/11/01 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for customized networking resources to Amazon RDS Custom.

2023/10/30 - 3 new 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release launches the CreateIntegration, DeleteIntegration, and DescribeIntegrations APIs to manage zero-ETL Integrations.

2023/10/18 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for upgrading the storage file system configuration on the DB instance using a blue/green deployment or a read replica.

2023/10/12 - 24 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for adding a dedicated log volume to open-source RDS instances.

2023/10/02 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds DefaultCertificateForNewLaunches field in the DescribeCertificates API response.

2023/09/05 - 18 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for feature integration with AWS Backup.

2023/08/22 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adding parameters to CreateCustomDbEngineVersion reserved for future use.

2023/08/21 - 1 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   Adding support for RDS Aurora Global Database Unplanned Failover

2023/08/01 - 2 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   Added support for deleted clusters PiTR.

2023/07/31 - 16 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Aurora MySQL local write forwarding, which allows for forwarding of write operations from reader DB instances to the writer DB instance.

2023/07/25 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for monitoring storage optimization progress on the DescribeDBInstances API.

2023/07/21 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for the DBSystemID parameter of CreateDBInstance to RDS Custom for Oracle.

2023/07/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Added major version upgrade option in ModifyDBCluster API

2023/06/28 - 25 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) now supports joining a RDS for SQL Server instance to a self-managed Active Directory.

2023/05/31 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for changing the engine for Oracle using the ModifyDbInstance API

2023/05/10 - 16 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) updates for the new Aurora I/O-Optimized storage type for Amazon Aurora DB clusters

2023/04/14 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support of modifying the engine mode of database clusters.

2023/04/07 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds a new parameter 'DBClusterParameterGroupName' to 'RestoreDBClusterFromSnapshot' API to associate the name of the DB cluster parameter group while performing restore.

2023/03/29 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for creating a read replica DB instance from a Multi-AZ DB cluster.

2023/03/20 - 10 updated api methods

Changes   This release makes following few changes. db-cluster-identifier is now a required parameter of create-db-instance. describe-db-cluster will now return PendingModifiedValues and GlobalClusterIdentifier fields in the response.

2023/01/10 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for configuring allocated storage on the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica, RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot, and RestoreDBInstanceToPointInTime APIs.

2023/01/05 - 17 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for specifying which certificate authority (CA) to use for a DB instance's server certificate during DB instance creation, as well as other CA enhancements.

2022/12/28 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Custom Engine Version (CEV) on RDS Custom SQL Server.

2022/12/22 - 25 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for managing master user password in AWS Secrets Manager for the DBInstance and DBCluster.

2022/12/19 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Add support for --enable-customer-owned-ip to RDS create-db-instance-read-replica API for RDS on Outposts.

2022/12/13 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This deployment adds ClientPasswordAuthType field to the Auth structure of the DBProxy.

2022/12/12 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   Update the RDS API model to support copying option groups during the CopyDBSnapshot operation

2022/12/06 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the BlueGreenDeploymentNotFoundFault to the AddTagsToResource, ListTagsForResource, and RemoveTagsFromResource operations.

2022/11/28 - 4 new api methods

Changes   This release enables new Aurora and RDS feature called Blue/Green Deployments that makes updates to databases safer, simpler and faster.

2022/11/16 - 33 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for container databases (CDBs) to Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle. A CDB contains one PDB at creation. You can add more PDBs using Oracle SQL. You can also customize your database installation by setting the Oracle base, Oracle home, and the OS user name and group.

2022/11/14 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for restoring an RDS Multi-AZ DB cluster snapshot to a Single-AZ deployment or a Multi-AZ DB instance deployment.

2022/11/01 - 24 updated api methods

Changes   Relational Database Service - This release adds support for configuring Storage Throughput on RDS database instances.

2022/10/26 - 10 updated api methods

Changes   Added a new cluster-level attribute to set the capacity range for Neptune Serverless instances.

2022/10/25 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Relational Database Service - This release adds support for exporting DB cluster data to Amazon S3.

2022/09/19 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Amazon RDS Proxy with SQL Server compatibility.

2022/08/23 - 1 new 5 updated api methods

Changes   RDS for Oracle supports Oracle Data Guard switchover and read replica backups.

2022/08/17 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) for RDS Aurora database clusters.

2022/07/22 - 1 new 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the "ModifyActivityStream" API with support for audit policy state locking and unlocking.

2022/07/21 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Enable copy-on-write restore type

2022/06/08 - 6 new 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Neptune to be configured as a global database, with a primary DB cluster in one region, and up to five secondary DB clusters in other regions.

2022/04/29 - 16 updated api methods

Changes   Feature - Adds support for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) on RDS database instances.

2022/04/20 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Added a new cluster-level attribute to set the capacity range for Aurora Serverless v2 instances.

2022/04/07 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Added support to enable/disable performance insights when creating or modifying db instances

2022/02/14 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for determining which Aurora PostgreSQL versions support Babelfish.

2022/01/11 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the db-proxy event type to support subscribing to RDS Proxy events.

2021/11/23 - 1 new 12 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for Multi-AZ DB clusters for RDS for MySQL and RDS for PostgreSQL.

2021/11/22 - 21 updated api methods

Changes   Adds local backup support to Amazon RDS on AWS Outposts.

2021/11/01 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for major version upgrades to ModifyDbCluster API

2021/10/25 - 3 new 17 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Amazon RDS Custom, which is a new RDS management type that gives you full access to your database and operating system. For more information, see

2021/09/10 - 11 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for providing a custom timeout value for finding a scaling point during autoscaling in Aurora Serverless v1.

2021/08/04 - 23 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds AutomaticRestartTime to the DescribeDBInstances and DescribeDBClusters operations. AutomaticRestartTime indicates the time when a stopped DB instance or DB cluster is restarted automatically.

2021/07/21 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   Adds the OriginalSnapshotCreateTime field to the DBSnapshot response object. This field timestamps the underlying data of a snapshot and doesn't change when the snapshot is copied.

2021/06/17 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   This release enables Database Activity Streams for RDS Oracle

2021/06/16 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release enables fast cloning in Aurora Serverless. You can now clone between Aurora Serverless clusters and Aurora Provisioned clusters.

2021/06/02 - 5 new 9 updated api methods

Changes   This SDK release adds support for DocDB global clusters.

2021/05/17 - 10 updated api methods

Changes   Neptune support for CopyTagsToSnapshots

2021/03/29 - 6 new api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Event Subscriptions to DocumentDB.

2021/03/09 - 4 new 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Amazon RDS Proxy endpoints.

2021/02/19 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Added awsBackupRecoveryPointArn in ModifyDBInstanceRequest and in the response of ModifyDBInstance.

2021/02/12 - 5 updated api methods

Changes   EngineMode in the response of DescribeDBClusterSnapshots. SupportedEngineModes, SupportsParallelQuery and SupportsGlobalDatabases in ValidUpgradeTarget of DBEngineVersions in DescribeDBEngineVersions.

2021/02/11 - 1 new 5 updated api methods

Changes   Adding support for RDS Aurora Global Database Failover Support cross-region copying in DocDB and Neptune

2021/01/11 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This releases adds support for Major Version Upgrades on Aurora MySQL Global Clusters. Customers will be able to upgrade their whole Aurora MySQL Global Cluster to a new major engine version.

2020/12/22 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   Adds customer-owned IP address (CoIP) support to Amazon RDS on AWS Outposts.

2020/12/18 - 23 updated api methods

Changes   Adds IAM DB authentication information to the PendingModifiedValues output of the DescribeDBInstances API. Adds ClusterPendingModifiedValues information to the output of the DescribeDBClusters API.

2020/12/04 - 2 new 15 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for Amazon RDS Cross-Region Automated Backups, the ability to setup automatic replication of snapshots and transaction logs from a primary AWS Region to a secondary AWS Region.

2020/11/17 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Support copy-db-snapshot in the one region on cross clusters and local cluster for RDSonVmware. Add target-custom-availability-zone parameter to specify where a snapshot should be copied.

2020/11/05 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Supports a new parameter to set the max allocated storage in gigabytes for the CreateDBInstanceReadReplica API.

2020/10/26 - 4 new 12 updated api methods

Changes   This feature enables custom endpoints for Amazon Neptune clusters. Custom endpoints simplify connection management when clusters contain instances with different capacities and configuration settings.

2020/10/15 - 32 updated api methods

Changes   Return tags for all resources in the output of DescribeDBInstances, DescribeDBSnapshots, DescribeDBClusters, and DescribeDBClusterSnapshots API operations.

2020/10/08 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Supports a new parameter to set the max allocated storage in gigabytes for restore database instance from S3 and restore database instance to a point in time APIs.

2020/10/02 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   Adds the NCHAR Character Set ID parameter to the CreateDbInstance API for RDS Oracle.

2020/09/14 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Updated API documentation and added paginators for DescribeCertificates, DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups, DescribeDBClusterParameters, DescribeDBClusterSnapshots and DescribePendingMaintenanceActions

2020/08/13 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release allows customers to specify a replica mode when creating or modifying a Read Replica, for DB engines which support this feature.

2020/07/20 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Add a new SupportsParallelQuery output field to DescribeDBEngineVersions. This field shows whether the engine version supports parallelquery. Add a new SupportsGlobalDatabases output field to DescribeDBEngineVersions and DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions. This field shows whether global database is supported by engine version or the combination of engine version and instance class.

2020/07/06 - 16 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for Amazon RDS on AWS Outposts.

2020/06/18 - 16 updated api methods

Changes   Adding support for global write forwarding on secondary clusters in an Aurora global database.

2020/04/23 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds support for AWS Local Zones, including a new optional parameter AvailabilityZoneGroup for the DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions operation.

2020/04/16 - 6 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Amazon RDS Proxy with PostgreSQL compatibility.

2020/02/18 - 11 updated api methods

Changes   This release supports Microsoft Active Directory authentication for Amazon Aurora.

2020/02/12 - 2 new api methods

Changes   This launch enables Neptune start-db-cluster and stop-db-cluster. Stopping and starting Amazon Neptune clusters helps you manage costs for development and test environments. You can temporarily stop all the DB instances in your cluster, instead of setting up and tearing down all the DB instances each time that you use the cluster.

2020/01/23 - 3 new api methods

Changes   This SDK release introduces APIs that automate the export of Amazon RDS snapshot data to Amazon S3. The new APIs include: StartExportTask, CancelExportTask, DescribeExportTasks. These APIs automate the extraction of data from an RDS snapshot and export it to an Amazon S3 bucket. The data is stored in a compressed, consistent, and query-able format. After the data is exported, you can query it directly using tools such as Amazon Athena or Redshift Spectrum. You can also consume the data as part of a data lake solution. If you archive the data in S3 Infrequent Access or Glacier, you can reduce long term data storage costs by applying data lifecycle policies.

2020/01/17 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes Deletion Protection for Amazon Neptune databases.

2020/01/10 - 1 new 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an operation that enables users to override the system-default SSL/TLS certificate for new Amazon RDS DB instances temporarily, or remove the customer override.

2019/12/20 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds an operation that enables users to specify whether a database is restarted when its SSL/TLS certificate is rotated. Only customers who do not use SSL/TLS should use this operation.

2019/12/04 - 9 new api methods

Changes   This release adds support for the Amazon RDS Proxy

2019/11/25 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Cluster Endpoints can now be tagged by using --tags in the create-db-cluster-endpoint API

2019/10/17 - 6 new api methods

Changes   Amazon RDS now supports Amazon RDS on VMware with the introduction of APIs related to Custom Availability Zones and Media installation.

2019/10/01 - 1 new 5 updated api methods

Changes   This release provides support for describe and modify CA certificates.

2019/09/30 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for creating a Read Replica with Active Directory domain information. This release updates RDS API to indicate whether an OrderableDBInstanceOption supports Kerberos Authentication.

2019/09/20 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   Add a new LeaseID output field to DescribeReservedDBInstances, which shows the unique identifier for the lease associated with the reserved DB instance. AWS Support might request the lease ID for an issue related to a reserved DB instance.

2019/09/11 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release allows customers to specify a custom parameter group when creating a Read Replica, for DB engines which support this feature.

2019/08/22 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release allows users to enable RDS Data API while creating Aurora Serverless databases.

2019/07/03 - 11 updated api methods

Changes   This release supports Cross-Account Cloning for Amazon Aurora clusters.

2019/07/01 - 2 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   This release provides support for cluster delete protection and the ability to stop and start clusters.

2019/07/01 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for RDS DB Cluster major version upgrade

2019/07/01 - 2 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   This release provides support for cluster delete protection and the ability to stop and start clusters.

2019/07/01 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for RDS DB Cluster major version upgrade

2019/06/20 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for RDS storage autoscaling

2019/06/17 - 8 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds a feature to configure Amazon Neptune to publish audit logs to Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

2019/05/30 - 2 new 11 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds support for Activity Streams for database clusters.

2019/05/28 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Add a new output field Status to DBEngineVersion which shows the status of the engine version (either available or deprecated). Add a new parameter IncludeAll to DescribeDBEngineVersions to make it possible to return both available and deprecated engine versions. These changes enable a user to create a Read Replica of an DB instance on a deprecated engine version.

2019/04/24 - 2 updated api methods

Changes   A new parameter "feature-name" is added to the add-role and remove-role db cluster APIs. The value for the parameter is optional for Aurora MySQL compatible database clusters, but mandatory for Aurora PostgresQL. You can find the valid list of values using describe db engine versions API.

2019/04/18 - 11 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the TimeoutAction parameter to the ScalingConfiguration of an Aurora Serverless DB cluster. You can now configure the behavior when an auto-scaling capacity change can't find a scaling point.

2019/03/07 - 11 updated api methods

Changes   You can configure your Aurora database cluster to automatically copy tags on the cluster to any automated or manual database cluster snapshots that are created from the cluster. This allows you to easily set metadata on your snapshots to match the parent cluster, including access policies. You may enable or disable this functionality while creating a new cluster, or by modifying an existing database cluster.

2019/01/24 - 2 new 13 updated api methods

Changes   The Amazon RDS API allows you to add or remove Identity and Access Management (IAM) role associated with a specific feature name with an RDS database instance. This helps with capabilities such as invoking Lambda functions from within a trigger in the database, load data from Amazon S3 and so on

2019/01/09 - 39 new api methods

Changes   Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, reliable, and fully-managed database service. Amazon DocumentDB makes it easy for developers to set up, run, and scale MongoDB-compatible databases in the cloud.

2018/11/28 - 5 new 11 updated api methods

Changes   Amazon Aurora Global Database. This release introduces support for Global Database, a feature that allows a single Amazon Aurora database to span multiple AWS regions. Customers can use the feature to replicate data with no impact on database performance, enable fast local reads with low latency in each region, and improve disaster recovery from region-wide outages. You can create, modify and describe an Aurora Global Database, as well as add or remove regions from your Global Database.

2018/11/20 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds a new parameter to specify VPC security groups for restore from DB snapshot, restore to point int time and create read replica operations. For more information, see Amazon RDS Documentation.

2018/11/16 - 2 new 7 updated api methods

Changes   Introduces DB Instance Automated Backups for the MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database engines. You can now retain Amazon RDS automated backups (system snapshots and transaction logs) when you delete a database instance. This allows you to restore a deleted database instance to a specified point in time within the backup retention period even after it has been deleted, protecting you against accidental deletion of data. For more information, see Amazon RDS Documentation.

2018/11/12 - 4 new 11 updated api methods

Changes   API Update for RDS: this update enables Custom Endpoints, a new feature compatible with Aurora Mysql, Aurora PostgreSQL and Neptune that allows users to configure a customizable endpoint that will provide access to their instances in a cluster.

2018/10/30 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds the listener connection endpoint for SQL Server Always On to the list of fields returned when performing a describe-db-instances operation.

2018/10/15 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds a new parameter to specify the DB instance or cluster parameter group for restore from DB snapshot and restore to point int time operations. For more information, see Amazon RDS Documentation.

2018/09/26 - 23 updated api methods

Changes   This release includes Deletion Protection for RDS databases.

2018/09/24 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds DB engine version requirements for option group option settings, and specifies if an option setting requires a value.

2018/09/20 - 2 new api methods

Changes   This launch enables RDS start-db-cluster and stop-db-cluster. Stopping and starting Amazon Aurora clusters helps you manage costs for development and test environments. You can temporarily stop all the DB instances in your cluster, instead of setting up and tearing down all the DB instances each time that you use the cluster.

2018/08/09 - 1 new 19 updated api methods

Changes   Launch RDS Aurora Serverless

2018/06/20 - 12 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds a new parameter to specify the retention period for Performance Insights data for RDS instances. You can either choose 7 days (default) or 731 days. For more information, see Amazon RDS Documentation.

2018/06/05 - 19 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds customizable processor features for RDS instances.

2018/05/30 - 57 new api methods

Changes   Amazon Neptune is a fast, reliable graph database service that makes it easy to build and run applications that work with highly connected datasets. Neptune supports popular graph models Property Graph and W3C's Resource Description Frame (RDF), and their respective query languages Apache TinkerPop Gremlin 3.3.2 and SPARQL 1.1.

2018/05/24 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   This release adds CloudWatch Logs integration capabilities to RDS Aurora MySQL clusters

2018/05/10 - 2 new 9 updated api methods

Changes   Changes to support the Aurora MySQL Backtrack feature.

2018/04/19 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   The ModifyDBCluster operation now includes an EngineVersion parameter. You can use this to upgrade the engine for a clustered database.

2018/02/16 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Updates RDS API to indicate whether a DBEngine supports read replicas.

2018/01/16 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   With this release you can now integrate RDS DB instances with CloudWatch Logs. We have added parameters to the operations for creating and modifying DB instances (for example CreateDBInstance) to allow you to take advantage of this capability through the CLI and API. Once you enable this feature, a stream of log events will publish to CloudWatch Logs for each log type you enable.

2018/01/11 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Read Replicas for Amazon RDS for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL now support Multi-AZ deployments.Amazon RDS Read Replicas enable you to create one or more read-only copies of your database instance within the same AWS Region or in a different AWS Region. Updates made to the source database are asynchronously copied to the Read Replicas. In addition to providing scalability for read-heavy workloads, you can choose to promote a Read Replica to become standalone a DB instance when needed.Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments provide enhanced availability for database instances within a single AWS Region. With Multi-AZ, your data is synchronously replicated to a standby in a different Availability Zone (AZ). In case of an infrastructure failure, Amazon RDS performs an automatic failover to the standby, minimizing disruption to your applications.You can now combine Read Replicas with Multi-AZ as part of a disaster recovery strategy for your production databases. A well-designed and tested plan is critical for maintaining business continuity after a disaster. Since Read Replicas can also be created in different regions than the source database, your Read Replica can be promoted to become the new production database in case of a regional disruption.You can also combine Read Replicas with Multi-AZ for your database engine upgrade process. You can create a Read Replica of your production database instance and upgrade it to a new database engine version. When the upgrade is complete, you can stop applications, promote the Read Replica to a standalone database instance and switch over your applications. Since the database instance is already a Multi-AZ deployment, no additional steps are needed.For more information, see the Amazon RDS User Guide.

2017/11/17 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Amazon RDS now supports importing MySQL databases by using backup files from Amazon S3.

2017/11/07 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   DescribeOrderableDBInstanceOptions now returns the minimum and maximum allowed values for storage size, total provisioned IOPS, and provisioned IOPS per GiB for a DB instance.

2017/10/12 - 1 new api methods

Changes   You can now call DescribeValidDBInstanceModifications to learn what modifications you can make to your DB instance. You can use this information when you call ModifyDBInstance.

2017/09/20 - 13 updated api methods

Changes   Introduces the --option-group-name parameter to the ModifyDBSnapshot CLI command. You can specify this parameter when you upgrade an Oracle DB snapshot. The same option group considerations apply when upgrading a DB snapshot as when upgrading a DB instance. For more information, see

2017/08/25 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Option group options now contain additional properties that identify requirements for certain options. Check these properties to determine if your DB instance must be in a VPC or have auto minor upgrade turned on before you can use an option. Check to see if you can downgrade the version of an option after you have installed it.

2017/06/13 - 10 updated api methods

Changes   API Update for RDS: this update enables copy-on-write, a new Aurora MySQL Compatible Edition feature that allows users to restore their database, and support copy of TDE enabled snapshot cross region.

2017/05/31 - 2 new api methods

Changes   Amazon RDS customers can now easily and quickly stop and start their DB instances.

2017/04/28 - 4 updated api methods

Changes   The DescribeDBClusterSnapshots API now returns a SourceDBClusterSnapshotArn field which identifies the source DB cluster snapshot of a copied snapshot.

2017/04/26 - 54 new api methods

Changes   With Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) running MySQL or Amazon Aurora, you can now authenticate to your DB instance using IAM database authentication. Adds AWS.RDS.Signer class to generate auth tokens for connecting to a database.

2017/04/26 - 28 updated api methods

Changes   With Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) running MySQL or Amazon Aurora, you can now authenticate to your DB instance using IAM database authentication. Adds AWS.RDS.Signer class to generate auth tokens for connecting to a database.

2017/04/26 - 54 new api methods

Changes   With Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) running MySQL or Amazon Aurora, you can now authenticate to your DB instance using IAM database authentication. Adds AWS.RDS.Signer class to generate auth tokens for connecting to a database.

2017/04/26 - 28 updated api methods

Changes   With Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) running MySQL or Amazon Aurora, you can now authenticate to your DB instance using IAM database authentication. Adds AWS.RDS.Signer class to generate auth tokens for connecting to a database.

2017/03/08 - 3 updated api methods

Changes   Add support to using encrypted clusters as cross-region replication masters. Update CopyDBClusterSnapshot API to support encrypted cross region copy of Aurora cluster snapshots.

2017/01/26 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Added support for the `ModifyDBSnapshot` and `ModifyDBSnapshotMessage` operations

2017/01/25 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Fixes issue wherein the wrong parameter name was used for cross region presigned urls. Adds cross region read replica copying.

2017/01/18 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   Updates AWS.RDS API to the latest version.

2016/12/08 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   Add cluster create data to DBCluster APIs.

2016/10/18 - 2 new 9 updated api methods

Changes   Updates RDS to support accessing other AWS services by gassociating an IAM role with necessary permissions to your DB cluster.

2016/09/20 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Provide local time zone support for AWS RDS SqlServer database instances.

2016/09/15 - 9 updated api methods

Changes   Updates describeDbCluster operation to allow specifying a ReaderEndpoint for accessing cluster readers.

2016/09/07 - 1 new api methods

Changes   Adds new operation describeSourceRegions to provide list of all the source region names and endpoints for any region. Source regions are the regions where current region can get a replica or copy a snapshot from.

2016/09/02 - 1 updated api methods

Changes   Adds information in response of describeOptionGroupOptions about options that conflict with each other.

2016/08/23 - 53 updated api methods

Changes   Adds resource ARNs to Describe APIs.

2016/08/04 - 1 new 9 updated api methods

Changes   You can now use the AWS Management Console to easily move your DB instance to a different VPC, or to a different subnet group in the same VPC. For more information, see Updating the VPC for a DB Instance. If your DB instance is not in a VPC, you can now use the AWS Management Console to easily move your DB instance into a VPC. You can now copy the source files from a MySQL database to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket, and then restore an Amazon Aurora DB cluster from those files. This option can be considerably faster than migrating data using mysqldump.

2016/08/02 - 14 updated api methods

Changes   Support for license model and versioning of option groups.